{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- for Reifies instances
module Voting.Protocol.Tally where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad (Monad(..), mapM, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (Except, ExceptT, throwE)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..),FromJSON(..),(.:),(.=))
import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
import Data.Function (($), (.))
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Text.Show (Show(..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as JSON
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

import Voting.Protocol.Utils
import Voting.Protocol.FFC
import Voting.Protocol.Credential
import Voting.Protocol.Election

-- * Type 'Tally'
data Tally c = Tally
 { tally_countMax :: !Natural
   -- ^ The maximal number of supportive 'Opinion's that a choice can get,
   -- which is here the same as the number of 'Ballot's.
   -- Used in 'proveTally' to decrypt the actual
   -- count of votes obtained by a choice,
   -- by precomputing all powers of 'groupGen's up to it.
 , tally_encByChoiceByQuest :: !(EncryptedTally c)
   -- ^ 'Encryption' by 'Question' by 'Ballot'.
 , tally_decShareByTrustee :: ![DecryptionShare c]
   -- ^ 'DecryptionShare' by trustee.
 , tally_countByChoiceByQuest :: ![[Natural]]
   -- ^ The decrypted count of supportive 'Opinion's, by choice by 'Question'.
 } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
deriving instance Reifies c FFC => ToJSON (Tally c)
deriving instance Reifies c FFC => FromJSON (Tally c)

-- ** Type 'EncryptedTally'
-- | 'Encryption' by choice by 'Question'.
type EncryptedTally c = [[Encryption c]]

-- | @('encryptedTally' ballots)@
-- returns the sum of the 'Encryption's of the given @ballots@,
-- along with the number of 'Ballot's.
encryptedTally :: Reifies c FFC => [Ballot c] -> (EncryptedTally c, Natural)
encryptedTally = List.foldr insertEncryptedTally emptyEncryptedTally

-- | The initial 'EncryptedTally' which tallies no 'Ballot'.
emptyEncryptedTally :: Reifies c FFC => (EncryptedTally c, Natural)
emptyEncryptedTally = (List.repeat (List.repeat zero), 0)

-- | @('insertEncryptedTally' ballot encTally)@
-- returns the 'EncryptedTally' adding the votes of the given @(ballot)@
-- to those of the given @(encTally)@.
insertEncryptedTally :: Reifies c FFC => Ballot c -> (EncryptedTally c, Natural) -> (EncryptedTally c, Natural)
insertEncryptedTally Ballot{..} (encTally, numBallots) =
        ( List.zipWith
                 (\Answer{..} -> List.zipWith (+) (fst <$> answer_opinions))
        , numBallots+1

-- ** Type 'DecryptionShareCombinator'
type DecryptionShareCombinator c =
        EncryptedTally c -> [DecryptionShare c] -> Except ErrorTally [[DecryptionFactor c]]

proveTally ::
 Reifies c FFC =>
 (EncryptedTally c, Natural) -> [DecryptionShare c] ->
 DecryptionShareCombinator c ->
 Except ErrorTally (Tally c)
 (tally_encByChoiceByQuest, tally_countMax)
 decShareCombinator = do
        decFactorByChoiceByQuest <-
        dec <- isoZipWithM (throwE ErrorTally_NumberOfQuestions)
         (maybe (throwE ErrorTally_NumberOfChoices) return `o2`
                isoZipWith (\Encryption{..} decFactor -> encryption_vault / decFactor))
        let logMap = Map.fromList $ List.zip groupGenPowers [0..tally_countMax]
        let log x =
                maybe (throwE ErrorTally_CannotDecryptCount) return $
                Map.lookup x logMap
        tally_countByChoiceByQuest <- (log `mapM`)`mapM`dec
        return Tally{..}

verifyTally ::
 Reifies c FFC =>
 Tally c -> DecryptionShareCombinator c ->
 Except ErrorTally ()
verifyTally Tally{..} decShareCombinator = do
        decFactorByChoiceByQuest <- decShareCombinator tally_encByChoiceByQuest tally_decShareByTrustee
        isoZipWith3M_ (throwE ErrorTally_NumberOfQuestions)
         (isoZipWith3M_ (throwE ErrorTally_NumberOfChoices)
                 (\Encryption{..} decFactor count -> do
                        let groupGenPowCount = encryption_vault / decFactor
                        unless (groupGenPowCount == groupGen ^ fromNatural count) $
                                throwE ErrorTally_WrongProof))

-- ** Type 'DecryptionShare'
-- | A decryption share is a 'DecryptionFactor' and a decryption 'Proof', by choice by 'Question'.
-- Computed by a trustee in 'proveDecryptionShare'.
newtype DecryptionShare c = DecryptionShare
 { unDecryptionShare :: [[(DecryptionFactor c, Proof c)]] }
 deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)
deriving newtype instance NFData (DecryptionShare c)
instance ToJSON (DecryptionShare c) where
        toJSON (DecryptionShare decByChoiceByQuest) =
                 [ "decryption_factors" .=
                        toJSONList (((toJSON . fst) <$>) <$> decByChoiceByQuest)
                 , "decryption_proofs" .=
                        toJSONList (((toJSON . snd) <$>) <$> decByChoiceByQuest)
        toEncoding (DecryptionShare decByChoiceByQuest) =
                JSON.pairs $
                        JSON.pair "decryption_factors"
                         (JSON.list (JSON.list (toEncoding . fst)) decByChoiceByQuest) <>
                        JSON.pair "decryption_proofs"
                         (JSON.list (JSON.list (toEncoding . snd)) decByChoiceByQuest)
instance Reifies c FFC => FromJSON (DecryptionShare c) where
        parseJSON = JSON.withObject "DecryptionShare" $ \o -> do
                decFactors <- o .: "decryption_factors"
                decProofs  <- o .: "decryption_proofs"
                let err msg = JSON.typeMismatch ("DecryptionShare: "<>msg) (JSON.Object o)
                 <$> isoZipWithM (err "inconsistent number of questions")
                         (isoZipWithM (err "inconsistent number of choices")
                                 (\a b -> return (a, b)))
                 decFactors decProofs

-- *** Type 'DecryptionFactor'
-- | @'encryption_nonce' '^'trusteeSecKey@
type DecryptionFactor = G

-- @('proveDecryptionShare' encByChoiceByQuest trusteeSecKey)@
proveDecryptionShare ::
 Monad m => Reifies c FFC => RandomGen r =>
 EncryptedTally c -> SecretKey c -> S.StateT r m (DecryptionShare c)
proveDecryptionShare encByChoiceByQuest trusteeSecKey =
        (DecryptionShare <$>) $
        (proveDecryptionFactor trusteeSecKey `mapM`) `mapM` encByChoiceByQuest

proveDecryptionFactor ::
 Monad m => Reifies c FFC => RandomGen r =>
 SecretKey c -> Encryption c -> S.StateT r m (DecryptionFactor c, Proof c)
proveDecryptionFactor trusteeSecKey Encryption{..} = do
        proof <- prove trusteeSecKey [groupGen, encryption_nonce] (hash zkp)
        return (encryption_nonce^trusteeSecKey, proof)
        where zkp = decryptionShareStatement (publicKey trusteeSecKey)

decryptionShareStatement :: Reifies c FFC => PublicKey c -> BS.ByteString
decryptionShareStatement pubKey =
        "decrypt|"<>bytesNat pubKey<>"|"

-- *** Type 'ErrorTally'
data ErrorTally
 =   ErrorTally_NumberOfQuestions
     -- ^ The number of 'Question's is not the one expected.
 |   ErrorTally_NumberOfChoices
     -- ^ The number of choices is not the one expected.
 |   ErrorTally_NumberOfTrustees
     -- ^ The number of trustees is not the one expected.
 |   ErrorTally_WrongProof
     -- ^ The 'Proof' of a 'DecryptionFactor' is wrong.
 |   ErrorTally_CannotDecryptCount
     -- ^ Raised by 'proveTally' when the discrete logarithm of @'groupGen' '^'count@
     -- cannot be computed, likely because 'tally_countMax' is wrong,
     -- or because the 'EncryptedTally' or 'DecryptionShare's have not been verified.
 deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)

-- | @('verifyDecryptionShare' encTally trusteePubKey trusteeDecShare)@
-- checks that 'trusteeDecShare'
-- (supposedly submitted by a trustee whose 'PublicKey' is 'trusteePubKey')
-- is valid with respect to the 'EncryptedTally' 'encTally'.
verifyDecryptionShare ::
 Monad m => Reifies c FFC =>
 EncryptedTally c -> PublicKey c -> DecryptionShare c ->
 ExceptT ErrorTally m ()
verifyDecryptionShare encByChoiceByQuest trusteePubKey (DecryptionShare decShare) =
        let zkp = decryptionShareStatement trusteePubKey in
        isoZipWithM_ (throwE ErrorTally_NumberOfQuestions)
         (isoZipWithM_ (throwE ErrorTally_NumberOfChoices) $
         \Encryption{..} (decFactor, proof) ->
                unless (proof_challenge proof == hash zkp
                 [ commit proof groupGen trusteePubKey
                 , commit proof encryption_nonce decFactor
                 ]) $ throwE ErrorTally_WrongProof)

verifyDecryptionShareByTrustee ::
 Monad m => Reifies c FFC =>
 EncryptedTally c -> [PublicKey c] -> [DecryptionShare c] ->
 ExceptT ErrorTally m ()
verifyDecryptionShareByTrustee encTally =
        isoZipWithM_ (throwE ErrorTally_NumberOfTrustees)
         (verifyDecryptionShare encTally)