{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
module GHC.Util.Brackets (Brackets'(..), isApp',isOpApp',isAnyApp',isSection') where

import HsSyn
import SrcLoc
import BasicTypes

class Brackets' a where
  remParen' :: a -> Maybe a -- Remove one paren or nothing if there is no paren.
  addParen' :: a -> a -- Write out a paren.
  -- | Is this item lexically requiring no bracketing ever i.e. is
  -- totally atomic.
  isAtom' :: a -> Bool
  -- | Is the child safe free from brackets in the parent
  -- position. Err on the side of caution, True = don't know.
  needBracket' :: Int -> a -> a -> Bool

isOpApp', isApp', isSection' :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> Bool
isApp' (LL _ HsApp{}) = True; isApp' _ = False
isOpApp' (LL _ OpApp{}) = True; isOpApp' _ = False
isAnyApp' x = isApp' x || isOpApp' x
isSection' (LL _ SectionL{}) = True; isSection' (LL _ SectionR{}) = True; isSection' _ = False

instance Brackets' (LHsExpr GhcPs) where
  -- When GHC parses a section in concrete syntax, it will produce an
  -- 'HsPar (Section[L|R])'. There is no concrete syntax that will
  -- result in a "naked" section. Consequently, given an expression,
  -- when stripping brackets (c.f. 'Hint.Brackets'), don't remove the
  -- paren's surrounding a section - they are required.
  remParen' (LL _ (HsPar _ (LL _ SectionL{}))) = Nothing
  remParen' (LL _ (HsPar _ (LL _ SectionR{}))) = Nothing
  remParen' (LL _ (HsPar _ x)) = Just x
  remParen' _ = Nothing

  addParen' e = noLoc $ HsPar noExt e

  isAtom' (LL _ x) = case x of
      HsVar{} -> True
      HsUnboundVar{} -> True
      HsRecFld{} -> True
      HsOverLabel{} -> True
      HsIPVar{} -> True
      -- Note that sections aren't atoms (but parenthesized sections are).
      HsPar{} -> True
      ExplicitTuple{} -> True
      ExplicitSum{} -> True
      ExplicitList{} -> True
      RecordCon{} -> True
      RecordUpd{} -> True
      ArithSeq{}-> True
      HsBracket{} -> True
      HsSpliceE {} -> True
      HsOverLit _ x | not $ isNegativeOverLit x -> True
      HsLit _ x     | not $ isNegativeLit x     -> True
      _  -> False
        isNegativeLit (HsInt _ i) = il_neg i
        isNegativeLit (HsRat _ f _) = fl_neg f
        isNegativeLit (HsFloatPrim _ f) = fl_neg f
        isNegativeLit (HsDoublePrim _ f) = fl_neg f
        isNegativeLit (HsIntPrim _ x) = x < 0
        isNegativeLit (HsInt64Prim _ x) = x < 0
        isNegativeLit (HsInteger _ x _) = x < 0
        isNegativeLit _ = False
        isNegativeOverLit OverLit {ol_val=HsIntegral i} = il_neg i
        isNegativeOverLit OverLit {ol_val=HsFractional f} = fl_neg f
        isNegativeOverLit _ = False
  isAtom' _ = False -- '{-# COMPLETE LL #-}'

  needBracket' i parent child -- Note: i is the index in children, not in the AST.
     | isAtom' child = False
     | isSection' parent, LL _ HsApp{} <- child = False
     | LL _ OpApp{} <- parent, LL _ HsApp{} <- child = False
     | LL _ HsLet{} <- parent, LL _ HsApp{} <- child = False
     | LL _ HsDo{} <- parent = False
     | LL _ ExplicitList{} <- parent = False
     | LL _ ExplicitTuple{} <- parent = False
     | LL _ HsIf{} <- parent, isAnyApp' child = False
     | LL _ HsApp{} <- parent, i == 0, LL _ HsApp{} <- child = False
     | LL _ ExprWithTySig{} <- parent, i == 0, isApp' child = False
     | LL _ RecordCon{} <- parent = False
     | LL _ RecordUpd{} <- parent, i /= 0 = False
     | LL _ HsCase{} <- parent, i /= 0 || isAnyApp' child = False
     | LL _ HsLam{} <- parent = False -- might be either the RHS of a PViewPat, or the lambda body (neither needs brackets)
     | LL _ HsPar{} <- parent = False
     | LL _ HsDo {} <- parent = False
     | otherwise = True

instance Brackets' (Pat GhcPs) where
  remParen' (LL _ (ParPat _ x)) = Just x
  remParen' _ = Nothing
  addParen' e = noLoc $ ParPat noExt e

  isAtom' (LL _ x) = case x of
    ParPat{} -> True
    TuplePat{} -> True
    ListPat{} -> True
    ConPatIn _ RecCon{} -> True
    ConPatIn _ (PrefixCon []) -> True
    VarPat{} -> True
    WildPat{} -> True
    SumPat{} -> True
    AsPat{} -> True
    SplicePat{} -> True
    LitPat _ x | not $ isSignedLit x -> True
    _ -> False
      isSignedLit HsInt{} = True
      isSignedLit HsIntPrim{} = True
      isSignedLit HsInt64Prim{} = True
      isSignedLit HsInteger{} = True
      isSignedLit HsRat{} = True
      isSignedLit HsFloatPrim{} = True
      isSignedLit HsDoublePrim{} = True
      isSignedLit _ = False
  isAtom' _ = False -- '{-# COMPLETE LL #-}'

  needBracket' _ parent child
    | isAtom' child = False
    | LL _ TuplePat{} <- parent = False
    | LL _ ListPat{} <- parent = False
    | otherwise = True

instance Brackets' (LHsType GhcPs) where
  remParen' (LL _ (HsParTy _ x)) = Just x
  remParen' _ = Nothing
  addParen' e = noLoc $ HsParTy noExt e

  isAtom' (LL _ x) = case x of
      HsParTy{} -> True
      HsTupleTy{} -> True
      HsListTy{} -> True
      HsExplicitTupleTy{} -> True
      HsExplicitListTy{} -> True
      HsTyVar{} -> True
      HsSumTy{} -> True
      HsSpliceTy{} -> True
      HsWildCardTy{} -> True
      _ -> False
  isAtom' _ = False -- '{-# COMPLETE LL #-}'

  needBracket' _ parent child
    | isAtom' child = False
-- a -> (b -> c) is not a required bracket, but useful for documentation about arity etc.
--        | TyFun{} <- parent, i == 1, TyFun{} <- child = False
    | LL _ HsFunTy{} <- parent, LL _ HsAppTy{} <- child = False
    | LL _ HsTupleTy{} <- parent = False
    | LL _ HsListTy{} <- parent = False
    | LL _ HsExplicitTupleTy{} <- parent = False
    | LL _ HsListTy{} <- parent = False
    | LL _ HsExplicitListTy{} <- parent = False
    | LL _ HsOpTy{} <- parent, LL _ HsAppTy{} <- child = False
    | LL _ HsParTy{} <- parent = False
    | otherwise = True