{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Prices (

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.String.Here
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit

pricesmode = hledgerCommandMode
  [here| prices
Print all market prices from the journal.
  [flagNone ["costs"] (setboolopt "costs") "print transaction prices from postings"
  ,flagNone ["inverted-costs"] (setboolopt "inverted-costs") "print transaction inverted prices from postings also"]
  ([], Nothing)

prices opts j = do
  -- XXX the original hledger-prices script always ignored assertions 
  let cprices = concatMap postingCosts . allPostings $ j
      icprices = concatMap postingCosts . mapAmount invertPrice . allPostings $ j
      printPrices = mapM_ (putStrLn . showPrice)
      forBoolOpt opt | boolopt opt $ rawopts_ opts = id
                     | otherwise = const []
      allPrices = sortOn mpdate . concat $
          [ jmarketprices j
          , forBoolOpt "costs" cprices
          , forBoolOpt "inverted-costs" icprices
  printPrices allPrices

showPrice :: MarketPrice -> String
showPrice mp = unwords ["P", show $ mpdate mp, T.unpack . quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ mpcommodity mp, showAmountWithZeroCommodity $ mpamount mp]

divideAmount' :: Amount -> Quantity -> Amount
divideAmount' a d = a' where
    a' = (a `divideAmount` d) { astyle = style' }
    style' = (astyle a) { asprecision = precision' }
    extPrecision = (1+) . floor . logBase 10 $ (realToFrac d :: Double)
    precision' = extPrecision + asprecision (astyle a)

invertPrice :: Amount -> Amount
invertPrice a =
    case aprice a of
        NoPrice -> a
        UnitPrice pa -> invertPrice
            -- normalize to TotalPrice
            a { aprice = TotalPrice pa' } where
                pa' = (pa `divideAmount` (1 / aquantity a)) { aprice = NoPrice }
        TotalPrice pa ->
            a { aquantity = aquantity pa * signum (aquantity a), acommodity = acommodity pa, aprice = TotalPrice pa' } where
                pa' = pa { aquantity = abs $ aquantity a, acommodity = acommodity a, aprice = NoPrice, astyle = astyle a }

amountCost :: Day -> Amount -> Maybe MarketPrice
amountCost d a =
    case aprice a of
        NoPrice -> Nothing
        UnitPrice pa -> Just
            MarketPrice { mpdate = d, mpcommodity = acommodity a, mpamount = pa }
        TotalPrice pa -> Just
            MarketPrice { mpdate = d, mpcommodity = acommodity a, mpamount = pa `divideAmount'` abs (aquantity a) }

postingCosts :: Posting -> [MarketPrice]
postingCosts p = mapMaybe (amountCost date) . amounts $ pamount p  where
   date = fromMaybe (tdate . fromJust $ ptransaction p) $ pdate p

allPostings :: Journal -> [Posting]
allPostings = concatMap tpostings . jtxns

mapAmount :: (Amount -> Amount) -> [Posting] -> [Posting]
mapAmount f = map pf where
    pf p = p { pamount = mf (pamount p) }
    mf = mixed . map f . amounts