module Data.Validator.Utils where

import           Import
import           Prelude

import           Control.Arrow
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict  as HM
import           Data.List.NonEmpty   (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty   as NE
import           Data.Scientific      (Scientific, fromFloatDigits)
import           Data.Set             (Set)
import qualified Data.Set             as S
import qualified Data.Text            as T
import qualified Data.Vector          as V

-- * QuickCheck

arbitraryText :: Gen Text
arbitraryText = T.pack <$> arbitrary

arbitraryScientific :: Gen Scientific
arbitraryScientific = (fromFloatDigits :: Double -> Scientific) <$> arbitrary

arbitraryPositiveScientific :: Gen Scientific
arbitraryPositiveScientific = (fromFloatDigits :: Double -> Scientific)
                            . getPositive
                          <$> arbitrary

newtype ArbitraryValue
    = ArbitraryValue { _unArbitraryValue :: Value }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary ArbitraryValue where
    arbitrary = ArbitraryValue <$> sized f
        f :: Int -> Gen Value
        f n | n <= 1    = oneof nonRecursive
            | otherwise = oneof $
                  fmap (Array . V.fromList) (traverse (const (f (n `div` 10)))
                    =<< (arbitrary :: Gen [()]))
                : fmap (Object . HM.fromList) (traverse (const (g (n `div` 10)))
                    =<< (arbitrary :: Gen [()]))
                : nonRecursive

        g :: Int -> Gen (Text, Value)
        g n = (,) <$> arbitraryText <*> f n

        nonRecursive :: [Gen Value]
        nonRecursive =
            [ pure Null
            , Bool <$> arbitrary
            , String <$> arbitraryText
            , Number <$> arbitraryScientific

arbitraryHashMap :: Arbitrary a => Gen (HashMap Text a)
arbitraryHashMap = HM.fromList . fmap (first T.pack) <$> arbitrary

arbitrarySetOfText :: Gen (Set Text)
arbitrarySetOfText = S.fromList . fmap T.pack <$> arbitrary

newtype NonEmpty' a = NonEmpty' { _unNonEmpty' :: NonEmpty a }

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (NonEmpty' a) where
    parseJSON v = do
        xs <- parseJSON v
        case NE.nonEmpty xs of
            Nothing -> fail "Must have at least one item."
            Just ne -> pure (NonEmpty' ne)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (NonEmpty' a) where
    toJSON = toJSON . NE.toList . _unNonEmpty'

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmpty' a) where
    arbitrary = do
        xs <- arbitrary
        case NE.nonEmpty xs of
            Nothing -> NonEmpty' . pure <$> arbitrary
            Just ne -> pure (NonEmpty' ne)

-- * allUniqueValues

allUniqueValues :: Vector Value -> Bool
allUniqueValues = allUnique . fmap OrdValue . V.toList

-- NOTE: When we no longer support GHC 7.8 we can generalize
-- allUnique to work on any Foldable and remove this function.
allUniqueValues' :: NonEmpty Value -> Bool
allUniqueValues' = allUnique . fmap OrdValue . NE.toList

allUnique :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
allUnique xs = S.size (S.fromList xs) == length xs

-- | OrdValue's Ord instance needs benchmarking, but it allows us to
-- use our 'allUnique' function instead of O(n^2) nub, so it's probably
-- worth it.
newtype OrdValue = OrdValue { _unOrdValue :: Value } deriving Eq

instance Ord OrdValue where
    (OrdValue Null) `compare` (OrdValue Null) = EQ
    (OrdValue Null) `compare` _               = LT
    _               `compare` (OrdValue Null) = GT

    (OrdValue (Bool x)) `compare` (OrdValue (Bool y)) = x `compare` y
    (OrdValue (Bool _)) `compare` _                   = LT
    _                   `compare` (OrdValue (Bool _)) = GT

    (OrdValue (Number x)) `compare` (OrdValue (Number y)) = x `compare` y
    (OrdValue (Number _)) `compare` _                     = LT
    _                     `compare` (OrdValue (Number _)) = GT

    (OrdValue (String x)) `compare` (OrdValue (String y)) = x `compare` y
    (OrdValue (String _)) `compare` _                     = LT
    _                     `compare` (OrdValue (String _)) = GT

    (OrdValue (Array xs)) `compare` (OrdValue (Array ys)) =
        (OrdValue <$> xs) `compare` (OrdValue <$> ys)
    (OrdValue (Array _))  `compare` _                     = LT
    _                     `compare` (OrdValue (Array _))  = GT

    (OrdValue (Object x)) `compare` (OrdValue (Object y)) =
        HM.toList (OrdValue <$> x) `compare` HM.toList (OrdValue <$> y)

-- * other

fromJSONEither :: FromJSON a => Value -> Either Text a
fromJSONEither a =
    case fromJSON a of
        Error e   -> Left (T.pack e)
        Success b -> Right b