-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

module Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics (
  ) where

import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP (
  , Diagnostic(..)
  , List(..)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Diagnostics
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Terminal
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal (Color(..), color)

import Development.IDE.Types.Location

ideErrorText :: NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorText fp msg = (fp, LSP.Diagnostic {
    _range = noRange,
    _severity = Just LSP.DsError,
    _code = Nothing,
    _source = Just "compiler",
    _message = msg,
    _relatedInformation = Nothing

-- | Human readable diagnostics for a specific file.
--   This type packages a pretty printed, human readable error message
--   along with the related source location so that we can display the error
--   on either the console or in the IDE at the right source location.
type FileDiagnostic = (NormalizedFilePath, Diagnostic)

prettyRange :: Range -> Doc Terminal.AnsiStyle
prettyRange Range{..} = f _start <> "-" <> f _end
    where f Position{..} = pretty (_line+1) <> colon <> pretty _character

stringParagraphs :: T.Text -> Doc a
stringParagraphs = vcat . map (fillSep . map pretty . T.words) . T.lines

showDiagnostics :: [FileDiagnostic] -> T.Text
showDiagnostics = srenderPlain . prettyDiagnostics

showDiagnosticsColored :: [FileDiagnostic] -> T.Text
showDiagnosticsColored = srenderColored . prettyDiagnostics

prettyDiagnostics :: [FileDiagnostic] -> Doc Terminal.AnsiStyle
prettyDiagnostics = vcat . map prettyDiagnostic

prettyDiagnostic :: FileDiagnostic -> Doc Terminal.AnsiStyle
prettyDiagnostic (fp, LSP.Diagnostic{..}) =
        [ slabel_ "File:    " $ pretty (fromNormalizedFilePath fp)
        , slabel_ "Range:   " $ prettyRange _range
        , slabel_ "Source:  " $ pretty _source
        , slabel_ "Severity:" $ pretty $ show sev
        , slabel_ "Message: "
            $ case sev of
              LSP.DsError -> annotate $ color Red
              LSP.DsWarning -> annotate $ color Yellow
              LSP.DsInfo -> annotate $ color Blue
              LSP.DsHint -> annotate $ color Magenta
            $ stringParagraphs _message
        , slabel_ "Code:" $ pretty _code
        sev = fromMaybe LSP.DsError _severity

-- | Label a document.
slabel_ :: String -> Doc a -> Doc a
slabel_ t d = nest 2 $ sep [pretty t, d]

-- | The layout options used for the SDK assistant.
cliLayout ::
    -- ^ Rendering width of the pretty printer.
    -> LayoutOptions
cliLayout renderWidth = LayoutOptions
    { layoutPageWidth = AvailablePerLine renderWidth 0.9

-- | Render without any syntax annotations
srenderPlain :: Doc ann -> T.Text
srenderPlain = renderStrict . layoutSmart (cliLayout defaultTermWidth)

-- | Render a 'Document' as an ANSII colored string.
srenderColored :: Doc Terminal.AnsiStyle -> T.Text
srenderColored =
    Terminal.renderStrict .
    layoutSmart defaultLayoutOptions { layoutPageWidth = AvailablePerLine 100 1.0 }

defaultTermWidth :: Int
defaultTermWidth = 80