haverer- Implementation of the rules of Love Letter

Safe HaskellNone




data Game playerId Source


Show playerId => Show (Game playerId) Source 

data Outcome playerId Source


Show playerId => Show (Outcome playerId) Source 

finalScores :: Ord playerId => Outcome playerId -> [(playerId, Int)] Source

Get the final scores at the end of the game.

makeGame :: Ord playerId => PlayerSet playerId -> Game playerId Source

Create a new game for the given set of players.

newRound :: (Functor m, MonadRandom m, Ord playerId, Show playerId) => Game playerId -> m (Round playerId) Source

Start a new round of the game, shuffling the deck cards ourselves.

newRound' :: (Ord playerId, Show playerId) => Game playerId -> FullDeck -> Round playerId Source

Start a new round of the game with an already-shuffled deck of cards.

players :: Game playerId -> PlayerSet playerId Source

Return the set of all players

playersWon :: Ord playerId => Game playerId -> [playerId] -> Either (Outcome playerId) (Game playerId) Source

Indicate that the specified players won.

Since 0.3, will also rotate the order of play, so the person to the left of the previous first person is now the first.

roundsPlayed :: Game playerId -> Int Source

Return the number of rounds played.

scores :: Ord playerId => Game playerId -> [(playerId, Int)] Source

Return the current scores of all the players.

winners :: Ord playerId => Outcome playerId -> [playerId] Source

Get the winners of the game.