-- |
-- Module    :  Torch.Indef.Dynamic.Types
-- Copyright :  (c) Sam Stites 2017
-- License   :  BSD3
-- Maintainer:  sam@stites.io
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Torch.Indef.Types
  ( module Sig
  , DimVal(..)

  , Step(..), Stride(..), StorageOffset(..), Size(..), KeepDim(..), fromKeepDim, keep, ignore, SortOrder(..), TopKOrder(..)
  , AllocatorContext(..) -- , StorageSize(..), Index(..)

  , (.:)

  -- manage arguments to c functions
  , managedState
  , managedStorage
  , managedTensor
  , managedGen

  -- lift managed IO actions
  , withLift
  , withDynamic
  , withStorage

  -- monadic patterns to be replaced with applicative-style
  , with2DynamicState
  , with3DynamicState

  -- helper functions for monadic construction
  , mkDynamic
  , mkStorage
  ) where

import Foreign hiding (with)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import GHC.Int (Int64(..), Int32(..))
import Control.Monad.Managed
import Numeric.Dimensions
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Array as FM

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Torch.Types.TH (C'THState)
import GHC.TypeLits

import Torch.Sig.State as Sig
import Torch.Sig.Types as Sig
import Torch.Sig.Types.Global as Sig

import qualified Numeric.Dimensions (KnownDim)
import qualified Torch.Types.TH as TH
import qualified Torch.FFI.TH.Long.Storage as TH
import qualified Torch.Sig.Tensor.Memory as SigTen
import qualified Torch.Sig.Storage.Memory as SigStore


-- | From
-- https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/c61f0217a536d19c9ff3290067ddcbb9ce3a5c6a/aten/src/THNN/Reduction.h
-- NB: Keep this in sync with Reduction class in torch/nn/modules/functional.py
-- These constants control the reduction behavior of loss functions.
-- Ideally, this would be a scoped enum, but jit doesn't support that
data Reduction
  = NoReduce         -- ^ Do not reduce
  | ElementwiseMean  -- ^ Sum losses and take mean over each individually computed loss element
  | Sum              -- ^ Sum losses

-- helpers for dimensions:

-- | term-level representation of an index.
newtype DimVal = DimVal Int32
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show)

-- | term-level representation of an index.
newtype Index = Index Int64
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show)

{-# DEPRECATED DimVal, Index "Use dimensions package's Idx instead" #-}

transferDims :: Proxy (ds::[Nat]) -> Dim ds
transferDims p = undefined

go :: forall f m . Proxy (m::[Nat]) -> Dim (f :: [Nat])
go _ =
  if null (fromSing (sing :: Sing m))
  then (D  :: Dim f)
  else (Dn :: (x:xs) ~ m => Dim (x::Nat)) :* (go (Proxy :: (x:xs) ~ m => Proxy xs))
-- -}

-- Helper function to debug dimensions package. We return @Integral i@ in case we need to cast directly to C-level types.


-- | newtype wrapper around the C-level representation of a tensor's internal
-- 'Storage' stride for each dimension.
newtype Stride = Stride CLLong
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show)

-- | newtype wrapper around the C-level representation of a dimension's size
newtype Size = Size CLLong
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show)

-- | newtype wrapper around the C-level representation of a storage offset
newtype StorageOffset = Offset CPtrdiff
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show)

-- | Represents the size of storage, should be CPtrdiff to match with the C internals
newtype StorageSize = StorageSize CPtrdiff
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show)

-- | newtype wrapper around the C-level representation of a step size
newtype Step = Step CLong
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show)

-- | haskell representation of a CInt which determines whether or not to return dimensions
newtype KeepDim = KeepDim { keepIt :: Bool }
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- | cast a 'KeepDim' to a numerical representation.
-- NOTE: don't bind the @i@ in case there are some differences between THC and TH
fromKeepDim :: Integral i => Maybe KeepDim -> i
fromKeepDim = maybe 0 (fromIntegral . fromEnum)

-- | smart constructors for keepdim since we don't get inference for free like Num
keep,  ignore :: KeepDim
(keep, ignore) = (KeepDim True, KeepDim False)

-- | Simple datatype to represent sort order arguments which torch provides to us.
data SortOrder = Ascending | Descending
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

-- | Simple datatype to represent arguments for a topk function.
-- See https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/75a86469aa9e2f5f04e11895b269ec22eb0e4687/lib/TH/generic/THTensorMath.c#L2545
data TopKOrder = KAscending | KNone | KDescending
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

-- | this is supposed to represent the AllocatorContext, but it should not be exposed to a user.
newtype AllocatorContext = AllocatorContext (Ptr ())
{-# WARNING AllocatorContext "this should not be used or referenced -- we are still figuring out what to do with this." #-}


ptrArray2hs :: (Ptr a -> IO (Ptr CReal)) -> (Ptr a -> IO Int) -> ForeignPtr a -> IO [HsReal]
ptrArray2hs updPtrArray toSize fp = do
  sz <- withForeignPtr fp toSize
  creals <- withForeignPtr fp updPtrArray
  (fmap.fmap) c2hsReal (FM.peekArray sz creals)

-- | The blackbird combinator.
-- (stites): This happens often enough that I'm pulling in the blackbird
-- FIXME(stites): remove this
(.:) :: (b -> c) -> (a0 -> a1 -> b) -> a0 -> a1 -> c
(.:) = (.) . (.)
infixl 5 .:

-- | run a function against the internal reference of a torch generator.
withGen :: Sig.Generator -> (Ptr CGenerator -> IO x) -> IO x
withGen g fn = withForeignPtr (Sig.rng g) fn

-- | run a function with a managed state's raw internal pointer.
managedState :: Managed (Ptr Sig.CState)
managedState = managed (withForeignPtr Sig.torchstate)

managedTensor :: Sig.Dynamic -> Managed (Ptr Sig.CTensor)
managedTensor t = managed (withForeignPtr (Sig.ctensor t))

managedStorage :: Sig.Storage -> Managed (Ptr Sig.CStorage)
managedStorage t = managed (withForeignPtr (Sig.cstorage t))

managedGen :: Sig.Generator -> Managed (Ptr CGenerator)
managedGen g = managed (withForeignPtr (Sig.rng g))

-- | run a function with two tensors with reference to the first tensor's underlying state.
  :: Sig.Dynamic
  -> Sig.Dynamic
  -> (Ptr Sig.CState -> Ptr Sig.CTensor -> Ptr Sig.CTensor -> IO x)
  -> IO x
with2DynamicState t0 t1 fn = withLift $ fn
  <$> managedState
  <*> managedTensor t0
  <*> managedTensor t1

-- | run a function with three tensors with reference to the first tensor's underlying state.
  :: Sig.Dynamic
  -> Sig.Dynamic
  -> Sig.Dynamic
  -> (Ptr Sig.CState -> Ptr Sig.CTensor -> Ptr Sig.CTensor -> Ptr Sig.CTensor -> IO x)
  -> IO x
with3DynamicState t0 t1 t2 fn = withLift $ fn
  <$> managedState
  <*> managedTensor t0
  <*> managedTensor t1
  <*> managedTensor t2

withLift :: Managed (IO x) -> IO x
withLift = flip with pure . (liftIO =<<)

-- | smart constructor for a Managed 'Sig.Dynamic' tensor
withDynamic :: Managed (IO (Ptr Sig.CTensor)) -> IO Sig.Dynamic
withDynamic = flip with mkDynamic . (liftIO =<<)

-- | smart constructor for a Managed 'Sig.Storage' tensor
withStorage :: Managed (IO (Ptr Sig.CStorage)) -> IO Sig.Storage
withStorage = flip with mkStorage . (liftIO =<<)

-- | smart constructor for a 'Sig.Dynamic' tensor
mkDynamic :: Ptr Sig.CTensor -> IO Sig.Dynamic
mkDynamic t = with managedState $ \s ->
  Sig.dynamic Sig.torchstate <$> newForeignPtrEnv SigTen.p_free s t

-- | run a function with access to a 'Sig.Storage's underlying state and C-reference.
withStorageState :: Sig.Storage -> (Ptr Sig.CState -> Ptr Sig.CStorage -> IO x) -> IO x
withStorageState t fn = flip with pure . (liftIO =<<) $ fn
  <$> managedState
  <*> managedStorage t

-- | smart constructor for 'Sig.Storage'
mkStorage :: Ptr Sig.CStorage -> IO Sig.Storage
mkStorage t = with managedState $ \s ->
  Sig.storage Sig.torchstate <$> newForeignPtrEnv SigStore.p_free s t