hoopl- A library to support dataflow analysis and optimization




type SimpleFwdRewrite n f = forall e x. n e x -> Fact e f -> Maybe (AGraph n e x)Source

type SimpleBwdRewrite n f = forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f -> Maybe (AGraph n e x)Source

type JoinFun a = Label -> OldFact a -> NewFact a -> (ChangeFlag, a)Source

newtype OldFact a Source


OldFact a 

newtype NewFact a Source


NewFact a 

data FwdPass n f Source

type FwdTransfer n f = forall e x. n e x -> Fact e f -> Fact x fSource

type FwdRewrite n f = forall e x. n e x -> Fact e f -> Maybe (FwdRes n f e x)Source

data FwdRes n f e x Source


FwdRes (AGraph n e x) (FwdRewrite n f) 

data BwdPass n f Source

type BwdTransfer n f = forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f -> Fact e fSource

type BwdRewrite n f = forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f -> Maybe (BwdRes n f e x)Source

data BwdRes n f e x Source


BwdRes (AGraph n e x) (BwdRewrite n f) 

type family Fact x f :: *Source

analyzeAndRewriteFwd :: forall n f. Edges n => FwdPass n f -> Body n -> FactBase f -> FuelMonad (Body n, FactBase f)Source

analyzeAndRewriteBwd :: forall n f. Edges n => BwdPass n f -> Body n -> FactBase f -> FuelMonad (Body n, FactBase f)Source

analyzeAndRewriteFwd' :: forall n f e x. Edges n => FwdPass n f -> Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> FuelMonad (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO x f)Source

if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...

analyzeAndRewriteBwd' :: forall n f e x. Edges n => BwdPass n f -> Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> FuelMonad (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO e f)Source

if the graph being analyzed is open at the exit, I don't quite understand the implications of possible other exits

type TraceFn = forall a. String -> a -> aSource

debugFwdJoins :: forall n f. Show f => TraceFn -> ChangePred -> FwdPass n f -> FwdPass n fSource

Debugging combinators: Each combinator takes a dataflow pass and produces a dataflow pass that can output debugging messages. You provide the function, we call it with the applicable message.

The most common use case is probably to:

  1. import Debug.Trace
  2. pass trace as the 1st argument to the debug combinator
  3. pass 'const true' as the 2nd argument to the debug combinator

debugBwdJoins :: forall n f. Show f => TraceFn -> ChangePred -> BwdPass n f -> BwdPass n fSource

data FuelMonad a Source


data O Source


data C Source


IfThenElseable C 
Edges n => LabelsPtr (n e C) 

data Block n e x whereSource


BUnit :: n e x -> Block n e x 
BCat :: Block n e O -> Block n O x -> Block n e x 


Edges n => Edges (Block n) 

data Body' block n whereSource


BodyEmpty :: Body' block n 
BodyUnit :: block n C C -> Body' block n 
BodyCat :: Body' block n -> Body' block n -> Body' block n 

bodyMap :: Edges (block n) => Body' block n -> LabelMap (block n C C)Source

data Graph' block n e x whereSource


GNil :: Graph' block n O O 
GUnit :: block n O O -> Graph' block n O O 
GMany :: MaybeO e (block n O C) -> Body' block n -> MaybeO x (block n C O) -> Graph' block n e x 

data MaybeO ex t whereSource


JustO :: t -> MaybeO O t 
NothingO :: MaybeO C t 


class Edges thing whereSource


entryLabel :: thing C x -> LabelSource

successors :: thing e C -> [Label]Source


Edges n => Edges (Block n) 
Edges n => Edges (ZBlock n) 

addBlock :: block n C C -> Body' block n -> Body' block nSource

bodyList :: Edges (block n) => Body' block n -> [(Label, block n C C)]Source

data Label Source


Eq Label 
Ord Label 
Show Label 
LabelsPtr Label 
Labels Label 

data LabelSet Source


LabelsPtr LabelSet 

data AGraph n e x Source

(<*>) :: AGraph n e O -> AGraph n O x -> AGraph n e xSource

As noted in the paper, we can define a single, polymorphic type of splicing operation with the very polymorphic type AGraph n e a -> AGraph n a x -> AGraph n e x However, we feel that this operation is a bit too polymorphic, and that it's too easy for clients to use it blindly without thinking. We therfore split it into several operations:

  • The <*> operator is true concatenation, for connecting open graphs.
  • The operators addEntrySeq or addExitSeq allow a client to add an entry or exit sequence to a graph that is closed at the entry or exit.
  • The operator addBlocks adds a set of basic blocks (represented as a closed/closed AGraph to an existing graph, without changing the shape of the existing graph. In some cases, it's necessary to introduce a branch and a label to 'get around' the blocks added, so this operator, and other functions based on it, requires a HooplNode type-class constraint. (In GHC 6.12 this operator was called outOfLine.)
  • The operator unionBlocks takes the union of two sets of basic blocks, each of which is represented as a closed/closed AGraph. It is not redundant with addBlocks, because addBlocks requires a HooplNode constraint but unionBlocks does not.
  • The operator |*><*| splices two graphs at a closed point. The vertical bar stands for closed point just as the angle brackets above stand for open point. Unlike the * operator, the |*><*| can create a control-flow graph with dangling outedges or unreachable blocks. The operator must be used carefully, so we have chosen a long name on purpose, to help call people's attention to what they're doing.
  • We have discussed a dynamic assertion about dangling outedges and unreachable blocks, but nothing is implemented yet.

There is some redundancy in this representation (any instance of addEntrySeq is also an instance of either addExitSeq or addBlocks), but because the different operators restrict polymorphism in different ways, we felt some redundancy would be appropriate.

(|*><*|) :: AGraph n e C -> AGraph n C x -> AGraph n e xSource

addEntrySeq :: AGraph n O C -> AGraph n C x -> AGraph n O xSource

addExitSeq :: AGraph n e C -> AGraph n C O -> AGraph n e OSource

addBlocks :: HooplNode n => AGraph n e x -> AGraph n C C -> AGraph n e xSource

withFreshLabels :: Labels l => (l -> AGraph n e x) -> AGraph n e xSource

mkMiddles :: [n O O] -> AGraph n O OSource

mkLast :: n O C -> AGraph n O CSource

mkWhileDo :: HooplNode n => (Label -> Label -> AGraph n O C) -> AGraph n O O -> AGraph n O OSource

class IfThenElseable x whereSource


mkIfThenElse :: HooplNode n => (Label -> Label -> AGraph n O C) -> AGraph n O x -> AGraph n O x -> AGraph n O xSource

class Edges n => HooplNode n whereSource

showGraph :: forall n e x. Edges n => Showing n -> Graph n e x -> StringSource