hpack-convert-1.0.1: Convert Cabal manifests into hpack's package.yamls

Safe HaskellNone




Public API

fromPackageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> Package Source #

Reads a Package from cabal's GenericPackageDescription representation of a .cabal file

fromPackageDescriptionString :: String -> Either ConvertError Package Source #

Reads a Package from a .cabal manifest string

Private functions for converting each section

fromSourceRepos :: [SourceRepo] -> Maybe SourceRepository Source #

Conditional Mapping

Private helpers

sectionWithBuildInfo :: a -> BuildInfo -> Section a Source #

Builds a Package Section from a data entity and a BuildInfo entity

nullNothing :: [a] -> Maybe [a] Source #

Returns Nothing if a list is empty and Just the list otherwise

>>> nullNothing []
>>> nullNothing [1, 2, 3]
Just [1, 2, 3]

parseCommaSep :: String -> [String] Source #

Parse comma separated list, stripping whitespace

trimEnds :: String -> String Source #

Trim leading and trailing whitespace