highlight- Command line tool for highlighting parts of files matching a regex.

Safe HaskellNone




data FileOrigin Source #

Place where a file originally came from.


FileSpecifiedByUser FilePath

File was specified on the command line by the user.

FileFoundRecursively FilePath

File was found recursively (not directly specified by the user).


Standard input. It was either specified on the command line as -, or used as default because the user did not specify any files.

data FileReader a Source #

This is used in two different places.

One is in fileListProducer, where a becomes Handle. This represents a single file that has been opened. FileReaderSuccess contains the FileOrigin and the Handle. FileReaderErr contains the FileOrigin and any errors that occurred when trying to open the Handle.

The other is in fileReaderHandleToLine and InputData, where a becomes ByteString. This represents a single ByteString line from a file, or an error that occurred when trying to read the file.

FileReader is usually wrapped in a Producer. This is a stream of either Handles or ByteString lines (with any errors that have occurred).


Eq a => Eq (FileReader a) Source # 


(==) :: FileReader a -> FileReader a -> Bool #

(/=) :: FileReader a -> FileReader a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (FileReader a) Source # 

getFileOriginFromFileReader :: FileReader a -> FileOrigin Source #

Get a FileOrigin from a FileReader.

>>> let fileOrigin1 = FileSpecifiedByUser "hello.txt"
>>> let fileReader1 = FileReaderSuccess fileOrigin1 "some line"
>>> getFileOriginFromFileReader fileReader1
FileSpecifiedByUser "hello.txt"
>>> let fileOrigin2 = FileFoundRecursively "bye.txt"
>>> let fileReader2 = FileReaderErr fileOrigin2 (userError "err") Nothing
>>> getFileOriginFromFileReader fileReader2
FileFoundRecursively "bye.txt"

getFilePathFromFileReader :: FileReader a -> Maybe FilePath Source #

This is just getFilePathFromFileOrigin . getFileOriginFromFileReader.

>>> let fileOrigin1 = Stdin
>>> let fileReader1 = FileReaderSuccess fileOrigin1 "some line"
>>> getFilePathFromFileReader fileReader1
>>> let fileOrigin2 = FileFoundRecursively "bye.txt"
>>> let fileReader2 = FileReaderErr fileOrigin2 (userError "err") Nothing
>>> getFilePathFromFileReader fileReader2
Just "bye.txt"

data InputData m a Source #

This wraps up two pieces of information.

One is the value of FilenameHandlingFromFiles. This signals as to whether or not we need to print the filename when printing each line of output.

This other is a Producer of FileReader ByteStrings. This is a Producer for each line of each input file.

The main job of this module is to define createInputData, which produces InputData. InputData is what is processed to figure out what to output.

createInputData Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> Recursive

Whether or not to recursively read in files.

-> [InputFilename]

List of files passed in on the command line.

-> Producer ByteString m ()

A producer for standard input

-> m (InputData m ()) 

Create InputData based InputFilename list.

Setup for examples:

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> import Highlight.Common.Options (InputFilename(InputFilename))
>>> import Highlight.Common.Options (Recursive(NotRecursive))

If the InputFilename list is empty, just create an InputData with NoFilename and the standard input Producer passed in.

>>> let stdinProd = yield ("hello" :: ByteString)
>>> let create = createInputData NotRecursive [] stdinProd
>>> InputData NoFilename prod <- create
>>> toListM prod
[FileReaderSuccess Stdin "hello"]

If the InputFilename list is not empty, create an InputData with lines from each file found on the command line.

>>> let inFiles = [InputFilename "test/golden/test-files/file1"]
>>> let create = createInputData NotRecursive inFiles stdinProd
>>> InputData NoFilename prod <- create
>>> Pipes.head prod
Just (FileReaderSuccess (FileSpecifiedByUser "test/golden/test-files/file1") "The...")