hledger-lib-0.18.1: Core data types, parsers and utilities for the hledger accounting tool.

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered



Standard imports and utilities which are useful everywhere, or needed low in the module hierarchy. This is the bottom of hledger's module graph.



quoteIfSpaced :: String -> StringSource

Wrap a string in single quotes, and -prefix any embedded single quotes, if it contains whitespace and is not already single- or double-quoted.

words' :: String -> [String]Source

Quote-aware version of words - don't split on spaces which are inside quotes. NB correctly handles a'b but not ''a''.

unwords' :: [String] -> StringSource

Quote-aware version of unwords - single-quote strings which contain whitespace

singleQuoteIfNeeded :: [Char] -> [Char]Source

Single-quote this string if it contains whitespace or double-quotes

stripquotes :: String -> StringSource

Strip one matching pair of single or double quotes on the ends of a string.

concatTopPadded :: [String] -> StringSource

Join multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, top-padded.

concatBottomPadded :: [String] -> StringSource

Join multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, bottom-padded.

vConcatRightAligned :: [String] -> StringSource

Compose strings vertically and right-aligned.

padtop :: Int -> String -> StringSource

Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string top-padded to the specified height.

padbottom :: Int -> String -> StringSource

Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string bottom-padded to the specified height.

padleft :: Int -> String -> StringSource

Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string left-padded to the specified width.

padright :: Int -> String -> StringSource

Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string right-padded to the specified width.

cliptopleft :: Int -> Int -> String -> StringSource

Clip a multi-line string to the specified width and height from the top left.

fitto :: Int -> Int -> String -> StringSource

Clip and pad a multi-line string to fill the specified width and height.

difforzero :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> aSource

regexMatch :: String -> String -> Maybe (RegexResult, MatchList)Source

regexMatchCI :: String -> String -> Maybe (RegexResult, MatchList)Source

splitAtElement :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]Source

root :: Tree a -> aSource

leaves :: Tree a -> [a]Source

List just the leaf nodes of a tree

subtreeat :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)Source

get the sub-tree rooted at the first (left-most, depth-first) occurrence of the specified node value

subtreeinforest :: Eq a => a -> [Tree a] -> Maybe (Tree a)Source

get the sub-tree for the specified node value in the first tree in forest in which it occurs.

treeprune :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree aSource

remove all nodes past a certain depth

treemap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree bSource

apply f to all tree nodes

treefilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree aSource

remove all subtrees whose nodes do not fulfill predicate

treeany :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> BoolSource

is predicate true in any node of tree ?

showtree :: Show a => Tree a -> StringSource

show a compact ascii representation of a tree

showforest :: Show a => Forest a -> StringSource

show a compact ascii representation of a forest

strace :: Show a => a -> aSource

trace (print on stdout at runtime) a showable expression (for easily tracing in the middle of a complex expression)

ltrace :: Show a => String -> a -> aSource

labelled trace - like strace, with a label prepended

mtrace :: (Monad m, Show a) => a -> m aSource

monadic trace - like strace, but works as a standalone line in a monad

tracewith :: (a -> String) -> a -> aSource

trace an expression using a custom show function

choice' :: [GenParser tok st a] -> GenParser tok st aSource

Backtracking choice, use this when alternatives share a prefix. Consumes no input if all choices fail.

testName :: Test -> StringSource

Get a Test's label, or the empty string.

flattenTests :: Test -> [Test]Source

Flatten a Test containing TestLists into a list of single tests.

filterTests :: (Test -> Bool) -> Test -> TestSource

Filter TestLists in a Test, recursively, preserving the structure.

is :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> AssertionSource

Simple way to assert something is some expected value, with no label.

assertParse :: Either ParseError a -> AssertionSource

Assert a parse result is successful, printing the parse error on failure.

assertParseFailure :: Either ParseError a -> AssertionSource

Assert a parse result is successful, printing the parse error on failure.

assertParseEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => Either ParseError a -> a -> AssertionSource

Assert a parse result is some expected value, printing the parse error on failure.

applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> aSource

Apply a function the specified number of times. Possibly uses O(n) stack ?

expandPath :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m FilePathSource

Convert a possibly relative, possibly tilde-containing file path to an absolute one, given the current directory. ~username is not supported. Leave - unchanged.

firstJust :: Eq a => [Maybe a] -> Maybe aSource

trace :: String -> a -> a

The trace function outputs the trace message given as its first argument, before returning the second argument as its result.

For example, this returns the value of f x but first outputs the message.

 trace ("calling f with x = " ++ show x) (f x)

The trace function should only be used for debugging, or for monitoring execution. The function is not referentially transparent: its type indicates that it is a pure function but it has the side effect of outputting the trace message.

type SystemString = StringSource

A string received from or being passed to the operating system, such as a file path, command-line argument, or environment variable name or value. With GHC versions before 7.2 on some platforms (posix) these are typically encoded. When converting, we assume the encoding is UTF-8 (cf http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/fixing-unix-linux-filenames.html#UTF8).

fromSystemString :: SystemString -> StringSource

Convert a system string to an ordinary string, decoding from UTF-8 if it appears to be UTF8-encoded and GHC version is less than 7.2.

toSystemString :: String -> SystemStringSource

Convert a unicode string to a system string, encoding with UTF-8 if we are on a posix platform with GHC < 7.2.

error' :: String -> aSource

A SystemString-aware version of error.

userError' :: String -> IOErrorSource

A SystemString-aware version of userError.