{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Graphics.Image.Processing.Complex.Fourier
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2017
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <lehins@yandex.ru>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Graphics.Image.Processing.Complex.Fourier (
  fft, ifft, isPowerOfTwo
  ) where

import           Data.Bits                           ((.&.))
import           Graphics.Image.ColorSpace.Complex
import           Graphics.Image.Interface            as I
import           Graphics.Image.Processing.Geometric (leftToRight)
import           Prelude                             as P

data Mode = Forward
          | Inverse

-- | Fast Fourier Transform
fft :: (Applicative (Pixel cs),
        Array arr cs (Complex e), ColorSpace cs e,
        Fractional (Pixel cs (Complex e)), Floating (Pixel cs e), RealFloat e) =>
       Image arr cs (Complex e)
    -> Image arr cs (Complex e)
fft = fft2d Forward
{-# INLINEABLE fft #-}

-- | Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
ifft :: (Applicative (Pixel cs),
         Array arr cs (Complex e), ColorSpace cs e,
         Fractional (Pixel cs (Complex e)), Floating (Pixel cs e), RealFloat e) =>
        Image arr cs (Complex e)
     -> Image arr cs (Complex e)
ifft = fft2d Inverse
{-# INLINEABLE ifft #-}

signOfMode :: Num a => Mode -> a
signOfMode Forward = -1
signOfMode Inverse = 1
{-# INLINE signOfMode #-}

-- | Check if `Int` is a power of two.
isPowerOfTwo :: Int -> Bool
isPowerOfTwo n = n /= 0 && (n .&. (n-1)) == 0
{-# INLINE isPowerOfTwo #-}

-- | Compute the DFT of a matrix. Array dimensions must be powers of two else `error`.
fft2d :: (Applicative (Pixel cs),
          Array arr cs (Complex e), ColorSpace cs e,
          Fractional (Pixel cs (Complex e)), Floating (Pixel cs e), RealFloat e) =>
      -> Image arr cs (Complex e)
      -> Image arr cs (Complex e)
fft2d !mode !img =
  let !(m, n) = dims img
      !sign = signOfMode mode
      !factor = fromIntegral (m * n)
  in if not (isPowerOfTwo m && isPowerOfTwo n)
       then error $
              [ "fft"
              , "  Array dimensions must be powers of two,"
              , "  but the provided image is " ++ show img ++ "."
       else compute $
            case mode of
              Forward -> fftGeneral sign $ fftGeneral sign img
              Inverse ->
                I.map (/ factor) $ fftGeneral sign $ fftGeneral sign img
{-# INLINE fft2d #-}

  :: forall arr cs e.
     ( Applicative (Pixel cs)
     , Array arr cs (Complex e)
     , ColorSpace cs e
     , Floating (Pixel cs e)
     , RealFloat e
  => Pixel cs e -> Image arr cs (Complex e) -> Image arr cs (Complex e)
fftGeneral !sign !img = transpose $ go n 0 1
    imgM :: Image (Manifest arr) cs (Complex e)
    !imgM = toManifest img
    !(m, n) = dims img
    go !len !offset !stride
      | len == 2 = compute $ makeImage (m, 2) swivel
      | otherwise =
             (go (len `div` 2) offset (stride * 2))
             (go (len `div` 2) (offset + stride) (stride * 2)))
        swivel !(i, j) =
          case j of
            0 ->
              unsafeIndex imgM (i, offset) +
              unsafeIndex imgM (i, offset + stride)
            1 ->
              unsafeIndex imgM (i, offset) -
              unsafeIndex imgM (i, offset + stride)
            _ ->
                "FFT: Image must have exactly 2 columns. Please, report this bug."
        {-# INLINE swivel #-}
    combine !len' !evens !odds =
      let !odds' =
            compute $ I.imap (\ !(_, j) !px -> twiddle sign j len' * px) odds
      in leftToRight (evens + odds') (evens - odds')
    {-# INLINE combine #-}
{-# INLINE fftGeneral #-}

-- Compute a twiddle factor.
twiddle :: (Applicative (Pixel cs), Floating (Pixel cs e)) =>
           Pixel cs e
        -> Int                  -- index
        -> Int                  -- length
        -> Pixel cs (Complex e)
twiddle !sign !k !n = cos alpha +: sign * sin alpha
    !alpha = 2 * pi * fromIntegral k / fromIntegral n
{-# INLINE twiddle #-}