hsc3-0.14: Haskell SuperCollider

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Enumerations of the unary and binary math unit generators.



unaryTable :: [(Int, String)]Source

Table of symbolic names for standard unary operators.

unaryName :: Int -> StringSource

Lookup possibly symbolic name for standard unary operators.

binaryTable :: [(Int, String)]Source

Table of symbolic names for standard binary operators.

binaryName :: Int -> StringSource

Lookup possibly symbolic name for standard binary operators.

 map binaryName [1,2,8] == ["-","*","<"]

rlookup :: Eq b => b -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe aSource

Reverse lookup.

binaryIndex :: String -> IntSource

Given name of binary operator derive index.

 map binaryIndex ["*","Mul","Ring1"] == [2,2,30]

unaryIndex :: String -> IntSource

Given name of unary operator derive index.

 map unaryIndex ["-","Neg","Cubed"] == [0,0,13]