-- | Type level functions over 'ReqContent' and 'ResContent'
module Hreq.Core.API.TypeLevel where

import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, TypeError, ErrorMessage(..), KnownSymbol, KnownNat)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Header)
import Web.HttpApiData (ToHttpApiData)

import Hreq.Core.Client.BasicAuth (BasicAuthData)
import Hreq.Core.API.Request (ReqContent(..))
import Hreq.Core.API.Response (ResContent (..))
import Hreq.Core.API.Internal ((:>))
import Hreq.Core.API.MediaType (MediaDecode, MediaEncode, HasMediaType)
import Hreq.Core.API.Streaming (HasStreamBody)
import Hreq.Core.API.Verb (Verb)

-- | 'ApiToReq' transforms an API type into a type level list of
-- Request component content types.
-- The resulting list is used by the 'Hreq.Core.API.HasRequest.HasRequest' class.
type family ApiToReq (a :: api) :: [ ReqContent Type]  where
  ApiToReq (Verb m ts) =  '[ ]
  ApiToReq ( (path :: Symbol) :> ts) = 'Path () path ': ApiToReq ts
  ApiToReq ( (x :: ReqContent Type) :> ts) = x ': ApiToReq ts

-- | Given an API type, 'GetVerb' retrieves the Verb type component which
-- is used by the 'Hreq.Core.Client.HasResponse.HasResponse' class.
type family GetVerb (a :: api) :: Type  where
  GetVerb (Verb m ts) =  Verb m ts
  GetVerb (api :> sub) = GetVerb sub

-- | 'HttpReq' interprets a 'ReqContent' list as a 'Type' level list
-- used in the 'Hreq.Core.Client.HasRequest.HasRequest' class for representing
-- request component inputs
type family HttpReq (ts :: [ReqContent Type]) :: [  Type ] where
  HttpReq '[] = '[]

  HttpReq ('Path _ _ ': ts) = HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('ReqBody ctyp a ': ts) = a ': HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('StreamBody ctyp a ': ts) = a ': HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('BasicAuth _ _ : ts) = BasicAuthData ': HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('QueryFlags _ _ ': ts) = HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('Params ( '(s, a) ': ps ) ': ts) = a ': HttpReq ('Params ps ': ts)
  HttpReq ('Params '[] : ts) = HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('CaptureAll a ': ts) = [a] ': HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('Captures ( a : cs ) ': ts) = a ': HttpReq ('Captures cs ': ts)
  HttpReq ('Captures '[] : ts) = HttpReq ts

  HttpReq ('ReqHeaders ( '(s, a) ': hs ) ': ts) = a ': HttpReq ('ReqHeaders hs ': ts)
  HttpReq ('ReqHeaders '[] : ts) = HttpReq ts

-- | 'HttpRes' interprets a 'ResContent' list as a Type level list for
-- used 'Hreq.Core.Client.HasResponse.HasResponse' class to represent responses
type family HttpRes (res :: [ ResContent Type ]) :: [ Type ] where
  HttpRes '[] = '[]
  HttpRes ('ResBody ctyp a ': ts) = a ': HttpRes ts
  HttpRes ('ResStatus _a code ': ts) = HttpRes ts
  HttpRes ('ResHeaders (s ': hs) ': ts) = [Header] ': HttpRes ts
  HttpRes ('ResHeaders '[]  ': ts) = HttpRes ts
  HttpRes ('Raw a ': ts) = HttpRes ts

-- | Response content types Constraints.
type family HttpResConstraints (res :: [ResContent Type]) :: Constraint where
  HttpResConstraints '[] = ()
  HttpResConstraints  ('ResStatus _a code ': ts) = (KnownNat code, HttpResConstraints ts)
  HttpResConstraints  ('ResBody ctyp a ': ts) =
     (HasMediaType ctyp, MediaDecode ctyp a, HttpResConstraints ts)
  HttpResConstraints  ('ResStream ctyp a ': ts) = (HasMediaType ctyp, HttpResConstraints ts)
  HttpResConstraints ('ResHeaders hs ': ts) = (HttpSymbolTypePair hs, HttpResConstraints ts)
  HttpResConstraints ('Raw a ': ts) = HttpResConstraints ts

-- | Request content types Constraints.
type family HttpReqConstraints (req :: [ReqContent Type]) :: Constraint where
  HttpReqConstraints '[] = ()

  HttpReqConstraints ('Path _ path ': ts) = (KnownSymbol path, HttpReqConstraints ts)

  HttpReqConstraints ('BasicAuth _ _ ': ts) = HttpReqConstraints ts

  HttpReqConstraints ('ReqBody ctyp a ': ts ) =
    (HasMediaType ctyp, MediaEncode ctyp a, HttpReqConstraints ts)

  HttpReqConstraints ('StreamBody ctyp a ': ts ) =
    (HasMediaType ctyp, HasStreamBody a, HttpReqConstraints ts)

  HttpReqConstraints ('QueryFlags _a fs ': ts) = (All KnownSymbol fs, HttpReqConstraints ts)

  HttpReqConstraints ('Params ( '(s, a) ': ps) ': ts) =
    (KnownSymbol s, ToHttpApiData a,  HttpReqConstraints ('Params ps ': ts))
  HttpReqConstraints ('Params '[] ': ts) =  HttpReqConstraints ts

  HttpReqConstraints ('Captures ( a : cs) ': ts) =
    (ToHttpApiData a,  HttpReqConstraints ('Captures cs ': ts))
  HttpReqConstraints ('Captures '[] ': ts) =  HttpReqConstraints ts

  HttpReqConstraints ('CaptureAll a ': ts) = (ToHttpApiData a, HttpReqConstraints ts)

  HttpReqConstraints ('ReqHeaders ('(s, a) ': hs) ': ts) =
     (KnownSymbol s, ToHttpApiData a, HttpReqConstraints ('ReqHeaders hs ': ts))
  HttpReqConstraints ('ReqHeaders '[] ': ts) = HttpReqConstraints ts

-- | For a given HTTP API data 'Symbol' 'Type' tuple list generate Constraints for all the members.
type family HttpSymbolTypePair (ts :: [(Symbol, Type)]) :: Constraint where
  HttpSymbolTypePair ts =  (All KnownSymbol (AllFsts ts), All ToHttpApiData (AllSnds ts))

-- | Cross check that there are no repeated instance of an item
-- with in a type level list. For instance we want to have only
-- one 'ResBody' with in a Response type level list
type family UniqMembers (ts :: [k]) (label :: Symbol) :: Constraint  where
  UniqMembers '[] label = ()
  UniqMembers (a ': ts) label = (UniqMember a ts label, UniqMembers ts label)

type family UniqMember (a :: k) (ts :: [k]) (label :: Symbol) :: Constraint where
   UniqMember a '[] label = ()
   UniqMember a (a ': ts) label = TypeError ( 'Text "Type "
                                              ':<>: 'ShowType a
                                              ':<>: 'Text "Should be unique with in the "
                                              ':<>: 'Text label
                                              ':<>: 'Text " type level list"
   UniqMember a (b ': ts ) label = UniqMember b ts label

  Helper type families

type family All (a :: k -> Constraint) (ts :: [k]) :: Constraint where
  All c '[] = ()
  All c (t ': ts) = (c t, All c ts)

type family AllFsts (a :: [(k1, k2)]) :: [k1] where
  AllFsts '[] = '[]
  AllFsts ('(f, s) ': ts) = f ': AllFsts ts

type family AllSnds (a :: [(k1, k2)]) :: [k2] where
  AllSnds '[] = '[]
  AllSnds ('(f, s) ': ts) = s ': AllSnds ts