{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
Module      : Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash
Copyright   : No rights reserved
License     : UNLICENSE
Maintainer  : xenog@protonmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Hashing functions and corresponding data types. Uses functions from the
cryptonite library.
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash
    ( -- * Hashes
    , Hash256(getHash256)
    , Hash160(getHash160)
    , CheckSum32(getCheckSum32)
    , sha512
    , sha256
    , ripemd160
    , sha1
    , doubleSHA256
    , addressHash
    , checkSum32
    , hmac512
    , hmac256
    , split512
    , join512
    ) where

import           Crypto.Hash             (RIPEMD160 (..), SHA1 (..),
                                          SHA256 (..), SHA512 (..), hashWith)
import           Crypto.MAC.HMAC         (HMAC, hmac)
import           Data.ByteArray          (ByteArrayAccess)
import qualified Data.ByteArray          as BA
import           Data.ByteString         (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString         as BS
import           Data.ByteString.Short   (ShortByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short   as BSS
import           Data.Either             (fromRight)
import           Data.Hashable           (Hashable)
import           Data.Serialize          (Serialize (..), decode)
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get      as Get
import qualified Data.Serialize.Put      as Put
import           Data.String             (IsString, fromString)
import           Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import           Data.Word               (Word32)
import           Network.Haskoin.Util
import           Text.Read               as R

-- | 'Word32' wrapped for type-safe 32-bit checksums.
newtype CheckSum32 = CheckSum32
    { getCheckSum32 :: Word32
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Serialize, Show, Read, Hashable)

-- | Type for 512-bit hashes.
newtype Hash512 = Hash512 { getHash512 :: ShortByteString }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Hashable)

-- | Type for 256-bit hashes.
newtype Hash256 = Hash256 { getHash256 :: ShortByteString }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Hashable)

-- | Type for 160-bit hashes.
newtype Hash160 = Hash160 { getHash160 :: ShortByteString }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Hashable)

instance Show Hash512 where
    showsPrec _ = shows . encodeHex . BSS.fromShort . getHash512

instance Read Hash512 where
    readPrec = do
        R.String str <- lexP
        maybe pfail return $ Hash512 . BSS.toShort <$> decodeHex (cs str)

instance Show Hash256 where
    showsPrec _ = shows . encodeHex . BSS.fromShort . getHash256

instance Read Hash256 where
    readPrec = do
        R.String str <- lexP
        maybe pfail return $ Hash256 . BSS.toShort <$> decodeHex (cs str)

instance Show Hash160 where
    showsPrec _ = shows . encodeHex . BSS.fromShort . getHash160

instance Read Hash160 where
    readPrec = do
        R.String str <- lexP
        maybe pfail return $ Hash160 . BSS.toShort <$> decodeHex (cs str)

instance IsString Hash512 where
    fromString str =
        case decodeHex $ cs str of
            Nothing -> e
            Just bs ->
                case BS.length bs of
                    64 -> Hash512 (BSS.toShort bs)
                    _  -> e
        e = error "Could not decode hash from hex string"

instance Serialize Hash512 where
    get = Hash512 <$> Get.getShortByteString 64
    put = Put.putShortByteString . getHash512

instance IsString Hash256 where
    fromString str =
        case decodeHex $ cs str of
            Nothing -> e
            Just bs ->
                case BS.length bs of
                    32 -> Hash256 (BSS.toShort bs)
                    _  -> e
        e = error "Could not decode hash from hex string"

instance Serialize Hash256 where
    get = Hash256 <$> Get.getShortByteString 32
    put = Put.putShortByteString . getHash256

instance IsString Hash160 where
    fromString str =
        case decodeHex $ cs str of
            Nothing -> e
            Just bs ->
                case BS.length bs of
                    20 -> Hash160 (BSS.toShort bs)
                    _  -> e
        e = error "Could not decode hash from hex string"

instance Serialize Hash160 where
    get = Hash160 <$> Get.getShortByteString 20
    put = Put.putShortByteString . getHash160

-- | Calculate SHA512 hash.
sha512 :: ByteArrayAccess b => b -> Hash512
sha512 = Hash512 . BSS.toShort . BA.convert . hashWith SHA512

-- | Calculate SHA256 hash.
sha256 :: ByteArrayAccess b => b -> Hash256
sha256 = Hash256 . BSS.toShort . BA.convert . hashWith SHA256

-- | Calculate RIPEMD160 hash.
ripemd160 :: ByteArrayAccess b => b -> Hash160
ripemd160 = Hash160 . BSS.toShort . BA.convert. hashWith RIPEMD160

-- | Claculate SHA1 hash.
sha1 :: ByteArrayAccess b => b -> Hash160
sha1 = Hash160 . BSS.toShort . BA.convert . hashWith SHA1

-- | Compute two rounds of SHA-256.
doubleSHA256 :: ByteArrayAccess b => b -> Hash256
doubleSHA256 =
    Hash256 . BSS.toShort . BA.convert . hashWith SHA256 . hashWith SHA256

-- | Compute SHA-256 followed by RIPMED-160.
addressHash :: ByteArrayAccess b => b -> Hash160
addressHash =
    Hash160 . BSS.toShort . BA.convert . hashWith RIPEMD160 . hashWith SHA256

{- CheckSum -}

-- | Computes a 32 bit checksum.
checkSum32 :: ByteArrayAccess b => b -> CheckSum32
checkSum32 = fromRight (error "Colud not decode bytes as CheckSum32")
             . decode
             . BS.take 4
             . BA.convert
             . hashWith SHA256
             . hashWith SHA256

{- HMAC -}

-- | Computes HMAC over SHA-512.
hmac512 :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Hash512
hmac512 key msg =
    Hash512 $ BSS.toShort $ BA.convert (hmac key msg :: HMAC SHA512)

-- | Computes HMAC over SHA-256.
hmac256 :: (ByteArrayAccess k, ByteArrayAccess m) => k -> m -> Hash256
hmac256 key msg =
    Hash256 $ BSS.toShort $ BA.convert (hmac key msg :: HMAC SHA256)

-- | Split a 'Hash512' into a pair of 'Hash256'.
split512 :: Hash512 -> (Hash256, Hash256)
split512 h =
    (Hash256 (BSS.toShort a), Hash256 (BSS.toShort b))
    (a, b) = BS.splitAt 32 . BSS.fromShort $ getHash512 h

-- | Join a pair of 'Hash256' into a 'Hash512'.
join512 :: (Hash256, Hash256) -> Hash512
join512 (a, b) =
    Hash512 .
    BSS.toShort $
        BSS.fromShort (getHash256 a) `BS.append` BSS.fromShort (getHash256 b)