-- |
-- Module      :  Conllu.IO
-- Copyright   :  © 2018 bruno cuconato
-- License     :  LPGL-3
-- Maintainer  :  bruno cuconato <bcclaro+hackage@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Defines major IO functions.

module Conllu.IO where

-- imports
import Conllu.Type
import Conllu.Utils
import Conllu.Parse
import Conllu.Print
import Conllu.Diff

import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

-- * read functions

-- ** readers using a customized parser
-- | these reader functions will read files using a customized
-- parser. you can build one with 'ParserC' and 'parserC'.
readConlluFileWith :: Parser Sent -> FilePath -> IO Doc
-- | reads a file with a customized parser.
readConlluFileWith p f = do
  ds <- readFile f
  case parseConlluWith p f ds of
    Left err -> putStr err *> return []
    Right d -> return d

readDirectoryWith :: Parser Sent -> FilePath -> IO [Doc]
-- | reads all the files in a directory as CoNLL-U files with a
-- customized parser.
readDirectoryWith p d = do fs' <- listDirectory d
                           let fs = map (d </>) fs'
                           mapM (readConlluFileWith p) fs

readConlluWith :: Parser Sent -> FilePath -> IO [Doc]
-- | reads a file or a directory as CoNLL-U files with a customized
-- parser.
readConlluWith p fp = do f <- doesFileExist fp
                         if' f (mapM (readConlluFileWith p) [fp]) $
                           do d <- doesDirectoryExist fp
                              if' d (readDirectoryWith p fp) (return [])

-- ** readers using default parsers
readConlluFile :: FilePath -> IO Doc
-- | reads a CoNLL-U file.
readConlluFile = readConlluFileWith sentence

readDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [Doc]
-- | reads all files in a directory as CoNLL-U files.
readDirectory = readDirectoryWith sentence

readConllu :: FilePath -> IO [Doc]
-- | reads a file or a directory as CoNLL-U files.
readConllu = readConlluWith sentence

-- * write
writeConlluFile :: FilePath -> Doc -> IO ()
-- | writes a CoNLL-U file to disk.
writeConlluFile fp = writeFile fp . printDoc

-- * print
readAndPrintConllu :: FilePath -> IO ()
-- | reads and prints the CoNLL-U files given.
readAndPrintConllu fp = do
  readConlluFile fp >>= putStr . printDoc
  return ()

-- * diff
diffConllu :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-- | reads two CoNLL-U files and prints their diffs. this assumes
-- their sentences are paired.
diffConllu fp1 fp2 = do
  ss1 <- readConlluFile fp1
  ss2 <- readConlluFile fp2
  print . printDDiff . diffSs $ zip ss1 ss2
  return ()