{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Hint.Restrict(restrictHint) where

-- These tests rely on the .hlint.yaml file in the root
foo = unsafePerformIO --
foo = bar `unsafePerformIO` baz --
module Util where otherFunc = unsafePerformIO $ print 1 --
module Util where exitMessageImpure = unsafePerformIO $ print 1
foo = unsafePerformOI

import Hint.Type(ModuHint,ModuleEx(..),Idea(..),Severity(..),warn',rawIdea')
import Config.Type

import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Prelude

import HsSyn
import RdrName
import ApiAnnotation
import Module
import SrcLoc
import OccName
import GHC.Util

-- FIXME: The settings should be partially applied, but that's hard to orchestrate right now
restrictHint :: [Setting] -> ModuHint
restrictHint settings scope m =
    let anns = ghcAnnotations m
        ps   = pragmas anns
        opts = flags ps
        exts = langExts ps in
    checkPragmas modu opts exts restrict ++
    maybe [] (checkImports modu $ hsmodImports (unLoc (ghcModule m))) (Map.lookup RestrictModule restrict) ++
    maybe [] (checkFunctions modu $ hsmodDecls (unLoc (ghcModule m))) (Map.lookup RestrictFunction restrict)
        modu = modName (ghcModule m)
        restrict = restrictions settings


data RestrictItem = RestrictItem
    {riAs :: [String]
    ,riWithin :: [(String, String)]
    ,riMessage :: Maybe String
instance Semigroup RestrictItem where
    RestrictItem x1 x2 x3 <> RestrictItem y1 y2 y3 = RestrictItem (x1<>y1) (x2<>y2) (x3<>y3)
instance Monoid RestrictItem where
    mempty = RestrictItem [] [] Nothing
    mappend = (<>)

restrictions :: [Setting] -> Map.Map RestrictType (Bool, Map.Map String RestrictItem)
restrictions settings = Map.map f $ Map.fromListWith (++) [(restrictType x, [x]) | SettingRestrict x <- settings]
        f rs = (all restrictDefault rs
               ,Map.fromListWith (<>) [(s, RestrictItem restrictAs restrictWithin restrictMessage) | Restrict{..} <- rs, s <- restrictName])

ideaMessage :: Maybe String -> Idea -> Idea
ideaMessage (Just message) w = w{ideaNote=[Note message]}
ideaMessage Nothing w = w{ideaNote=[noteMayBreak]}

ideaNoTo :: Idea -> Idea
ideaNoTo w = w{ideaTo=Nothing}

noteMayBreak :: Note
noteMayBreak = Note "may break the code"

within :: String -> String -> RestrictItem -> Bool
within modu func RestrictItem{..} = any (\(a,b) -> (a == modu || a == "") && (b == func || b == "")) riWithin


checkPragmas :: String
              -> [(Located AnnotationComment, [String])]
              -> [(Located AnnotationComment, [String])]
              ->  Map.Map RestrictType (Bool, Map.Map String RestrictItem)
              -> [Idea]
checkPragmas modu flags exts mps =
  f RestrictFlag "flags" flags ++ f RestrictExtension "extensions" exts
   f tag name xs =
     [(if null good then ideaNoTo else id) $ notes $ rawIdea' Hint.Type.Warning ("Avoid restricted " ++ name) l c Nothing [] []
     | Just (def, mp) <- [Map.lookup tag mps]
     , (L l (AnnBlockComment c), les) <- xs
     , let (good, bad) = partition (isGood def mp) les
     , let note = maybe noteMayBreak Note . (=<<) riMessage . flip Map.lookup mp
     , let notes w = w {ideaNote=note <$> bad}
     , not $ null bad]
   isGood def mp x = maybe def (within modu "") $ Map.lookup x mp

checkImports :: String -> [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> (Bool, Map.Map String RestrictItem) -> [Idea]
checkImports modu imp (def, mp) =
    [ ideaMessage riMessage $ if not allowImport
      then ideaNoTo $ warn' "Avoid restricted module" i i []
      else warn' "Avoid restricted qualification" i (noLoc $ (unLoc i){ ideclAs=noLoc . mkModuleName <$> listToMaybe riAs} :: Located (ImportDecl GhcPs)) []
    | i@(LL _ ImportDecl {..}) <- imp
    , let ri@RestrictItem{..} = Map.findWithDefault (RestrictItem [] [("","") | def] Nothing) (moduleNameString (unLoc ideclName)) mp
    , let allowImport = within modu "" ri
    , let allowQual = maybe True (\x -> null riAs || moduleNameString (unLoc x) `elem` riAs) ideclAs
    , not allowImport || not allowQual

checkFunctions :: String -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> (Bool, Map.Map String RestrictItem) -> [Idea]
checkFunctions modu decls (def, mp) =
    [ (ideaMessage riMessage $ ideaNoTo $ warn' "Avoid restricted function" x x []){ideaDecl = [dname]}
    | d <- decls
    , let dname = fromMaybe "" (declName d)
    , x <- universeBi d :: [Located RdrName]
    , let ri@RestrictItem{..} = Map.findWithDefault (RestrictItem [] [("","") | def] Nothing) (occNameString (rdrNameOcc (unLoc x))) mp
    , not $ within modu dname ri