{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |A module for automatic, optimal protocol pipelining.
--  Protocol pipelining is a technique in which multiple requests are written
--  out to a single socket without waiting for the corresponding responses.
--  The pipelining of requests results in a dramatic improvement in protocol
--  performance.
--  [Optimal Pipelining] uses the least number of network packets possible
--  [Automatic Pipelining] means that requests are implicitly pipelined as much
--      as possible, i.e. as long as a request's response is not used before any
--      subsequent requests.
module Database.Redis.ProtocolPipelining (
  connect, enableTLS, beginReceiving, disconnect, request, send, recv, flush,
  HostName, PortID(..)
) where

import           Prelude
import           Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import           Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Scanner
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Typeable
import           Network
import qualified Network.BSD as BSD
import qualified Network.Socket as NS
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS
import           System.IO
import           System.IO.Error
import           System.IO.Unsafe

import           Database.Redis.Protocol

data ConnectionContext = NormalHandle Handle | TLSContext TLS.Context

data Connection = Conn
  { connCtx        :: ConnectionContext -- ^ Connection socket-handle.
  , connReplies    :: IORef [Reply] -- ^ Reply thunks for unsent requests.
  , connPending    :: IORef [Reply]
    -- ^ Reply thunks for requests "in the pipeline". Refers to the same list as
    --   'connReplies', but can have an offset.
  , connPendingCnt :: IORef Int
    -- ^ Number of pending replies and thus the difference length between
    --   'connReplies' and 'connPending'.
    --   length connPending  - pendingCount = length connReplies

data ConnectionLostException = ConnectionLost
  deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception ConnectionLostException

data ConnectPhase
  = PhaseUnknown
  | PhaseResolve
  | PhaseOpenSocket
  deriving (Show)

data ConnectTimeout = ConnectTimeout ConnectPhase
  deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception ConnectTimeout

connect :: HostName -> PortID -> Maybe Int -> IO Connection
connect hostName portID timeoutOpt =
  bracketOnError hConnect hClose $ \h -> do
    hSetBinaryMode h True
    connReplies <- newIORef []
    connPending <- newIORef []
    connPendingCnt <- newIORef 0
    let connCtx = NormalHandle h
    return Conn{..}
        hConnect = do
          phaseMVar <- newMVar PhaseUnknown
          let doConnect = hConnect' portID phaseMVar
          case timeoutOpt of
            Nothing -> doConnect
            Just micros -> do
              result <- race doConnect (threadDelay micros)
              case result of
                Left h -> return h
                Right () -> do
                  phase <- readMVar phaseMVar
                  errConnectTimeout phase
        hConnect' (PortNumber port) mvar =
          bracketOnError mkSocket NS.close $ \sock -> do
            NS.setSocketOption sock NS.KeepAlive 1
            void $ swapMVar mvar PhaseResolve
            host <- BSD.getHostByName hostName
            void $ swapMVar mvar PhaseOpenSocket
            NS.connect sock $ NS.SockAddrInet port (BSD.hostAddress host)
            NS.socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode
        hConnect' _ _ = connectTo hostName portID
        mkSocket   = NS.socket NS.AF_INET NS.Stream 0

enableTLS :: TLS.ClientParams -> Connection -> IO Connection
enableTLS tlsParams conn@Conn{..} = do
  case connCtx of
    NormalHandle h -> do
      ctx <- TLS.contextNew h tlsParams
      TLS.handshake ctx
      return $ conn { connCtx = TLSContext ctx }
    TLSContext _ -> return conn

beginReceiving :: Connection -> IO ()
beginReceiving conn = do
  rs <- connGetReplies conn
  writeIORef (connReplies conn) rs
  writeIORef (connPending conn) rs

disconnect :: Connection -> IO ()
disconnect Conn{..} = do
  case connCtx of
    NormalHandle h -> do
      open <- hIsOpen h
      when open $ hClose h
    TLSContext ctx -> do
      TLS.bye ctx
      TLS.contextClose ctx

-- |Write the request to the socket output buffer, without actually sending.
--  The 'Handle' is 'hFlush'ed when reading replies from the 'connCtx'.
send :: Connection -> S.ByteString -> IO ()
send Conn{..} s = do
  case connCtx of
    NormalHandle h ->
      ioErrorToConnLost $ S.hPut h s

    TLSContext ctx ->
      ioErrorToConnLost $ TLS.sendData ctx (L.fromStrict s)

  -- Signal that we expect one more reply from Redis.
  n <- atomicModifyIORef' connPendingCnt $ \n -> let n' = n+1 in (n', n')
  -- Limit the "pipeline length". This is necessary in long pipelines, to avoid
  -- thunk build-up, and thus space-leaks.
  -- TODO find smallest max pending with good-enough performance.
  when (n >= 1000) $ do
    -- Force oldest pending reply.
    r:_ <- readIORef connPending
    r `seq` return ()

-- |Take a reply-thunk from the list of future replies.
recv :: Connection -> IO Reply
recv Conn{..} = do
  (r:rs) <- readIORef connReplies
  writeIORef connReplies rs
  return r

-- | Flush the socket.  Normally, the socket is flushed in 'recv' (actually 'conGetReplies'), but
-- for the multithreaded pub/sub code, the sending thread needs to explicitly flush the subscription
-- change requests.
flush :: Connection -> IO ()
flush Conn{..} =
  case connCtx of
    NormalHandle h -> hFlush h
    TLSContext ctx -> TLS.contextFlush ctx

-- |Send a request and receive the corresponding reply
request :: Connection -> S.ByteString -> IO Reply
request conn req = send conn req >> recv conn

-- |A list of all future 'Reply's of the 'Connection'.
--  The spine of the list can be evaluated without forcing the replies.
--  Evaluating/forcing a 'Reply' from the list will 'unsafeInterleaveIO' the
--  reading and parsing from the 'connCtx'. To ensure correct ordering, each
--  Reply first evaluates (and thus reads from the network) the previous one.
--  'unsafeInterleaveIO' only evaluates it's result once, making this function
--  thread-safe. 'Handle' as implemented by GHC is also threadsafe, it is safe
--  to call 'hFlush' here. The list constructor '(:)' must be called from
--  /within/ unsafeInterleaveIO, to keep the replies in correct order.
connGetReplies :: Connection -> IO [Reply]
connGetReplies conn@Conn{..} = go S.empty (SingleLine "previous of first")
    go rest previous = do
      -- lazy pattern match to actually delay the receiving
      ~(r, rest') <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
        -- Force previous reply for correct order.
        previous `seq` return ()
        scanResult <- Scanner.scanWith readMore reply rest
        case scanResult of
          Scanner.Fail{}       -> errConnClosed
          Scanner.More{}    -> error "Hedis: parseWith returned Partial"
          Scanner.Done rest' r -> do
            -- r is the same as 'head' of 'connPending'. Since we just
            -- received r, we remove it from the pending list.
            atomicModifyIORef' connPending $ \(_:rs) -> (rs, ())
            -- We now expect one less reply from Redis. We don't count to
            -- negative, which would otherwise occur during pubsub.
            atomicModifyIORef' connPendingCnt $ \n -> (max 0 (n-1), ())
            return (r, rest')
      rs <- unsafeInterleaveIO (go rest' r)
      return (r:rs)

    readMore = ioErrorToConnLost $ do
      flush conn
      case connCtx of
        NormalHandle h -> S.hGetSome h 4096
        TLSContext ctx -> TLS.recvData ctx

ioErrorToConnLost :: IO a -> IO a
ioErrorToConnLost a = a `catchIOError` const errConnClosed

errConnClosed :: IO a
errConnClosed = throwIO ConnectionLost

errConnectTimeout :: ConnectPhase -> IO a
errConnectTimeout phase = throwIO $ ConnectTimeout phase