Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Alegbraic data types for OSC datum and packets.
- type Time = Double
- immediately :: Time
- type Datum_Type = Char
- type ASCII = ByteString
- data MIDI = MIDI Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8
- data Datum
- datum_tag :: Datum -> Datum_Type
- datum_integral :: Integral i => Datum -> Maybe i
- datum_floating :: Floating n => Datum -> Maybe n
- class Datem a where
- int32 :: Integral n => n -> Datum
- int64 :: Integral n => n -> Datum
- float :: Real n => n -> Datum
- double :: Real n => n -> Datum
- string :: String -> Datum
- midi :: (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) -> Datum
- type Address_Pattern = String
- data Message = Message {}
- message :: Address_Pattern -> [Datum] -> Message
- descriptor :: [Datum] -> ASCII
- descriptor_tags :: ASCII -> ASCII
- data Bundle = Bundle {
- bundleTime :: Time
- bundleMessages :: [Message]
- bundle :: Time -> [Message] -> Bundle
- data Packet
- = Packet_Message { }
- | Packet_Bundle { }
- p_bundle :: Time -> [Message] -> Packet
- p_message :: Address_Pattern -> [Datum] -> Packet
- packetTime :: Packet -> Time
- packetMessages :: Packet -> [Message]
- packet_to_bundle :: Packet -> Bundle
- packet_to_message :: Packet -> Maybe Message
- packet_is_immediate :: Packet -> Bool
- at_packet :: (Message -> a) -> (Bundle -> a) -> Packet -> a
- message_has_address :: Address_Pattern -> Message -> Bool
- bundle_has_address :: Address_Pattern -> Bundle -> Bool
- packet_has_address :: Address_Pattern -> Packet -> Bool
- timePP :: Time -> String
- vecPP :: Show a => [a] -> String
- datumPP :: Datum -> String
- messagePP :: Message -> String
- bundlePP :: Bundle -> String
- packetPP :: Packet -> String
- readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
- parse_datum :: Datum_Type -> String -> Maybe Datum
Constant indicating a bundle to be executed immediately.
type Datum_Type = CharSource
Type enumerating Datum categories.
type ASCII = ByteStringSource
Type for ASCII strings (strict Char
8 ByteString
Four-byte midi message.
The basic elements of OSC messages.
datum_tag :: Datum -> Datum_TypeSource
Single character identifier of an OSC datum.
datum_integral :: Integral i => Datum -> Maybe iSource
datum_floating :: Floating n => Datum -> Maybe nSource
Class for translating to and from Datum
. There are instances
for the direct Datum
field types.
d_put (1::Int32) == Int32 1 d_put (1::Int64) == Int64 1 d_put (1::Float) == Float 1 d_put (1::Double) == Double 1 d_put (C.pack "str") == ASCII_String (C.pack "str") d_put (B.pack [37,37]) == Blob (B.pack [37,37]) d_put (MIDI 0 0 0 0) == Midi (MIDI 0 0 0 0)
There are also instances for standard Haskell types.
d_put (1::Int) == Int64 1 d_put (1::Integer) == Int64 1
int32 :: Integral n => n -> DatumSource
Type generalised Int32
int32 (1::Int32) == int32 (1::Integer) d_int32 (int32 (maxBound::Int32)) == maxBound int32 (((2::Int) ^ (64::Int))::Int) == Int32 0
int64 :: Integral n => n -> DatumSource
Type generalised Int64
int64 (1::Int32) == int64 (1::Integer) d_int64 (int64 (maxBound::Int64)) == maxBound
float :: Real n => n -> DatumSource
Type generalised Float
float (1::Int) == float (1::Double) floatRange (undefined::Float) == (-125,128) isInfinite (d_float (float (encodeFloat 1 256 :: Double))) == True
double :: Real n => n -> DatumSource
Type generalised Double
double (1::Int) == double (1::Double) double (encodeFloat 1 256 :: Double) == Double 1.157920892373162e77
string :: String -> DatumSource
of pack
string "string" == ASCII_String (C.pack "string")
type Address_Pattern = StringSource
OSC address pattern. This is strictly an ASCII value, but it is
very common to pattern match on addresses and matching on
requires OverloadedStrings
An OSC message.
message :: Address_Pattern -> [Datum] -> MessageSource
constructor. It is an error
if the Address_Pattern
doesn't conform to the OSC specification.
descriptor :: [Datum] -> ASCIISource
Message argument types are given by a descriptor.
C.unpack (descriptor [Int32 1,Float 1,string "1"]) == ",ifs"
descriptor_tags :: ASCII -> ASCIISource
Descriptor tags are comma
An OSC bundle.
Bundle | |
p_message :: Address_Pattern -> [Datum] -> PacketSource
packetTime :: Packet -> TimeSource
The Time
of Packet
, if the Packet
is a Message
this is
packet_to_bundle :: Packet -> BundleSource
If Packet
is a Message
add immediately
timestamp, else id
packet_is_immediate :: Packet -> BoolSource
Is Packet
immediate, ie. a Bundle
with timestamp
, or a plain Message.
Address Query
message_has_address :: Address_Pattern -> Message -> BoolSource
Does Message
have the specified Address_Pattern
bundle_has_address :: Address_Pattern -> Bundle -> BoolSource
Do any of the Message
s at Bundle
have the specified
packet_has_address :: Address_Pattern -> Packet -> BoolSource
Does Packet
have the specified Address_Pattern
, ie.
or bundle_has_address
Pretty printing
timePP :: Time -> StringSource
Pretty printer for Time
(truncate to 4 decimal places).
timePP (1/3) == "0.3333"
datumPP :: Datum -> StringSource
Pretty printer for Datum
let d = [Int32 1,Float 1.2,string "str",midi (0,0x90,0x40,0x60)] in map datumPP d == ["1","1.2","\"str\"","<0,144,64,96>"]
parse_datum :: Datum_Type -> String -> Maybe DatumSource
Given Datum_Type
attempt to parse Datum
at String
parse_datum 'i' "42" == Just (Int32 42) parse_datum 'h' "42" == Just (Int64 42) parse_datum 'f' "3.14159" == Just (Float 3.14159) parse_datum 'd' "3.14159" == Just (Double 3.14159) parse_datum 's' "\"pi\"" == Just (string "pi") parse_datum 'b' "[112,105]" == Just (Blob (B.pack [112,105])) parse_datum 'm' "(0,144,60,90)" == Just (midi (0,144,60,90))