{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Math.HiddenMarkovModel (
   Discrete, DiscreteTrained,
   Gaussian, GaussianTrained,

   mergeTrained, finishTraining, trainMany,

   ) where

import qualified Math.HiddenMarkovModel.Distribution as Distr
import qualified Math.HiddenMarkovModel.Normalized as Normalized
import qualified Math.HiddenMarkovModel.CSV as HMMCSV
import Math.HiddenMarkovModel.Private
          (T(..), Trained(..), mergeTrained, toCells, parseCSV)
import Math.HiddenMarkovModel.Utility
          (SquareMatrix, squareConstant,
           randomItemProp, normalizeProb, attachOnes)

import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix as Matrix
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Vector as Vector
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Scalar as Scalar

import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Class as Class

import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable as StorableArray
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Boxed as Array

import qualified Text.CSV.Lazy.String as CSV

import qualified System.Random as Rnd

import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as ME
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS
import qualified Control.Monad.HT as Monad

import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Traversable (Traversable, mapAccumL)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)

type DiscreteTrained symbol sh prob =
         Trained (Distr.DiscreteTrained symbol sh prob) sh prob
type Discrete symbol sh prob = T (Distr.Discrete symbol sh prob) sh prob

type GaussianTrained emiSh stateSh a =
         Trained (Distr.GaussianTrained emiSh stateSh a) stateSh a
type Gaussian emiSh stateSh a = T (Distr.Gaussian emiSh stateSh a) stateSh a

{- |
Create a model with uniform probabilities
for initial vector and transition matrix
given a distribution for the emissions.
You can use this as a starting point for 'Normalized.trainUnsupervised'.
uniform ::
   (Distr.Info distr, Distr.StateShape distr ~ sh, Shape.C sh,
    Distr.Probability distr ~ prob) =>
   distr -> T distr sh prob
uniform distr =
   let sh = Distr.statesShape distr
       c = recip $ fromIntegral $ Shape.size sh
   in  Cons {
          initial = Vector.constant sh c,
          transition = squareConstant sh c,
          distribution = distr

probabilitySequence ::
   (Traversable f, Distr.EmissionProb distr,
    Distr.StateShape distr ~ sh, Shape.Indexed sh, Shape.Index sh ~ state,
    Distr.Probability distr ~ prob, Distr.Emission distr ~ emission) =>
   T distr sh prob -> f (state, emission) -> f prob
probabilitySequence hmm =
      (\index (s, e) ->
         ((transition hmm StorableArray.!) . flip (,) s,
          index s * Distr.emissionStateProb (distribution hmm) e s))
      (initial hmm StorableArray.!)

generate ::
   (Rnd.RandomGen g, Ord prob, Rnd.Random prob, Distr.Generate distr,
    Distr.StateShape distr ~ sh, Shape.Indexed sh, Shape.Index sh ~ state,
    Distr.Probability distr ~ prob, Distr.Emission distr ~ emission) =>
   T distr sh prob -> g -> [emission]
generate hmm = map snd . generateLabeled hmm

generateLabeled ::
   (Rnd.RandomGen g, Ord prob, Rnd.Random prob, Distr.Generate distr,
    Distr.StateShape distr ~ sh, Shape.Indexed sh, Shape.Index sh ~ state,
    Distr.Probability distr ~ prob, Distr.Emission distr ~ emission) =>
   T distr sh prob -> g -> [(state, emission)]
generateLabeled hmm =
   MS.evalState $
   flip MS.evalStateT (initial hmm) $
   Monad.repeat $ MS.StateT $ \v0 -> do
      s <-
         randomItemProp $
         zip (Shape.indices $ StorableArray.shape v0) (Vector.toList v0)
      x <- Distr.generate (distribution hmm) s
      return ((s, x), Matrix.takeColumn (transition hmm) s)

{- |
Contribute a manually labeled emission sequence to a HMM training.
trainSupervised ::
   (Distr.StateShape distr ~ sh, Shape.Index sh ~ state,
    Distr.Estimate tdistr distr,
    Distr.Probability distr ~ prob, Distr.Emission distr ~ emission) =>
   sh -> NonEmpty.T [] (state, emission) -> Trained tdistr sh prob
trainSupervised sh xs =
   let getState (s, _x) = s
   in  Trained {
          trainedInitial =
             StorableArray.fromAssociations sh 0
                [(getState (NonEmpty.head xs), 1)],
          trainedTransition =
             Matrix.transpose $
             StorableArray.accumulate (+) (squareConstant sh 0) $
             attachOnes $ NonEmpty.mapAdjacent (,) $ fmap getState xs,
          trainedDistribution =
             Distr.accumulateEmissions $ Array.map attachOnes $
             Array.accumulate (flip (:))
                (Array.fromList sh $ replicate (Shape.size sh) [])
                (NonEmpty.flatten xs)

finishTraining ::
   (Shape.C sh, Eq sh,
    Distr.Estimate tdistr distr, Distr.Probability distr ~ prob) =>
   Trained tdistr sh prob -> T distr sh prob
finishTraining hmm =
   Cons {
      initial = normalizeProb $ trainedInitial hmm,
      transition = normalizeProbColumns $ trainedTransition hmm,
      distribution = Distr.normalize $ trainedDistribution hmm

normalizeProbColumns ::
   (Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real a) => SquareMatrix sh a -> SquareMatrix sh a
normalizeProbColumns m =
   Matrix.scaleColumns (StorableArray.map recip (Matrix.columnSums m)) m

trainMany ::
   (Shape.C sh, Eq sh,
    Distr.Estimate tdistr distr, Distr.Probability distr ~ prob,
    Foldable f) =>
   (trainingData -> Trained tdistr sh prob) ->
   NonEmpty.T f trainingData -> T distr sh prob
trainMany train =
   finishTraining . NonEmpty.foldl1Map mergeTrained train

{- |
Compute maximum deviation between initial and transition probabilities.
You can use this as abort criterion for unsupervised training.
We omit computation of differences between the emission probabilities.
This simplifies matters a lot and
should suffice for defining an abort criterion.
deviation ::
   (Shape.InvIndexed sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob, Ord prob) =>
   T distr sh prob -> T distr sh prob -> prob
deviation hmm0 hmm1 =
   deviationVec (initial hmm0) (initial hmm1)
   deviationVec (transition hmm0) (transition hmm1)

deviationVec ::
   (Shape.InvIndexed sh, Eq sh, Class.Real a) =>
   StorableArray.Array sh a -> StorableArray.Array sh a -> a
deviationVec =
   getDeviation $ Class.switchReal deviationVecAux deviationVecAux

newtype Deviation f a = Deviation {getDeviation :: f a -> f a -> a}

deviationVecAux ::
   (Shape.InvIndexed sh, Eq sh, Ord a, Class.Real a, Scalar.RealOf a ~ a) =>
   Deviation (StorableArray.Array sh) a
deviationVecAux =
   Deviation $ \x y ->
      Scalar.absolute $ snd $ Vector.argAbsMaximum $ Vector.sub x y

toCSV ::
   (Distr.ToCSV distr, Shape.Indexed sh, Class.Real prob, Show prob) =>
   T distr sh prob -> String
toCSV hmm =
   CSV.ppCSVTable $ snd $ CSV.toCSVTable $ HMMCSV.padTable "" $
   toCells hmm

fromCSV ::
   (Distr.FromCSV distr, Distr.StateShape distr ~ stateSh,
    Shape.Indexed stateSh, Shape.Index stateSh ~ state,
    Class.Real prob, Read prob) =>
   (Int -> stateSh) -> String -> ME.Exceptional String (T distr stateSh prob)
fromCSV makeShape =
   MS.evalStateT (parseCSV makeShape) . map HMMCSV.fixShortRow . CSV.parseCSV