hsc3-lang-0.11: Haskell SuperCollider Language




sclang pattern library functions. See http://slavepianos.org/rd/?t=hsc3-texts for tutorial.


P type and instances

data M Source

Pattern continuation mode




Eq M 
Show M 

data P a Source

Pattern data type (opaque)




unP :: [a]
stP :: M


Monad P 
Functor P 
Applicative P 
Foldable P 
Traversable P 
Eq a => Eq (P a) 
Fractional a => Fractional (P a) 
Num a => Num (P a) 
Show a => Show (P a) 
Monoid (P a) 
OrdE a => OrdE (P a) 
Audible (P Event) 
Audible (String, P Event) 
Audible (Synthdef, P Event) 

pappend' :: P a -> P a -> P aSource

A variant of pappend that preserves the continuation mode but is strict in the right argument.

pappend :: P a -> P a -> P aSource

mappend variant to sequence two patterns.

Note that in order for mappend to be productive in mconcat on an infinite list it cannot store the right-hand stop/continue mode, see pappend'

 toP [1,2] `pappend` toP [2,3] == toP [1,2,2,3]
 ptake 3 (prepeat 3 `pappend` prepeat 4) == toP' [3,3,3]
 ptake 3 (pconcat (cycle [prepeat 3])) == toP' [3,3,3]
 pempty `pappend` pempty == pempty

(>>=*) :: P a -> (a -> P b) -> P bSource

A >>= variant using the continuation maintaining pappend' function.

inf :: IntSource

Pseudo-infinite value for use at repeat counts.

nan :: (Monad m, Floating a) => m aSource

Constant NaN (not a number) value for use as a rest indicator.


stP_join :: [M] -> MSource

Join a set of M values, if any are Stop then Stop else Continue.

pextension :: [P a] -> [()]Source

Extension of a set of patterns. If any patterns are stopping, the longest such pattern, else the longest of the continuing patterns.

 pextension [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == [(),(),()]
 pextension [toP' [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == [(),()]

pextend :: [P a] -> [P a]Source

Extend a set of patterns following pextension rule.

 pextend [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == [toP' [1,2,1],toP' [3,4,5]]
 pextend [toP' [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == [toP' [1,2],toP' [3,4]]

ptranspose :: [P a] -> P [a]Source

Variant of transpose.

 ptranspose [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == toP [[1,3],[2,4],[5]]

pflop' :: [P a] -> P [a]Source

Variant of pflop.

 pflop' [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == toP' [[1,3],[2,4],[1,5]]

pflop :: [P a] -> P (P a)Source

Variant of ptranspose transforming the input patterns by pextension.

 pflop [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == toP' (map toP [[1,3],[2,4],[1,5]])

pflopJoin :: [P a] -> P aSource

Composition of pjoin and pflop.

P lifting

liftP :: ([a] -> [b]) -> P a -> P bSource

Lift unary list function to P.

liftP2 :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> P a -> P b -> P cSource

Lift binary list function to P.

liftP3 :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d]) -> P a -> P b -> P c -> P dSource

Lift ternary list function to P.

liftP4 :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e]) -> P a -> P b -> P c -> P d -> P eSource

Lift quaternary list function to P.

P functions

pnull :: P a -> BoolSource

Variant of null.

stp :: Int -> MSource

Select M according to repeat count, see inf.

stopping :: P a -> P aSource

Set pattern mode to Stop.

stoppingN :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

Set pattern mode according to repeat count, see inf.

continuing :: P a -> P aSource

Set pattern mode to Continue.

fromList :: [a] -> P aSource

The basic list to pattern function. The pattern is continuing.

 continuing (pseq [1,2,3] 1) == toP [1,2,3]

toP :: [a] -> P aSource

Alias for fromList.

fromList' :: [a] -> P aSource

A variant from fromList to make stopping patterns.

 pseq [1,2,3] 1 == toP' [1,2,3]

toP' :: [a] -> P aSource

Alias for fromList'.

prepeat :: a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of repeat. See also pure and pcycle.

 ptake 5 (prepeat 3) == toP' [3,3,3,3,3]
 ptake 5 (Control.Applicative.pure 3) == toP' [3]
 take 5 (Control.Applicative.pure 3) == [3]

pzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> P a -> P b -> P cSource

Pattern variant of zipWith. Note that zipWith is truncating, whereas the numerical instances are extending.

 zipWith (*) [1,2,3] [5,6] == [5,12]
 pzipWith (*) (toP [1,2,3]) (toP [5,6]) == toP [5,12,15]
 toP [1,2,3] * toP [5,6] == toP [5,12,15]

Note that the list instance of applicative is combinatorial (ie. Monadic).

 (pure (*) <*> [1,2,3] <*> [5,6]) == [5,6,10,12,15,18]
 (pure (*) <*> toP [1,2] <*> toP [5]) == toP [5,10]

pzipWith3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> P a -> P b -> P c -> P dSource

Pattern variant of zipWith3.

pzipWith4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> P a -> P b -> P c -> P d -> P eSource

Pattern variant of zipWith4.

pzip :: P a -> P b -> P (a, b)Source

Pattern variant of zip.

 ptake 2 (pzip (prepeat 3) (prepeat 4)) == toP' [(3,4),(3,4)]

Note that haskell zip is truncating wheras pzip is extending.

 zip [1 .. 2] [0] == [(1,0)]
 pzip (toP [1..2]) (toP [0]) == toP [(1,0),(2,0)]

pzip3 :: P a -> P b -> P c -> P (a, b, c)Source

Pattern variant of zip3.

pzip4 :: P a -> P b -> P c -> P d -> P (a, b, c, d)Source

Tupling variant of pzipWith4.

punzip :: P (a, b) -> (P a, P b)Source

Pattern variant on unzip.

SC3 patterns

padd :: Key -> P Value -> P Event -> P EventSource

Add a value to an existing key, or set the key if it doesn't exist.

 padd "freq" 801 (pbind [("freq",100)]) == pbind [("freq",901)]

pbind' :: [Type] -> [Maybe Int] -> [Maybe Instrument] -> [(Key, P Value)] -> P EventSource

A primitive form of the SC3 pbind pattern, with explicit type and identifier inputs.

pbind :: [(Key, P Value)] -> P EventSource

SC3 pattern to assign keys to a set of value patterns making an Event pattern. A finite binding stops the Event pattern.

 pkey "x" (pbind [("x",prand '' [100,300,200] inf)
                 ,("y",pseq [1,2,3] 1)]) == toP' [200,200,300]

pbrown' :: (Enum e, Random n, Num n, Ord n) => e -> P n -> P n -> P n -> Int -> P nSource

A variant of pbrown where the l, r and s inputs are patterns.

 pbrown' '' 1 700 (pseq [1,20] inf) 4 == toP' [415,419,420,428]

pbrown :: (Enum e, Random n, Num n, Ord n) => e -> n -> n -> n -> Int -> P nSource

SC3 pattern to generate psuedo-brownian motion.

 pbrown '' 0 9 1 5 == toP' [4,4,5,4,3]

pclutch :: P a -> P Bool -> P aSource

SC3 sample and hold pattern. For true values in the control pattern, step the value pattern, else hold the previous value.

 let {c = pbool (pseq [1,0,1,0,0,1,1] 1)
     ;r = toP' [1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,1,1,1,2,3]}
 in pclutch (pser [1,2,3,4,5] 8) c == r

Note the initialization behavior, nothing is generated until the first true value.

 let {p = pseq [1,2,3,4,5] 1
     ;q = pbool (pseq [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1] 1)}
 in pclutch p q

pcollect :: (a -> b) -> P a -> P bSource

SC3 name for fmap, ie. patterns are functors.

 Pcollect({arg i;i * 3},Pseq(#[1,2,3],inf)).asStream.nextN(9)
 pcollect (* 3) (toP [1,2,3]) == toP [3,6,9]
 Pseq(#[1,2,3],3).collect({arg i;i * 3}).asStream.nextN(9)
 fmap (* 3) (toP [1,2,3]) == toP [3,6,9]

pconst :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> P a -> a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to constrain the sum of a numerical pattern. Is equal to p until the accumulated sum is within t of n. At that point, the difference between the specified sum and the accumulated sum concludes the pattern.

 let p = pconst 10 (prand '' [1,2,0.5,0.1] inf) 0.001
 in (p,Data.Foldable.sum p)

pdegreeToKey :: RealFrac a => P a -> P [a] -> P a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to derive notes from an index into a scale.

pdiff :: Num n => P n -> P nSource

SC3 pattern to calculate adjacent element difference.

 pdiff (toP [0,2,3,5,6,8,9]) == toP [-2,-1,-2,-1,-2,-1,7]

pdurStutter :: Fractional a => P Int -> P a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to partition a value into n equal subdivisions. Subdivides each duration by each stutter and yields that value stutter times. A stutter of 0 will skip the duration value, a stutter of 1 yields the duration value unaffected.

 s = Pseq(#[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,0,1,3,4,0],inf);
 d = Pseq(#[0.5,1,2,0.25,0.25],inf);
 let {s = pseq [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,0,1,3,4,0] inf
     ;d = pseq [0.5,1,2,0.25,0.25] inf}
 in ptake 24 (pdurStutter s d)

pedit :: Key -> (Value -> Value) -> P Event -> P EventSource

Edit Value at Key in each element of an Event pattern.

pexprand :: (Enum e, Random a, Floating a) => e -> a -> a -> Int -> P aSource

An SC3 pattern of random values that follow a exponential distribution.

 pexprand '' 0.0001 1 10

pfinval :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to take the first n elements of the pattern. See also ptake.

 pfinval 5 (pseq [1,2,3] inf) == toP' [1,2,3,1,2]

pfold :: RealFrac n => P n -> n -> n -> P nSource

SC3 pattern to fold values to lie within range (as opposed to wrap and clip). This is not related to the Data.Foldable pattern instance.

 pfold (toP [10,11,12,-6,-7,-8]) (-7) 11 == toP [10,11,10,-6,-7,-6]

The underlying primitive is the fold_ function.

 let f n = fold_ n (-7) 11
 in map f [10,11,12,-6,-7,-8] == [10,11,10,-6,-7,-6]

pfuncn' :: RandomGen g => g -> (g -> (n, g)) -> Int -> P nSource

Underlying form of haskell pfuncn pattern.

pfuncn :: Enum e => e -> (StdGen -> (n, StdGen)) -> Int -> P nSource

A variant of the SC3 pattern that evaluates a closure at each step. The haskell variant function has a StdGen form.

pgeom :: Num a => a -> a -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 geometric series pattern.

 pgeom 3 6 5 == toP' [3,18,108,648,3888]
 pgeom 1 2 10 == toP' [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512]

Real numbers work as well.

 pgeom 1.0 1.1 6

pif :: P Bool -> P a -> P a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern-based conditional expression.

 var a = Pfunc({0.3.coin});
 var b = Pwhite(0,9,in);
 var c = Pwhite(10,19,inf);
 let {a = fmap (< 0.3) (pwhite '' 0.0 1.0 inf)
     ;b = pwhite '' 0 9 inf
     ;c = pwhite '' 10 19 inf}
 in ptake 9 (pif a b c) == toP' [11,3,6,11,11,15,17,4,7]

pinstr :: P Instrument -> P Event -> P EventSource

Pattern to assign Instruments to Events. An Instrument is either a Synthdef or a String. In the Synthdef case the instrument is asynchronously sent to the server before processing the event, which has timing implications. In general the instrument pattern ought to have a Synthdef for the first occurence of the instrument, and a String for subsequent occurences.

pinstr_s :: P String -> P Event -> P EventSource

Variant of pinstr which lifts the String pattern to an Instrument pattern.

pinstr_d :: P Synthdef -> P Event -> P EventSource

Variant of pinstr which lifts the Synthdef pattern to an Instrument pattern.

pkey_m :: Key -> P Event -> P (Maybe Value)Source

Pattern to extract Values at Key from an Event pattern.

 pkey_m "freq" (pbind [("freq",440)]) == toP' [Just 440]

pkey :: Key -> P Event -> P ValueSource

SC3 pattern to read Value of Key at Event pattern. Note however that in haskell is usually more appropriate to name the pattern using let.

 pkey "freq" (pbind [("freq",440)]) == toP' [440]
 pkey "amp" (pbind [("amp",toP [0,1])]) == toP' [0,1]

place :: [[a]] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 interlaced embedding of subarrays.

 place [[0],[1,2],[3,4,5]] 3 == toP' [0,1,3,0,2,4,0,1,5]
 place [[1],[2,5],[3,6]] 2 == toP' [1,2,3,1,5,6]
 place [[1],[2,5],[3,6..]] 4 == toP' [1,2,3,1,5,6,1,2,9,1,5,12]

pmono :: Instrument -> Int -> [(Key, P Value)] -> P EventSource

SC3 pattern that is a variant of pbind for controlling monophonic (persistent) synthesiser nodes.

pmono_d :: Synthdef -> Int -> [(Key, P Value)] -> P EventSource

Variant of pmono that lifts Synthdef to Instrument.

pmono_s :: String -> Int -> [(Key, P Value)] -> P EventSource

Variant of pmono that lifts String to Instrument.

pmul :: Key -> P Value -> P Event -> P EventSource

Idiom to scale Value at Key in an Event pattern.

pmul' :: Key -> P Value -> P Event -> P EventSource

Variant that does not insert key.

ppatlace :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to lace input patterns. Note that the current implementation stops late, it cycles the second series one place.

 ppatlace [1,prand '' [2,3] inf] 5 == toP' [1,3,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,2]

pn :: P a -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to repeats the enclosed pattern a number of times.

 pn 1 4 == toP' [1,1,1,1]
 pn (toP [1,2,3]) 3 == toP' [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]

This is related to concat.replicate in standard list processing.

 concat (replicate 4 [1]) == [1,1,1,1]
 concat (replicate 3 [1,2,3]) == [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]

There is a pconcatReplicate near-alias (reversed argument order).

 pconcatReplicate 4 1 == toP' [1,1,1,1]
 pconcatReplicate 3 (toP [1,2]) == toP' [1,2,1,2,1,2]

This is productive over infinite lists.

 concat (replicate inf [1])
 pconcat (replicate inf 1)
 pconcatReplicate inf 1

pnormalizeSum :: Fractional n => P n -> P nSource

Pattern variant of normalizeSum.

prand' :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> Int -> P (P a)Source

Un-joined variant of prand.

prand :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to make n random selections from a list of patterns, the resulting pattern is flattened (joined).

 prand '' [1,toP [10,20],2,3,4,5] 4 == toP' [5,2,10,20,2]

preject :: (a -> Bool) -> P a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to rejects values for which the predicate is true. reject f is equal to filter (not . f).

 preject (== 1) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP' [2,3,2,3]
 pfilter (not . (== 1)) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP' [2,3,2,3]
 Pwhite(0,255,20).reject({|x| x.odd}).asStream.all
 preject odd (pwhite '' 0 255 10) == toP [32,158,62,216,240,20]
 Pwhite(0,255,20).select({|x| x.odd}).asStream.all
 pselect odd (pwhite '' 0 255 10) == toP [241,187,119,127]

prorate' :: Num a => Either a [a] -> a -> P aSource

Underlying pattern for prorate.

prorate :: Num a => P (Either a [a]) -> P a -> P aSource

SC3 sub-dividing pattern.

 prorate (fmap Left (pseq [0.35,0.5,0.8] 1)) 1
 prorate (fmap Left (pseq [0.35,0.5,0.8] 1)) (prand '' [20,1] 3)
 var l = [[1,2],[5,7],[4,8,9]]).collect(_.normalizeSum);
 let l = map (Right . C.normalizeSum) [[1,2],[5,7],[4,8,9]]
 in prorate (toP l) 1

pselect :: (a -> Bool) -> P a -> P aSource

See pfilter.

 pselect (< 3) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP' [1,2,1,2]

pseq1 :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Variant of pseq that retrieves only one value from each pattern on each list traversal. Compare to pswitch1.

 pseq [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] 1] 2 == toP' [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]
 pseq1 [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] 1] 2 == toP' [1,3,2,4]
 pseq1 [pseq [1,2] inf,pseq [3,4] inf] 3 == toP' [1,3,2,4,1,3]

pseq :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to cycle over a list of patterns. The repeats pattern gives the number of times to repeat the entire list.

 pseq [return 1,return 2,return 3] 2 == toP' [1,2,3,1,2,3]
 pseq [1,2,3] 2 == toP' [1,2,3,1,2,3]
 pseq [1,pn 2 2,3] 2 == toP' [1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3]

There is an inf value for the repeats variable.

 ptake 3 (pdrop 1000000 (pseq [1,2,3] inf)) == toP' [2,3,1]

pseqr :: (Int -> [P a]) -> Int -> P aSource

A variant of pseq that passes a new seed at each invocation, see also pfuncn.

pseqn :: [Int] -> [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

A variant of pseq to aid translating a common SC3 idiom where a finite random pattern is included in a Pseq list. In the SC3 case, at each iteration a new computation is run. This idiom does not directly translate to the declarative haskell pattern library.

 pseq [1,prand '' [2,3] 1] 5

Although the intended pattern can usually be expressed using an alternate construction:

 ppatlace [1,prand '' [2,3] inf] 5 == toP' [1,3,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,2]

the pseqn variant handles many common cases.

 pseqn [2,1] [8,pwhite '' 9 16 inf] 5

pser1 :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Variant of pser that consumes sub-patterns one element per iteration.

 pser1 [1,pser [10,20] 3,3] 9 == toP' [1,10,3,1,20,3,1,10,3]

pser :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern that is like pseq, however the repeats variable gives the number of elements in the sequence, not the number of cycles of the pattern.

 pser [1,2,3] 5 == toP' [1,2,3,1,2]
 pser [1,pser [10,20] 3,3] 9 == toP' [1,10,20,10,3,1,10,20,10]
 pser [1,2,3] 5 * 3 == toP' [3,6,9,3,6]

pseries :: Num a => a -> a -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 arithmetric series pattern, see also pgeom.

 pseries 0 2 10 == toP' [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18]
 pseries 1.0 0.2 3 == toP' [1.0,1.2,1.4]

pshuf :: Enum e => e -> [a] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to return n repetitions of a shuffled sequence.

 pshuf '' [1,2,3,4] 2 == toP' [2,4,3,1,2,4,3,1]

pslide :: [a] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to slide over a list of values.

 pslide [1,2,3,4] 4 3 1 0 True == toP' [1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,1,4,1,2]
 pslide [1,2,3,4,5] 3 3 (-1) 0 True == toP' [1,2,3,5,1,2,4,5,1]

psplitAt :: Int -> P a -> (P a, P a)Source

Pattern variant of splitAt.

psplitPlaces' :: P Int -> P a -> P [a]Source

Pattern variant of splitPlaces.

psplitPlaces :: P Int -> P a -> P (P a)Source

A variant of psplitPlaces' that joins the output pattern.

pstretch :: P Value -> P Event -> P EventSource

SC3 pattern to do time stretching. It is equal to pmul at "stretch".

pstutter :: P Int -> P a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to repeat each element of a pattern _n_ times.

 pstutter 2 (toP [1,2,3]) == toP [1,1,2,2,3,3]

The count input may be a pattern.

 let {p = pseq [1,2] inf
     ;q = pseq [1,2,3] 2}
 in pstutter p q == toP' [1,2,2,3,1,1,2,3,3]
 pstutter (toP [1,2,3]) (toP [4,5,6]) == toP [4,5,5,6,6,6]

pswitch :: [P a] -> P Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to select elements from a list of patterns by a pattern of indices.

 switch l i = i >>= (l !!)
 pswitch [pseq [1,2,3] 2,pseq [65,76] 1,800] (toP [2,2,0,1])

pswitch1 :: [P a] -> P Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern that uses a pattern of indices to select which pattern to retrieve the next value from. Only one value is selected from each pattern. This is in comparison to pswitch, which embeds the pattern in its entirety.

 pswitch1 [pseq [1,2,3] inf,pseq [65,76] inf,8] (pseq [2,2,0,1] 6)

ptuple :: [P a] -> Int -> P [a]Source

SC3 pattern to combine a list of streams to a stream of lists. See also pflop.

 ptuple [pseries 7 (-1) 8
        ,pseq [9,7,7,7,4,4,2,2] 1
        ,pseq [4,4,4,2,2,0,0,-3] 1] 1

pwhite' :: (Enum e, Random n) => e -> P n -> P n -> P nSource

A variant of pwhite where the range inputs are patterns.

pwhite :: (Random n, Enum e) => e -> n -> n -> Int -> P nSource

SC3 pattern to generate a uniform linear distribution in given range.

 pwhite '' 0 9 5 == toP [3,0,1,6,6]

It is important to note that this structure is not actually indeterminate, so that the below is zero.

 let p = pwhite '' 0.0 1.0 3 in p - p == toP [0,0,0]

pwhitei :: (RealFrac n, Random n, Enum e) => e -> n -> n -> Int -> P nSource

A variant of pwhite that generates integral (rounded) values.

pwrand :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> [Double] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to embed values randomly chosen from a list. Returns one item from the list at random for each repeat, the probability for each item is determined by a list of weights which should sum to 1.0.

 let w = C.normalizeSum [1,3,5]
 in pwrand '' [1,2,3] w 6 == toP [3,1,2,3,3,3]


 let w = C.normalizeSum [1,3,5]
 in pwrand '' [1,2,pseq [3,4] 1] w 6 == toP [3,4,1,2,3,4]

pwrap :: (Ord a, Num a) => P a -> a -> a -> P aSource

SC3 pattern to constrain the range of output values by wrapping. See also pfold.

 pwrap (pgeom 200 1.07 26) 200 1000

pxrand :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

SC3 pattern that is like prand but filters successive duplicates.

 pxrand '' [1,toP [2,3],toP [4,5,6]] 15

Monoid aliases

pconcat :: [P a] -> P aSource

pconcat is mconcat. See also pjoin.

 take 3 (concat (replicate maxBound [1,2])) == [1,2,1]
 ptake 3 (pconcat (cycle [toP [1,2]])) == toP' [1,2,1]
 ptake 3 (pconcat [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] 1]) == toP' [1,2,3]

pempty :: P aSource

Pattern variant for mempty, ie. the empty pattern.

 pempty `pappend` pempty == pempty
 pempty `pappend` 1 == 1 `pappend` pempty

Monad aliases

pjoin :: P (P a) -> P aSource

join pattern variant. See also pconcat.

 take 3 (Control.Monad.join (replicate maxBound [1,2])) == [1,2,1]
 ptake 3 (pjoin (preplicate inf (toP [1,2]))) == toP' [1,2,1]

pjoin' :: P (P a) -> P aSource

Variant that maintains the continuing mode of the outer structure.

Data.List functions

pcons :: a -> P a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of :.

 pcons '' (pn (return '') 2) == fromList' ""

pcycle :: P a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of cycle.

 ptake 5 (pcycle (toP [1,2,3])) == toP' [1,2,3,1,2]
 ptake 5 (pseq [1,2,3] inf) == toP' [1,2,3,1,2]

pdrop :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of drop.

 pdrop 5 (pseries 1 1 10) == toP' [6,7,8,9,10]
 pdrop 1 pempty == pempty

pfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> P a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of filter. Allows values for which the predicate is true. Aliased to pselect. See also preject.

 pfilter (< 3) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP' [1,2,1,2]

preplicate :: Int -> a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of replicate.

 preplicate 4 1 == toP [1,1,1,1]

Compare to pn:

 pn 1 4 == toP' [1,1,1,1]
 pn (toP [1,2]) 3 == toP' [1,2,1,2,1,2]
 preplicate 4 (toP [1,2]) :: P (P Int)

pscanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> P b -> P aSource

Pattern variant of scanl. scanl is similar to foldl, but returns a list of successive reduced values from the left.

 Data.Foldable.foldl (\x y -> 2 * x + y) 4 (pseq [1,2,3] 1) == 43
 pscanl (\x y -> 2 * x + y) 4 (pseq [1,2,3] 1) == toP' [4,9,20,43]

ptail :: P a -> P aSource

Variant of drop, note that tail is partial

 ptail (toP [1,2]) == toP [2]
 ptail pempty == pempty

ptake :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of take, see also pfinval.

 ptake 5 (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP' [1,2,3,1,2]
 ptake 5 (toP [1,2,3]) == toP' [1,2,3]
 ptake 5 (pseq [1,2,3] inf) == toP' [1,2,3,1,2]
 ptake 5 (pwhite '' 0 5 inf) == toP' [5,2,1,2,0]

Note that ptake does not extend the input pattern, unlike pser.

 ptake 5 (toP [1,2,3]) == toP' [1,2,3]
 pser [1,2,3] 5 == toP' [1,2,3,1,2]

Non-SC3 patterns

pbool :: (Ord a, Num a) => P a -> P BoolSource

Transforms a numerical pattern into a boolean pattern where values greater than zero are True and zero and negative values False.

 pbool (toP [2,1,0,-1]) == toP [True,True,False,False]

pconcatReplicate :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

pconcat . replicate, stopping after n elements.

pcountpost :: P Bool -> P IntSource

Count the number of False values following each True value.

 pcountpost (pbool (pseq [1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1] 1)) == toP' [1,3,0,0]

pcountpre :: P Bool -> P IntSource

Count the number of False values preceding each True value.

 pcountpre (pbool (pseq [0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1] 1)) == toP' [2,3,0]

pinterleave :: P a -> P a -> P aSource

Interleave elements from two patterns. If one pattern ends the other pattern continues until it also ends.

 let {p = pseq [1,2,3] 2
     ;q = pseq [4,5,6,7] 1}
 in pinterleave p q == toP' [1,4,2,5,3,6,1,7,2,4,3,5]
 ptake 5 (pinterleave (pcycle 1) (pcycle 2)) == toP' [1,2,1,2,1]
 ptake 10 (pinterleave (pwhite '' 1 9 inf) (pseries 10 1 5))

prsd :: Eq a => P a -> P aSource

Pattern to remove successive duplicates.

 prsd (pstutter 2 (toP [1,2,3])) == toP [1,2,3]
 prsd (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP' [1,2,3,1,2,3]

ptrigger :: P Bool -> P a -> P (Maybe a)Source

Pattern where the tr pattern determines the rate at which values are read from the x pattern. For each sucessive true value at tr the output is a `Just e` of each succesive element at x. False values at tr generate Nothing values.

 let {tr = pbool (toP [0,1,0,0,1,1])
     ;r = [Nothing,Just 1,Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Just 3]}
 in ptrigger tr (toP [1,2,3]) == fromList r

Parallel patterns

ptmerge :: (Time, P Event) -> (Time, P Event) -> P EventSource

Merge two Event patterns with indicated start Times.

pmerge :: P Event -> P Event -> P EventSource

Variant of ptmerge with zero start times.

ptpar :: [(Time, P Event)] -> P EventSource

Merge a set of Event patterns each with indicated start Time.

ppar :: [P Event] -> P EventSource

Variant of ptpar with zero start times.

Pattern audition

e_send :: Transport t => t -> Time -> Int -> Event -> IO ()Source

Send Event to scsynth at Transport.

e_tplay :: Transport t => t -> Time -> [Int] -> [Event] -> IO ()Source

Function to audition a sequence of Events using the scsynth instance at Transport starting at indicated Time.

e_play :: Transport t => t -> [Int] -> [Event] -> IO ()Source

Variant of e_tplay with current clock time from utcr as start time. This function is used to implement the pattern instances of Audible.