haskoin-wallet-0.0.1: Implementation of a Bitcoin hierarchical deterministric wallet (BIP32).

Safe HaskellNone



Arbitrary instances for wallet data types.



genPubKeyC :: Gen PubKeySource

Generate an arbitrary compressed public key.

genMulSigInput :: Gen ScriptHashInputSource

Generate an arbitrary script hash input spending a multisignature pay to script hash.

genRegularInput :: Gen TxInSource

Generate an arbitrary transaction input spending a public key hash or script hash output.

genAddrOutput :: Gen TxOutSource

Generate an arbitrary output paying to a public key hash or script hash address.

data RegularTx Source

Data type for generating arbitrary transaction with inputs and outputs consisting only of script hash or pub key hash scripts.


RegularTx Tx 

data MSParam Source

Data type for generating arbitrary valid multisignature parameters (m of n)


MSParam Int Int