{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Functions for manipulating nix strings.
module Nix.Strings where

import           Data.List (intercalate, dropWhileEnd, inits)
import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Tuple (swap)
import           Nix.Expr

-- | Merge adjacent 'Plain' values with 'mappend'.
mergePlain :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> [Antiquoted Text r]
mergePlain [] = []
mergePlain (Plain a: EscapedNewline : Plain b: xs) =
    mergePlain (Plain (a <> "\n" <> b) : xs)
mergePlain (Plain a: Plain b: xs) = mergePlain (Plain (a <> b) : xs)
mergePlain (x:xs) = x : mergePlain xs

-- | Remove 'Plain' values equal to 'mempty', as they don't have any
-- informational content.
removePlainEmpty :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> [Antiquoted Text r]
removePlainEmpty = filter f where
  f (Plain x) = x /= mempty
  f _ = True

  -- trimEnd xs
  --     | null xs = xs
  --     | otherwise = case last xs of
  --           Plain x -> init xs ++ [Plain (T.dropWhileEnd (== ' ') x)]
  --           _ -> xs

-- | Equivalent to case splitting on 'Antiquoted' strings.
runAntiquoted :: v -> (v -> a) -> (r -> a) -> Antiquoted v r -> a
runAntiquoted _  f _ (Plain v)      = f v
runAntiquoted nl f _ EscapedNewline = f nl
runAntiquoted _  _ k (Antiquoted r) = k r

-- | Split a stream representing a string with antiquotes on line breaks.
splitLines :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> [[Antiquoted Text r]]
splitLines = uncurry (flip (:)) . go where
  go (Plain t : xs) = (Plain l :) <$> foldr f (go xs) ls where
    (l : ls) = T.split (=='\n') t
    f prefix (finished, current) = ((Plain prefix : current) : finished, [])
  go (Antiquoted a : xs) = (Antiquoted a :) <$> go xs
  go (EscapedNewline : xs) = (EscapedNewline :) <$> go xs
  go [] = ([],[])

-- | Join a stream of strings containing antiquotes again. This is the inverse
-- of 'splitLines'.
unsplitLines :: [[Antiquoted Text r]] -> [Antiquoted Text r]
unsplitLines = intercalate [Plain "\n"]

-- | Form an indented string by stripping spaces equal to the minimal indent.
stripIndent :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> NString r
stripIndent [] = Indented 0 []
stripIndent xs =
  Indented minIndent
      . removePlainEmpty
      . mergePlain
      . map snd
      . dropWhileEnd cleanup
      . (\ys -> zip (map (\case [] -> Nothing
                                x -> Just (last x))
                        (inits ys)) ys)
      . unsplitLines $ ls'
    ls = stripEmptyOpening $ splitLines xs
    ls' = map (dropSpaces minIndent) ls

    minIndent = case stripEmptyLines ls of
      [] -> 0
      nonEmptyLs -> minimum $ map (countSpaces . mergePlain) nonEmptyLs

    stripEmptyLines = filter $ \case
      [Plain t] -> not $ T.null $ T.strip t
      _ -> True

    stripEmptyOpening ([Plain t]:ts) | T.null (T.strip t) = ts
    stripEmptyOpening ts = ts

    countSpaces (Antiquoted _:_) = 0
    countSpaces (EscapedNewline:_) = 0
    countSpaces (Plain t : _) = T.length . T.takeWhile (== ' ') $ t
    countSpaces [] = 0

    dropSpaces 0 x = x
    dropSpaces n (Plain t : cs) = Plain (T.drop n t) : cs
    dropSpaces _ _ = error "stripIndent: impossible"

    cleanup (Nothing, Plain y) = T.all (== ' ') y
    cleanup (Just (Plain x), Plain y)
        | "\n" `T.isSuffixOf` x = T.all (== ' ') y
    cleanup _ = False

escapeCodes :: [(Char, Char)]
escapeCodes =
  [ ('\n', 'n' )
  , ('\r', 'r' )
  , ('\t', 't' )
  , ('\\', '\\')
  , ('$' , '$' )
  , ('"', '"')

fromEscapeCode :: Char -> Maybe Char
fromEscapeCode = (`lookup` map swap escapeCodes)

toEscapeCode :: Char -> Maybe Char
toEscapeCode = (`lookup` escapeCodes)