{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

module Data.Validator.Types where

import           Prelude

import           Data.Aeson             (Value)
import           Data.Profunctor        (Profunctor(..))

import           Data.Validator.Failure (Fail)

data Validator schema val err = Validator
    { _embedded :: val -> ([schema], [schema])
      -- ^ The first list is embedded schemas that validate the same piece
      -- of data this schema validates (such as schemas embedded in 'allOf').
      -- The second is embedded schemas that validate a subset of that data
      -- (such as the schemas embedded in 'items').
      -- This is done to allow static detection of loops, though this isn't
      -- implemented yet (though the Draft4 code does do live loop detection
      -- during validation).
    , _validate :: val -> Value -> [Fail err]
    } deriving Functor

instance Profunctor (Validator schema) where
    lmap f (Validator a b) = Validator (lmap f a) (lmap f b)
    rmap = fmap