haskus-utils- Haskus utility modules

Safe HaskellNone




Simple Constraint solver



type PredOracle p = Map p PredState Source #

Predicate oracle

makeOracle :: Ord p => [(p, PredState)] -> PredOracle p Source #

Create an oracle from a list

oraclePredicates :: Ord p => PredOracle p -> [(p, PredState)] Source #

Get a list of predicates from an oracle

emptyOracle :: PredOracle p Source #

Oracle that always answer Undef

predIsSet :: Ord p => PredOracle p -> p -> Bool Source #

Ask an oracle if a predicate is set

predIsUnset :: Ord p => PredOracle p -> p -> Bool Source #

Ask an oracle if a predicate is unset

predIsUndef :: Ord p => PredOracle p -> p -> Bool Source #

Ask an oracle if a predicate is undefined

predIs :: Ord p => PredOracle p -> p -> PredState -> Bool Source #

Check the state of a predicate

predState :: Ord p => PredOracle p -> p -> PredState Source #

Get predicate state


data Constraint e p Source #


Predicate p 
Not (Constraint e p) 
And [Constraint e p] 
Or [Constraint e p] 
Xor [Constraint e p] 
CBool Bool 


Functor (Constraint e) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Constraint e a -> Constraint e b #

(<$) :: a -> Constraint e b -> Constraint e a #

Eq p => Eq (Constraint e p) Source # 


(==) :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Bool #

(/=) :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Bool #

Ord p => Ord (Constraint e p) Source # 


compare :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Ordering #

(<) :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Bool #

(<=) :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Bool #

(>) :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Bool #

(>=) :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Bool #

max :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Constraint e p #

min :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p -> Constraint e p #

Show p => Show (Constraint e p) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Constraint e p -> ShowS #

show :: Constraint e p -> String #

showList :: [Constraint e p] -> ShowS #

(Ord p, Eq e, Eq p) => Predicated (Constraint e p) Source # 
type PredErr (Constraint e p) Source # 
type PredErr (Constraint e p) = e
type Pred (Constraint e p) Source # 
type Pred (Constraint e p) = p
type PredTerm (Constraint e p) Source # 
type PredTerm (Constraint e p) = Bool

simplifyConstraint :: Constraint e p -> Constraint e p Source #

Simplify a constraint

constraintReduce :: (Ord p, Eq p, Eq e) => PredOracle p -> Constraint e p -> Constraint e p Source #

Reduce a constraint


data Rule e p a Source #


Terminal a 
NonTerminal [(Constraint e p, Rule e p a)] 
Fail e 


Functor (Rule e p) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Rule e p a -> Rule e p b #

(<$) :: a -> Rule e p b -> Rule e p a #

(Eq e, Eq p, Eq a) => Eq (Rule e p a) Source # 


(==) :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Bool #

(Ord e, Ord p, Ord a) => Ord (Rule e p a) Source # 


compare :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Bool #

(>) :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Bool #

max :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Rule e p a #

min :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p a -> Rule e p a #

(Show e, Show p, Show a) => Show (Rule e p a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Rule e p a -> ShowS #

show :: Rule e p a -> String #

showList :: [Rule e p a] -> ShowS #

(Ord p, Eq e, Eq a, Eq p) => Predicated (Rule e p a) Source # 

Associated Types

type PredErr (Rule e p a) :: * Source #

type Pred (Rule e p a) :: * Source #

type PredTerm (Rule e p a) :: * Source #


liftTerminal :: PredTerm (Rule e p a) -> Rule e p a Source #

reducePredicates :: PredOracle (Pred (Rule e p a)) -> Rule e p a -> MatchResult (PredErr (Rule e p a)) (Rule e p a) (PredTerm (Rule e p a)) Source #

getTerminals :: Rule e p a -> [PredTerm (Rule e p a)] Source #

getPredicates :: Rule e p a -> [Pred (Rule e p a)] Source #

type PredErr (Rule e p a) Source # 
type PredErr (Rule e p a) = e
type Pred (Rule e p a) Source # 
type Pred (Rule e p a) = p
type PredTerm (Rule e p a) Source # 
type PredTerm (Rule e p a) = a

orderedNonTerminal :: [(Constraint e p, Rule e p a)] -> Rule e p a Source #

NonTerminal whose constraints are evaluated in order

Earlier constraints must be proven false for the next ones to be considered

mergeRules :: Rule e p a -> Rule e p b -> Rule e p (a, b) Source #

Merge two rules together

evalsTo :: (Ord (Pred a), Eq a, Eq (PredTerm a), Eq (Pred a), Predicated a) => a -> PredTerm a -> Constraint e (Pred a) Source #

Constraint checking that a predicated value evaluates to some terminal

data MatchResult e nt t Source #

Reduction result


Match t 
DontMatch nt 
MatchFail [e] 
MatchDiverge [nt] 


Functor (MatchResult e nt) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MatchResult e nt a -> MatchResult e nt b #

(<$) :: a -> MatchResult e nt b -> MatchResult e nt a #

(Eq e, Eq nt, Eq t) => Eq (MatchResult e nt t) Source # 


(==) :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> Bool #

(/=) :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> Bool #

(Ord e, Ord nt, Ord t) => Ord (MatchResult e nt t) Source # 


compare :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> Ordering #

(<) :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> Bool #

(<=) :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> Bool #

(>) :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> Bool #

(>=) :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> Bool #

max :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t #

min :: MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t -> MatchResult e nt t #

(Show e, Show nt, Show t) => Show (MatchResult e nt t) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> MatchResult e nt t -> ShowS #

show :: MatchResult e nt t -> String #

showList :: [MatchResult e nt t] -> ShowS #

Predicated data

class Predicated a where Source #

Predicated data

data T
data NT

type family RuleT e p a s :: * where
   RuleT e p a T   = a
   RuleT e p a NT  = Rule e p a

data PD t = PD
   { p1 :: RuleT () Bool Int t
   , p2 :: RuleT () Bool String t

deriving instance Eq (PD T)
deriving instance Show (PD T)
deriving instance Ord (PD T)
deriving instance Eq (PD NT)
deriving instance Show (PD NT)
deriving instance Ord (PD NT)

instance Predicated (PD NT) where
   type PredErr (PD NT)  = ()
   type Pred (PD NT)     = Bool
   type PredTerm (PD NT) = PD T

   liftTerminal (PD a b) = PD (liftTerminal a) (liftTerminal b)

   reducePredicates oracle (PD a b) =
      initP PD PD
         |> (applyP reducePredicates oracle a)
         |> (applyP reducePredicates oracle b)
         |> resultP

   getTerminals (PD as bs) = [ PD a b | a <- getTerminals as
                                      , b <- getTerminals bs
   getPredicates (PD a b) = concat
                              [ getPredicates a
                              , getPredicates b

Associated Types

type PredErr a :: * Source #

Error type

type Pred a :: * Source #

Predicate type

type PredTerm a :: * Source #

Terminal type


liftTerminal :: PredTerm a -> a Source #

Build a non terminal from a terminal

reducePredicates :: PredOracle (Pred a) -> a -> MatchResult (PredErr a) a (PredTerm a) Source #

Reduce predicates

getTerminals :: a -> [PredTerm a] Source #

Get possible resulting terminals

getPredicates :: a -> [Pred a] Source #

Get used predicates


(Ord p, Eq e, Eq p) => Predicated (Constraint e p) Source # 
(Ord p, Eq e, Eq a, Eq p) => Predicated (Rule e p a) Source # 

Associated Types

type PredErr (Rule e p a) :: * Source #

type Pred (Rule e p a) :: * Source #

type PredTerm (Rule e p a) :: * Source #


liftTerminal :: PredTerm (Rule e p a) -> Rule e p a Source #

reducePredicates :: PredOracle (Pred (Rule e p a)) -> Rule e p a -> MatchResult (PredErr (Rule e p a)) (Rule e p a) (PredTerm (Rule e p a)) Source #

getTerminals :: Rule e p a -> [PredTerm (Rule e p a)] Source #

getPredicates :: Rule e p a -> [Pred (Rule e p a)] Source #

createPredicateTable :: (Ord (Pred a), Eq (Pred a), Eq a, Predicated a, Predicated a, Pred a ~ Pred a) => a -> (PredOracle (Pred a) -> Bool) -> Bool -> Either (PredTerm a) [(PredOracle (Pred a), PredTerm a)] Source #

Create a table of predicates that return a terminal

initP :: nt -> t -> MatchResult e nt (nt, t) Source #

Initialise a reduction result (typically with two functions/constructors)

applyP :: Predicated ntb => MatchResult e (ntb -> nt) (ntb -> nt, PredTerm ntb -> t) -> MatchResult e ntb (PredTerm ntb) -> MatchResult e nt (nt, t) Source #

Compose reduction results

We reuse the MatchResult data type: * a "terminal" on the left can be used to build either a terminal or a non terminal * a "non terminal" on the left can only be used to build a non terminal

resultP :: MatchResult e nt (nt, t) -> MatchResult e nt t Source #

Fixup result (see initP and applyP)