{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Geometry.Arrangement.Internal
-- Copyright   :  (C) Frank Staals
-- License     :  see the LICENSE file
-- Maintainer  :  Frank Staals
-- Data type for representing an Arrangement of lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\).
module Data.Geometry.Arrangement.Internal where

import           Control.Lens
import qualified Data.CircularSeq as CSeq
import           Data.Ext
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Data.Geometry.Boundary
import           Data.Geometry.Box
import           Data.Geometry.Line
import           Data.Geometry.LineSegment
import           Data.Geometry.PlanarSubdivision
import           Data.Geometry.Point
import           Data.Geometry.Properties
import qualified Data.List as List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord (Down(..))
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Sequence.Util
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import           Data.Vinyl.CoRec


type ArrangementBoundary s e r = V.Vector (Point 2 r, VertexId' s, Maybe (Line 2 r :+ e))

-- | Data type representing a two dimensional planar arrangement
data Arrangement s l v e f r = Arrangement {
    _inputLines             :: V.Vector (Line 2 r :+ l)
  , _subdivision            :: PlanarSubdivision s v e f r
  , _boundedArea            :: Rectangle () r
  , _unboundedIntersections :: ArrangementBoundary s l r
  } deriving (Show,Eq)
  -- unboundedIntersections also stores the corners of the box. They are not
  -- associated with any line
makeLenses ''Arrangement

type instance NumType   (Arrangement s l v e f r) = r
type instance Dimension (Arrangement s l v e f r) = 2


-- | Builds an arrangement of \(n\) lines
-- running time: \(O(n^2\log n\)
constructArrangement       :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                           => proxy s
                           -> [Line 2 r :+ l]
                           -> Arrangement s l () (Maybe l) () r
constructArrangement px ls = let b  = makeBoundingBox ls
                             in constructArrangementInBox' px b ls

-- | Constructs the arrangemnet inside the box.  note that the resulting box
-- may be larger than the given box to make sure that all vertices of the
-- arrangement actually fit.
-- running time: \(O(n^2\log n\)
constructArrangementInBox            :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                                     => proxy s
                                     -> Rectangle () r
                                     -> [Line 2 r :+ l]
                                     -> Arrangement s l () (Maybe l) () r
constructArrangementInBox px rect ls = let b  = makeBoundingBox ls
                                       in constructArrangementInBox' px (b <> rect) ls

-- | Constructs the arrangemnet inside the box. (for parts to be useful, it is
-- assumed this boxfits at least the boundingbox of the intersections in the
-- Arrangement)
constructArrangementInBox'            :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                                      => proxy s
                                      -> Rectangle () r
                                      -> [Line 2 r :+ l]
                                      -> Arrangement s l () (Maybe l) () r
constructArrangementInBox' px rect ls =
    Arrangement (V.fromList ls) subdiv rect (link parts' subdiv)
    subdiv = fromConnectedSegments px segs
                & rawVertexData.traverse.dataVal .~ ()
    (segs,parts') = computeSegsAndParts rect ls

computeSegsAndParts         :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                            => Rectangle () r
                            -> [Line 2 r :+ l]
                            -> ( [LineSegment 2 () r :+ Maybe l]
                               , [(Point 2 r, Maybe (Line 2 r :+ l))]
computeSegsAndParts rect ls = ( segs <> boundarySegs, parts')
    segs         = map (&extra %~ Just)
                 . concatMap (\(l,ls') -> perLine rect l ls') $ makePairs ls
    boundarySegs = map (:+ Nothing) . toSegments . dupFirst $ map fst parts'
    dupFirst = \case []       -> []
                     xs@(x:_) -> xs ++ [x]
    parts'       = unBoundedParts rect ls

perLine       :: forall r l. (Ord r, Fractional r)
              => Rectangle () r -> Line 2 r :+ l -> [Line 2 r :+ l]
              -> [LineSegment 2 () r :+ l]
perLine b m ls = map (:+ m^.extra) . toSegments . rmDuplicates . List.sort $ vs <> vs'
    rmDuplicates = map head . List.group
    vs  = mapMaybe (m `intersectionPoint`) ls
    vs' = maybe [] (\(p,q) -> [p,q]) . asA (Proxy :: Proxy (Point 2 r, Point 2 r))
        $ (m^.core) `intersect` (Boundary b)

intersectionPoint                   :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                                    => Line 2 r :+ l -> Line 2 r :+ l -> Maybe (Point 2 r)
intersectionPoint (l :+ _) (m :+ _) = asA (Proxy :: Proxy (Point 2 r)) $ l `intersect` m

toSegments      :: Ord r => [Point 2 r] -> [LineSegment 2 () r]
toSegments ps = let pts = map ext $ ps in
  zipWith ClosedLineSegment pts (tail pts)

-- | Constructs a boundingbox containing all intersections
-- running time: \(O(n^2)\), where \(n\) is the number of input lines
makeBoundingBox :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => [Line 2 r :+ l] -> Rectangle () r
makeBoundingBox = grow 1 . boundingBoxList' . intersections

-- | Computes all intersections
intersections :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => [Line 2 r :+ l] -> [Point 2 r]
intersections = mapMaybe (uncurry intersectionPoint) . allPairs

-- intersections :: forall p r. (Ord r, Fractional r)
--               => [Line 2 r :+ p] -> Map.Map (Point 2 r) (NonEmpty (Line 2 r :+ p))
-- intersections = Map.map sortNub . collect
--               . mapMaybe (\(l,m) -> (l, m,) <$> f l m) . allPairs
--   where
--     f (l :+ _) (m :+ _) = asA (Proxy :: Proxy (Point 2 r)) $ l `intersect` m

-- collect :: Ord k => [(v,v,k)] -> Map.Map k (NonEmpty v)
-- collect = foldr f mempty
--   where
--     f (l,m,p) = Map.insertWith (<>) p (NonEmpty.fromList [l,m])

-- sortNub :: Ord r => NonEmpty (Line 2 r :+ p) -> NonEmpty (Line 2 r :+ p)
-- sortNub = fmap (NonEmpty.head) .  groupLines

-- groupLines :: Ord r => NonEmpty (Line 2 r :+ p)
--            -> NonEmpty (NonEmpty (Line 2 r :+ p))
-- groupLines = NonEmpty.groupWith1 L2 . NonEmpty.sortWith L2

-- -- | Newtype wrapper that allows us to sort lines
-- newtype L2 r p = L2 (Line 2 r :+ p) deriving (Show)

-- instance Eq r => Eq (L2 r p) where
--   (L2 (Line p u :+ _)) == (L2 (Line q v :+ _)) = (p,u) == (q,v)
-- instance Ord r => Ord (L2 r p) where
--   (L2 (Line p u :+ _)) `compare` (L2 (Line q v :+ _)) = p `compare` q <> u `compare` v

-- -- | Collect the intersection points per line
-- byLine :: Ord r
--        => Map.Map (Point 2 r) (NonEmpty (Line 2 r :+ p))
--        -> Map.Map (L2 r p)    (NonEmpty (Point 2 r))
-- byLine = foldr f mempty . flatten . Map.assocs
--   where
--     flatten = concatMap (\(p,ls) -> map (\l -> (L2 l,p)) $ NonEmpty.toList ls)
--     f (l,p) = Map.insertWith (<>) l $ NonEmpty.fromList [p]

-- | Computes the intersections with a particular side
sideIntersections      :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                       => [Line 2 r :+ l] -> LineSegment 2 q r
                       -> [(Point 2 r, Line 2 r :+ l)]
sideIntersections ls s = let l   = supportingLine s :+ undefined
                         in List.sortOn fst . filter (flip onSegment s . fst)
                          . mapMaybe (\m -> (,m) <$> l `intersectionPoint` m) $ ls

-- | Constructs the unbounded intersections. Reported in clockwise direction.
unBoundedParts         :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                       => Rectangle () r
                       -> [Line 2 r :+ l]
                       -> [(Point 2 r, Maybe (Line 2 r :+ l))]
unBoundedParts rect ls = [tl] <> t <> [tr] <> reverse r <> [br] <> reverse b <> [bl] <> l
    sideIntersections' = over (traverse._2) Just . sideIntersections ls
    (t,r,b,l)     = map4 sideIntersections'      $ sides   rect
    (tl,tr,br,bl) = map4 ((,Nothing) . (^.core)) $ corners rect

map4              :: (a -> b) -> (a,a,a,a) -> (b,b,b,b)
map4 f (a,b',c,d) = (f a, f b', f c, f d)

-- | Links the vertices  of the outer boundary with those in the subdivision
link       :: Eq r => [(Point 2 r, a)] -> PlanarSubdivision s v (Maybe e) f r
           -> V.Vector (Point 2 r, VertexId' s, a)
link vs ps = V.fromList . map (\((p,x),(_,y)) -> (p,y,x)) . F.toList
           . fromJust' $ alignWith (\(p,_) (q,_) -> p == q) (CSeq.fromList vs) vs'
    vs' = CSeq.fromList . map (\v -> (ps^.locationOf v,v) ) . V.toList
        $ boundaryVertices (outerFaceId ps) ps
    fromJust' = fromMaybe (error "Data.Geometry.Arrangement.link: fromJust")


makePairs :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
makePairs = go
    go []     = []
    go (x:xs) = (x,xs) : map (\(y,ys) -> (y,x:ys)) (go xs)

allPairs    :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
allPairs ys = go ys
    go []     = []
    go (x:xs) = map (x,) xs ++ go xs

-- | Given a predicate that tests if two elements of a CSeq match, find a
-- rotation of the seqs such at they match.
-- Running time: \(O(n)\)
alignWith         :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> CSeq.CSeq a -> CSeq.CSeq b
                  -> Maybe (CSeq.CSeq (a,b))
alignWith p xs ys = CSeq.zipL xs <$> CSeq.findRotateTo (p (CSeq.focus xs)) ys


-- | Given an Arrangement and a line in the arrangement, follow the line
-- through he arrangement.
traverseLine       :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                   => Line 2 r -> Arrangement s l v (Maybe e) f r -> [Dart s]
traverseLine l arr = let md    = findStart l arr
                         dup x = (x,x)
                     in maybe [] (List.unfoldr (fmap dup . follow arr)) md

-- | Find the starting point of the line  the arrangement
findStart       :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                => Line 2 r -> Arrangement s l v (Maybe e) f r -> Maybe (Dart s)
findStart l arr = do
    (p,_)   <- asA (Proxy :: Proxy (Point 2 r, Point 2 r)) $
                 l `intersect` (Boundary $ arr^.boundedArea)
    (_,v,_) <- findStartVertex p arr
    findStartDart (arr^.subdivision) v

-- | Given a point on the boundary of the boundedArea box; find the vertex
--  this point corresponds to.
-- running time: \(O(\log n)\)
-- basically; maps every point to a tuple of the point and the side the
-- point occurs on. We then binary search to find the point we are looking
-- for.
findStartVertex       :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                      => Point 2 r
                      -> Arrangement s l v e f r
                      -> Maybe (Point 2 r, VertexId' s, Maybe (Line 2 r :+ l))
findStartVertex p arr = do
    ss <- findSide p
    i  <- binarySearchVec (pred' ss) (arr^.unboundedIntersections)
    pure $ arr^.unboundedIntersections.singular (ix i)
    (t,r,b,l) = sides'' $ arr^.boundedArea
    sides'' = map4 (\(ClosedLineSegment a c) -> LineSegment (Closed a) (Open c)) . sides

    findSide q = fmap fst . List.find (onSegment q . snd) $ zip [1..] [t,r,b,l]

    pred' ss (q,_,_) = let Just j = findSide q
                           x      = before (ss,p) (j,q)
                       in  x == LT || x == EQ

    before (i,p') (j,q') = case i `compare` j of
                                LT -> LT
                                GT -> GT
                                EQ | i == 2 || i == 3 -> Down p' `compare` Down q'
                                   | otherwise        -> p' `compare` q'

-- | Find the starting dart of the given vertex v. Reports a dart s.t.
-- tailOf d = v
-- running me: \(O(k)\) where \(k\) is the degree of the vertex
findStartDart      :: PlanarSubdivision s v (Maybe e) f r -> VertexId' s -> Maybe (Dart s)
findStartDart ps v = V.find (\d -> isJust $ ps^.dataOf d) $ incidentEdges v ps
    -- the "real" dart is the one that has ata associated to it.

-- | Given a dart d that incoming to v (headOf d == v), find the outgoing dart
-- colinear with the incoming one. Again reports dart d' s.t. tailOf d' = v
-- running time: \(O(k)\), where k is the degree of the vertex d points to
follow       :: (Ord r, Num r) => Arrangement s l v e f r -> Dart s -> Maybe (Dart s)
follow arr d = V.find extends $ incidentEdges v ps
    ps = arr^.subdivision
    v  = headOf d ps
    (up,vp) = over both (^.location) $ endPointData d ps

    extends d' = let wp = ps^.locationOf (headOf d' ps)
                 in d' /= twin d && ccw up vp wp == CoLinear


-- TODO: we can skip the findStart by just traversing from all boundary points

-- computeFaceData :: (Arrangement s v e f r -> Dart s -> f')
--                -> Arrangement s v e f r -> V.Vertex f'
-- computeFaceData arr f = fmap fromJust . V.create $ do
--                           v <- MV.replicate (arr^.subdivision.to numFaces) Nothing
--                           mapM_ (computeFaceData' arr f v) $ arr^.inputLines
--                           pure v

-- computeFaceData' arr f v l = mapM_ (assign ) traverseLine arr l
