hopenssl-1.3: FFI bindings to OpenSSL's EVP digest interface





This module proivdes a high-level API to the message digest algorithms found in OpenSSL's crypto library. Link with -lcrypto when using this module.

Here is a short example program which runs all available digests on a string:

 example :: (Enum a) => [a] -> IO [String]
 example input = mapM hash [minBound .. maxBound]
   hash f = fmap (fmt f) (digest f (toWord input))
   fmt f  = shows f . (":    \t"++) . (>>=toHex)
   toWord = map (toEnum . fromEnum)

And when called, the function prints:

 *Digest> example "open sesame" >>= putStr . unlines
 MD2:       a22a0b245bdddb00b5293ad590297b25
 MD5:       54ef36ec71201fdf9d1423fd26f97f6b
 SHA:       2ccefef64c76ac0d42ca1657457977675890c42f
 SHA1:      5bcaff7f22ff533ca099b3408ead876c0ebba9a7
 DSS:       5bcaff7f22ff533ca099b3408ead876c0ebba9a7
 DSS1:      5bcaff7f22ff533ca099b3408ead876c0ebba9a7
 RIPEMD160: bdb2bba6ec93bd566dc1181cadbc92176aa78382


High-level API

data MessageDigest Source

The message digest algorithms we support.



0 bit


128 bit


128 bit


160 bit


160 bit


160 bit (SHA1)


160 bit (SHA1)


160 bit

digest :: MessageDigest -> [Word8] -> IO [Word8]Source

A convenience wrapper which computes the given digest over a list of Word8. Unlike the monadic interface, this function does not allow the computation to be restarted.

type Digest a = StateT DigestState IO aSource

A monadic interface to the digest computation.

newtype DigestState Source

The internal EVP context.


DST (Ptr OpaqueContext) 

mkDigest :: MessageDigest -> (DigestState -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Run an IO computation with an initialized DigestState. All resources will be freed when the computation returns.

update :: [Word8] -> Digest ()Source

Update the internal state with a block of data. This function is just a wrapper for update', which creates an array in memory using withArray.

update' :: (Ptr Word8, Int) -> Digest ()Source

Update the internal state with a block of data from memory. This is the faster version of update.

final :: Digest [Word8]Source

Wrap up the computation, add padding, do whatever has to be done, and return the final hash. The length of the result depends on the chosen MessageDigest. Do not call more than once!

Low-level API

data OpaqueContext Source

The EVP context used by OpenSSL is opaque for us; we only access it through a Ptr.



data OpaqueMDEngine Source

The message digest engines are opaque for us as well.



maxMDSize :: IntSource

Maximum size of all message digests supported by OpenSSL. Allocate a buffer of this size for digestFinal if you want to stay generic.

ctxCreate :: IO ContextSource

Create an EVP context. May be nullPtr.

ctxInit :: Context -> IO ()Source

Initialize an EVP context.

ctxDestroy :: Context -> IO ()Source

Destroy an EVP context and free the allocated resources.

digestInit :: Context -> MDEngine -> IO CIntSource

Set the message digest engine for digestUpdate calls. Returns /=0 in case of an error.

digestUpdate :: Context -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CIntSource

Update the internal context with a block of input. Returns /=0 in case of an error.

digestFinal :: Context -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr CUInt -> IO CIntSource

Wrap up the digest computation and return the final digest. Do not call repeatedly on the same context! Returns /=0 in case of an error. The pointer to the unsigned integer may be nullPtr. If it is not, digestFinal will store the length of the computed digest there.

Message Digest Engines

toMDEngine :: MessageDigest -> IO MDEngineSource

Map a MessageDigest type into the the corresponding MDEngine.

Helper Functions

toHex :: Word8 -> StringSource

Neat helper to print digests with: \ws :: [Word8] -> ws >>= toHex