hexpat-iteratee-0.6: Chunked XML parsing using iteratees




Tree structure

type Node s m tag text = NodeG (ListT (XMLT s m)) tag textSource

A tree representation that uses a monadic list as its child list type.

Note that you can use the type function ListOf to give a list of any node type, using that node's associated list type, e.g. ListOf (UNode Text)

The s parameter is a dummy type used to prevent nodes escaping from the handler. See s for more explanation.

data NodeG c tag text

The tree representation of the XML document.

c is the container type for the element's children, which is [] in the hexpat package, and a monadic list type for hexpat-iteratee.

tag is the tag type, which can either be one of several string types, or a special type from the Text.XML.Expat.Namespaced or Text.XML.Expat.Qualified modules.

text is the string type for text content.




eName :: !tag
eAttributes :: ![(tag, text)]
eChildren :: c (NodeG c tag text)
Text !text 


(Functor c, List c) => NodeClass NodeG c 
(Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass NodeG c 
(Eq tag, Eq text) => Eq (NodeG [] tag text) 
(Show tag, Show text) => Show (NodeG [] tag text) 
(NFData tag, NFData text) => NFData (NodeG [] tag text) 

type UNode s m text = Node s m text textSource

Type alias for a single node with unqualified tag names where tag and text are the same string type.

The s parameter is a dummy type used to prevent nodes escaping from the handler. See s for more explanation.

Generic node manipulation

Generic manipulation of the child list

Qualified nodes

type QNode s m a text = Node s a (QName text) textSource

Type alias for a single annotated node where qualified names are used for tags

The s parameter is a dummy type used to prevent nodes escaping from the handler. See s for more explanation.

Namespaced nodes

type NNode s m text a = Node s a (NName text) textSource

Type alias for a single annotated node where namespaced names are used for tags

The s parameter is a dummy type used to prevent nodes escaping from the handler. See s for more explanation.

Parse to tree

data ParseOptions tag text




overrideEncoding :: Maybe Encoding

The encoding parameter, if provided, overrides the document's encoding declaration.

entityDecoder :: Maybe (tag -> Maybe text)

If provided, entity references (i.e.   and friends) will be decoded into text using the supplied lookup function

data Encoding

Encoding types available for the document encoding.





:: forall m a tag text . (MonadIO m, GenericXMLString tag, GenericXMLString text) 
=> ParseOptions tag text 
-> (forall s. ListT (XMLT s m) (Node s m tag text) -> XMLT s m a)

Handler for parsed tree

-> m (IterateeG WrappedByteString Word8 m (Either ErrMsg a)) 

An iteratee that parses the input document, passing a representation of it to the specified handler monad. The monad runs lazily using co-routines, so if it requests a part of the tree that hasn't been parsed yet, it will be suspended, and continued when it's available.

This implementation does not use Haskell's lazy I/O.

The s type argument is a dummy type, which you should just leave polymorphic by typing s when using the type. The "forall s ." in the type signature prevents any parsed nodes escaping from the handler, because they may refer to parts of the tree that haven't been parsed yet, and this parsing can't take happen outside the handler. If you need to extract nodes from your handler, use a function like fromNodeContainer to convert the container type.

data XMLT s m a Source

The monad transformer used for writing your handler for chunked XML trees, which executes as a co-routine.


MonadTrans (XMLT s) 
Monad m => Monad (XMLT s m) 
Monad m => Functor (XMLT s m) 
MonadIO m => MonadIO (XMLT s m) 

data XMLParseError

Parse error, consisting of message text and error location

data XMLParseLocation

Specifies a location of an event within the input text




xmlLineNumber :: Int64

Line number of the event

xmlColumnNumber :: Int64

Column number of the event

xmlByteIndex :: Int64

Byte index of event from start of document

xmlByteCount :: Int64

The number of bytes in the event