{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
module Hpp.Macro (parseDefinition) where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Hpp.StringSig
import Hpp.Tokens (trimUnimportant, importants, Token(..), isImportant)
import Hpp.Types (Macro(..), String, TOKEN, Scan(..))
import Prelude hiding (String)

-- * TOKEN Splices

-- | Deal with the two-character '##' token pasting/splicing
-- operator. We do so eliminating spaces around the @##@
-- operator.
prepTOKENSplices :: [TOKEN] -> [TOKEN]
prepTOKENSplices = map (fmap copy) . dropSpaces [] . mergeTOKENs []
  where -- Merges ## tokens, and reverses the input list
        mergeTOKENs acc [] = acc
        mergeTOKENs acc (Important "#" : Important "#" : ts) =
          mergeTOKENs (Important "##" : acc) (dropWhile (not . isImportant) ts)
        mergeTOKENs acc (t:ts) = mergeTOKENs (t : acc) ts
        -- Drop trailing spaces and re-reverse the list
        dropSpaces acc [] = acc
        dropSpaces acc (t@(Important "##") : ts) =
          dropSpaces (t : acc) (dropWhile (not . isImportant) ts)
        dropSpaces acc (t:ts) = dropSpaces (t : acc) ts

-- | Parse the definition of an object-like or function macro.
parseDefinition :: [TOKEN] -> Maybe (String, Macro)
parseDefinition toks =
  case dropWhile (not . isImportant) toks of
    (Important name:Important "(":rst) ->
      let params = takeWhile (/= ")") $ filter (/= ",") (importants rst)
          body = trimUnimportant . tail $ dropWhile (/= Important ")") toks
          macro = Function (length params) (functionMacro params body)
      in Just (name, macro)
    (Important name:_) ->
      let rhs = case dropWhile (/= Important name) toks of
                  [] -> [Important ""]
                    | all (not . isImportant) str -> [Important ""]
                    | otherwise -> trimUnimportant t
      in Just (copy name, Object (map (fmap copy) rhs))
    _ -> Nothing

-- * Function-like macros as Haskell functions

-- | Drop spaces following @'#'@ characters.
prepStringify :: [TOKEN] -> [TOKEN]
prepStringify [] = []
prepStringify (Important "#" : ts) =
  case dropWhile (not . isImportant) ts of
    (Important t : ts') -> Important (cons '#' t) : prepStringify ts'
    _ -> Important "#" : ts
prepStringify (t:ts) = t : prepStringify ts

-- | Concatenate tokens separated by @'##'@.
paste :: [Scan] -> [Scan]
paste [] = []
paste (Rescan (Important s) : Rescan (Important "##") : Rescan (Important t) : ts) =
  paste (Rescan (Important (trimSpaces s <> sdropWhile isSpace t)) : ts)
paste (t:ts) = t : paste ts

-- | @functionMacro parameters body arguments@ substitutes @arguments@
-- for @parameters@ in @body@ and performs stringification for uses of
-- the @#@ operator and token concatenation for the @##@ operator.
functionMacro :: [String] -> [TOKEN] -> [([Scan],String)] -> [Scan]
functionMacro params body = paste
                          . subst body'
                          -- . M.fromList
                          . zip params'
  where params' = map copy params
        subst toks gamma = go toks
          where go [] = []
                go (p@(Important "##"):t@(Important s):ts) =
                  case lookup s gamma of
                    Nothing -> Rescan p : Rescan t : go ts
                    Just (_,arg) ->
                      Rescan p : Rescan (Important arg) : go ts
                go (t@(Important s):p@(Important "##"):ts) =
                  case lookup s gamma of
                    Nothing -> Rescan t : go (p:ts)
                    Just (_,arg) -> Rescan (Important arg) : go (p:ts)
                go (t@(Important "##"):ts) = Rescan t : go ts
                go (t@(Important (uncons -> Just ('#',s))) : ts) =
                  case lookup s gamma of
                    Nothing -> Rescan t : go ts
                    Just (_,arg) ->
                      Rescan (Important (stringify arg)) : go ts
                go (t@(Important s) : ts) =
                  case lookup s gamma of
                    Nothing -> Rescan t : go ts
                    Just (arg,_) -> arg ++ go ts
                go (t:ts) = Rescan t : go ts
        body' = prepStringify . prepTOKENSplices $
                dropWhile (not . isImportant) body