
Instances for anonymizing sensitive data in various types.

Note that there is no clear way to anonymize numbers.


module Hledger.Cli.Anon
    ( Anon(..)
    , anonAccount

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Numeric (showHex)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Hledger.Data

class Anon a where
    -- | Consistent converter to structure with sensitive data anonymized
    anon :: a -> a

instance Anon Journal where
    -- Apply the anonymisation transformation on a journal after finalisation
    anon j = j { jtxns = map anon . jtxns $ j
               , jparseparentaccounts = map anonAccount $ jparseparentaccounts j
               , jparsealiases = []  -- already applied
               , jdeclaredaccounts = map (first anon) $ jdeclaredaccounts j

instance Anon Posting where
    anon p = p { paccount = anonAccount . paccount $ p
               , pcomment = T.empty
               , ptransaction = fmap anon . ptransaction $ p  -- Note that this will be overriden
               , poriginal = anon <$> poriginal p

instance Anon Transaction where
    anon txn = txnTieKnot $ txn { tpostings = map anon . tpostings $ txn
                                , tdescription = anon . tdescription $ txn
                                , tcode = anon . tcode $ txn
                                , tcomment = T.empty

-- | Anonymize account name preserving hierarchy
anonAccount :: AccountName -> AccountName
anonAccount = T.intercalate (T.pack ":") . map anon . T.splitOn (T.pack ":")

instance Anon T.Text where anon = T.pack . flip showHex "" . (fromIntegral :: Int -> Word32) . hash