hsc3-db-0.11: Haskell SuperCollider Unit Generator Database



SuperCollider UGen database.

The database is generated by an sclang program and is given by the constant value ugenDB, which is a list of U entries.

 length ugenDB == 391



uLookup :: String -> Maybe USource

Lookup U at ugenDB.

 fmap ugen_default_rate (uLookup "SinOsc") == Just Sound.SC3.AR

uLookup_ci :: String -> Maybe USource

Case-insensitive variant of uLookup.

 fmap ugen_default_rate (uLookup_ci "fft") == Just Sound.SC3.KR

iPP :: I -> StringSource

Pretty printer for I.

 iPP (I {input_name = "freq", input_default = 440.0}) == "freq=440.0"

ugenSummary' :: Bool -> String -> StringSource

Lookup named UGen and generate simple summary string. If the fold case flag is true the name lookup is case insensitive.

ugenSummary :: String -> StringSource

Lookup named UGen and generate simple summary string.

 ugenSummary "SinOsc" == "SinOsc [AR,KR] freq=440.0 phase=0.0"

ugenSummary_ci :: String -> StringSource

Case-insensitive variant of ugenSummary.

 ugenSummary_ci "fSinOsc" == "FSinOsc [AR,KR] freq=440.0 iphase=0.0"