hsc3-lang-0.14: Haskell SuperCollider Language

Safe HaskellNone




sclang pattern library functions. See http://rd.slavepianos.org/?t=hsc3-texts for tutorial.

SC3 value patterns: pbrown (Pbrown), pclutch (Pclutch), pcollect (Pcollect), pconst (Pconst), pdegreeToKey (PdegreeToKey), pdiff (Pdiff), pdrop (Pdrop), pdurStutter (PdurStutter), pexprand (Pexprand), pfinval (Pfinval), pfuncn (Pfuncn), pgeom (Pgeom), pif (Pif), place (Place), pn (Pn), ppatlace (Ppatlace), prand (Prand), preject (Preject), prorate (Prorate), pselect (Pselect), pseq (Pseq), pser (Pser), pseries (Pseries), pshuf (Pshuf), pslide (Pslide), pstutter (Pstutter), pswitch1 (Pswitch1), pswitch (Pswitch), ptuple (Ptuple), pwhite (Pwhite), pwrand (Pwrand), pwrap (Pwrap), pxrand (Pxrand).

SC3 event patterns: padd (Padd), pbind (Pbind), pkey (PKey), pmono (Pmono), pmul (Pmul), ppar (Ppar), pstretch (Pstretch), ptpar (Ptpar). pedit, pinstr, pmce2, psynth, punion.

SC3 variant patterns: pbrown', prand', prorate', pseq1, pseqn, pser1, pseqr, pwhite', pwhitei.

SC3 collection patterns: pfold

Haskell patterns: pappend, pbool, pconcat, pcons, pcountpost, pcountpre, pcycle, pempty,pfilter, phold, pinterleave,pjoin, prepeat, preplicate, prsd, pscanl, psplitPlaces, psplitPlaces', ptail, ptake, ptrigger, pzip, pzipWith



data P a Source

Patterns are opaque. P a is a pattern with elements of type a. Patterns are constructed, manipulated and destructured using the functions provided, ie. the pattern instances for return, pure and toList, and the pattern specific functions undecided and toP.

 F.toList (toP [1,2,3] * 2) == [2,4,6]

Patterns are Functors. fmap applies a function to each element of a pattern.

 fmap (* 2) (toP [1,2,3,4,5]) == toP [2,4,6,8,10]

Patterns are Monoids. mempty is the empty pattern, and mappend (<>) makes a sequence of two patterns.

 1 <> mempty <> 2 == toP [1,2]

Patterns are Applicative. The pattern instance is pointwise & truncating, unlike the combinatorial instance for ordinary lists. pure lifts a value into an infinite pattern of itself, <*> applies a pattern of functions to a pattern of values. This is distinct from the list instance which is monadic, ie. pure is return and <*> is ap.

 liftA2 (+) (toP [1,2]) (toP [3,4,5]) == toP [4,6]
 liftA2 (+) [1,2] [3,4,5] == [4,5,6,5,6,7]

Patterns are Monads, and therefore allow do notation.

 let p = do {x <- toP [1,2]; y <- toP [3,4,5]; return (x,y)}
 in p == toP [(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)]

Patterns are Numerical. The instances can be derived from the Applicative instance.

 1 + toP [2,3,4] == liftA2 (+) 1 (toP [2,3,4])




unP_either :: Either a [a]


Monad P 
Functor P 
MonadPlus P 
Applicative P 
Foldable P 
Traversable P 
Alternative P 
Eq a => Eq (P a) 
Fractional a => Fractional (P a) 
Num a => Num (P a) 
Ord a => Ord (P a) 
Show a => Show (P a) 
Monoid (P a) 
Audible (P Event) 
OrdE a => OrdE (P a) 

undecided :: a -> P aSource

Lift a value to a pattern deferring deciding if the constructor ought to be pure or return to the consuming function. The pattern instances for fromInteger and fromRational make undecided patterns. In general horizontal functions (ie. <>) resolve using return and vertical functions (ie. zip) resolve using pure.

 1 <> toP [2,3] == return 1 <> toP [2,3]
 toP [1,2] * 3  == toP [1,2] * pure 3

toP :: [a] -> P aSource

The basic list to pattern function, inverse is unP.

 unP (toP "str") == "str"
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pxrand 'α' [0,1,5,7] inf)
                 ,(K_dur,toP [0.1,0.2,0.1])])
 > Pbind(\degree,(Pxrand([0,1,5,7],inf))
 >      ,\dur,Pseq([0.1,0.2,0.1],1)).play

The pattern above is finite, toP can sometimes be replaced with pseq.

 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pxrand 'α' [0,1,5,7] inf)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [0.1,0.2,0.1] inf)])

unP :: P a -> [a]Source

Type specialised toList. undecided values are singular.

 F.toList (undecided 'a') == ['a']
 unP (return 'a') == ['a']
 "aaa" `L.isPrefixOf` unP (pure 'a')

unP_repeat :: P a -> [a]Source

Variant of unP where undecided values are repeated.

 unP_repeat (return 'a') == ['a']
 take 2 (unP_repeat (undecided 'a')) == ['a','a']
 take 2 (unP_repeat (pure 'a')) == ['a','a']

Lift P

liftP :: ([a] -> [b]) -> P a -> P bSource

Lift unary list function to pattern function.

liftP2 :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> P a -> P b -> P cSource

Lift binary list function to pattern function.

 liftP2 (zipWith (+)) (toP [1,2]) (toP [3,4,5]) == toP [4,6]
 liftA2 (+) (toP [1,2]) (toP [3,4,5]) == toP [4,6]

liftP2_repeat :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> P a -> P b -> P cSource

Lift binary list function to implicitly repeating pattern function.

liftP3 :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d]) -> P a -> P b -> P c -> P dSource

Lift ternary list function to pattern function.

liftP3_repeat :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d]) -> P a -> P b -> P c -> P dSource

Lift ternary list function to implicitly repeating pattern function.

Zip P

pzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> P a -> P b -> P cSource

An implicitly repeating pattern variant of zipWith.

 zipWith (*) [1,2,3] [5,6] == [5,12]
 pzipWith (*) (toP [1,2,3]) (toP [5,6]) == toP [5,12]

It is the basis for lifting binary operators to patterns.

 toP [1,2,3] * toP [5,6] == toP [5,12]
 let p = pzipWith (,) (pseq [1,2] 2) (pseq [3,4] inf)
 in p == toP [(1,3),(2,4),(1,3),(2,4)]
 zipWith (,) (return 0) (return 1) == return (0,1)
 pzipWith (,) 0 1 == undecided (0,1)

pzipWith3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> P a -> P b -> P c -> P dSource

An implicitly repeating pattern variant of zipWith3.

pzip :: P a -> P b -> P (a, b)Source

An implicitly repeating pattern variant of zip.

 zip (return 0) (return 1) == return (0,1)
 pzip (undecided 3) (undecided 4) == undecided (3,4)
 pzip 0 1 == undecided (0,1)

Note that pzip is otherwise like haskell zip, ie. truncating.

 zip [1,2] [0] == [(1,0)]
 pzip (toP [1,2]) (return 0) == toP [(1,0)]
 pzip (toP [1,2]) (pure 0) == toP [(1,0),(2,0)]
 pzip (toP [1,2]) 0 == toP [(1,0),(2,0)]

pzip3 :: P a -> P b -> P c -> P (a, b, c)Source

Pattern variant of zip3.

punzip :: P (a, b) -> (P a, P b)Source

Pattern variant on unzip.

 let p = punzip (pzip (toP [1,2,3]) (toP [4,5]))
 in p == (toP [1,2],toP [4,5])


inf :: IntSource

Type specialised maxBound, a pseudo-infinite value for use at pattern repeat counts.

 inf == maxBound

nan :: Floating a => aSource

Constant NaN (not a number) value.

 isNaN nan == True

A frequency value of NaN indicates a rest. This constant value can be used as a rest indicator at a frequency model input (not at a rest key).

 audition (pbind [(K_dur,pseq [0.1,0.7] inf)
                 ,(K_degree,pseq [0,2,return nan] inf)])

Data.List Patterns

pcons :: a -> P a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of :.

 pcons 'α' (pn (return 'β') 2) == toP "αββ"

pnull :: P a -> BoolSource

Pattern variant of null.

 pnull mempty == True
 pnull (undecided 'a') == False
 pnull (pure 'a') == False
 pnull (return 'a') == False

prepeat :: a -> P aSource

Alias for pure, pattern variant of repeat.

 ptake 5 (prepeat 3) == toP [3,3,3,3,3]
 ptake 5 (pure 3) == toP [3,3,3,3,3]
 take 5 (pure 3) == [3]

psplitAt :: Int -> P a -> (P a, P a)Source

Pattern variant of splitAt.

psplitPlaces' :: P Int -> P a -> P [a]Source

Pattern variant of splitPlaces.

 psplitPlaces' (toP [1,2,3]) (pseries 1 1 6) == toP [[1],[2,3],[4,5,6]]
 psplitPlaces' (toP [1,2,3]) (toP ['a'..]) == toP ["a","bc","def"]

psplitPlaces :: P Int -> P a -> P (P a)Source

fmap toP of psplitPlaces'.

 psplitPlaces (toP [1,2,3]) (toP ['a'..]) == toP (map toP ["a","bc","def"])

ptake :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of take_inf, see also pfinval.

 ptake 5 (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP [1,2,3,1,2]
 ptake 5 (toP [1,2,3]) == toP [1,2,3]
 ptake 5 (pseq [1,2,3] inf) == toP [1,2,3,1,2]
 ptake 5 (pwhite 'α' 0 5 inf) == toP [5,2,1,2,0]

Note that ptake does not extend the input pattern, unlike pser.

 ptake 5 (toP [1,2,3]) == toP [1,2,3]
 pser [1,2,3] 5 == toP [1,2,3,1,2]

pcycle :: P a -> P aSource

Type specialised mcycle.

 ptake 5 (pcycle 1) == preplicate 5 1
 ptake 5 (pcycle (pure 1)) == preplicate 5 1
 ptake 5 (pcycle (return 1)) == preplicate 5 1

pfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> P a -> P aSource

Type specialised mfilter. Aliased to pselect. See also preject.

 mfilter even (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP [2,2]
 mfilter (< 3) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP [1,2,1,2]

preplicate :: Int -> a -> P aSource

Pattern variant of replicate.

 preplicate 4 1 == toP [1,1,1,1]

Compare to pn:

 pn 1 4 == toP [1,1,1,1]
 pn (toP [1,2]) 3 == toP [1,2,1,2,1,2]
 preplicate 4 (toP [1,2]) :: P (P Int)

pscanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> P b -> P aSource

Pattern variant of scanl. scanl is similar to foldl, but returns a list of successive reduced values from the left. pscanl is an accumulator, it provides a mechanism for state to be threaded through a pattern. It can be used to write a function to remove succesive duplicates from a pattern, to count the distance between occurences of an element in a pattern and so on.

 F.foldl (\x y -> 2 * x + y) 4 (pseq [1,2,3] 1) == 43
 pscanl (\x y -> 2 * x + y) 4 (pseq [1,2,3] 1) == toP [4,9,20,43]
 F.foldl (flip (:)) [] (toP [1..3]) == [3,2,1]
 pscanl (flip (:)) [] (toP [1..3]) == toP [[],[1],[2,1],[3,2,1]]
 F.foldl (+) 0 (toP [1..5]) == 15
 pscanl (+) 0 (toP [1..5]) == toP [0,1,3,6,10,15]

ptail :: P a -> P aSource

pdrop 1. Pattern variant of tail. Drops first element from pattern. Note that the haskell tail function is partial, although drop is not. ptake is equal to `pdrop 1`.

 tail [] == _|_
 drop 1 [] == []
 ptail (toP [1,2]) == toP [2]
 ptail mempty == mempty

ptranspose :: [P a] -> P [a]Source

Variant of transpose.

 L.transpose [[1,2],[3,4,5]] == [[1,3],[2,4],[5]]
 ptranspose [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == toP [[1,3],[2,4],[5]]
 let p = ptranspose [pseq [1,2] inf,pseq [4,5] inf]
 in ptake 2 (pdrop (2^16) p) == toP [[1,4],[2,5]]

ptranspose_st_repeat :: [P a] -> P [a]Source

An implicitly repeating pattern variant of transpose_st.

SC3 Collection Patterns

pflop' :: [P a] -> P [a]Source

Variant of flop.

 pflop' [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == toP [[1,3],[2,4],[1,5]]
 pflop' [toP [1,2],3] == toP [[1,3],[2,3]]
 pflop' [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] inf]

pflop :: [P a] -> P (P a)Source

fmap toP of pflop'.

 C.flop [[1,2],[3,4,5]] == [[1,3],[2,4],[1,5]]
 pflop [toP [1,2],toP [3,4,5]] == toP (map toP [[1,3],[2,4],[1,5]])

pfold :: RealFrac n => P n -> n -> n -> P nSource

Type specialised ffold.

 pfold (toP [10,11,12,-6,-7,-8]) (-7) 11 == toP [10,11,10,-6,-7,-6]
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pfold (pseries 4 1 inf) (-7) 11)

The underlying primitive is then fold_ function.

 let f = fmap (\n -> fold_ n (-7) 11)
 in audition (pbind [(K_degree,f (pseries 4 1 inf))

pnormalizeSum :: Fractional n => P n -> P nSource

Pattern variant of normalizeSum.

SC3 Patterns

pbrown :: (Enum e, Random n, Num n, Ord n) => e -> n -> n -> n -> Int -> P nSource

Pbrown. Lifted brown. SC3 pattern to generate psuedo-brownian motion.

 pbrown 'α' 0 9 1 5 == toP [4,4,5,4,3]
 audition (pbind [(K_dur,0.065)
                 ,(K_freq,pbrown 'α' 440 880 20 inf)])

pclutch :: P a -> P Bool -> P aSource

Pclutch. SC3 sample and hold pattern. For true values in the control pattern, step the value pattern, else hold the previous value.

 > c = Pseq([1,0,1,0,0,1,1],inf);
 > p = Pclutch(Pser([1,2,3,4,5],8),c);
 > r = [1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,1,1,1,2,3];
 > p.asStream.all == r
 let {c = pbool (pseq [1,0,1,0,0,1,1] inf)
     ;p = pclutch (pser [1,2,3,4,5] 8) c
     ;r = toP [1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,1,1,1,2,3]}
 in p == toP [1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,1,1,1,2,3]

Note the initialization behavior, nothing is generated until the first true value.

 let {p = pseq [1,2,3,4,5] 1
     ;q = pbool (pseq [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1] 1)}
 in pclutch p q == toP [1,1,1,2,2,3]
 > Pbind(\degree,Pstutter(Pwhite(3,10,inf),Pwhite(-4,11,inf)),
 >       \dur,Pclutch(Pwhite(0.1,0.4,inf),
 >                    Pdiff(Pkey(\degree)).abs > 0),
 >       \legato,0.3).play;
 let {d = pstutter (pwhite 'α' 3 10 inf) (pwhitei 'β' (-4) 11 inf)
     ;p = [(K_degree,d)
          ,(K_dur,pclutch (pwhite 'γ' 0.1 0.4 inf)
                          (pbool (abs (pdiff d) >* 0)))
 in audition (pbind p)

pcollect :: (a -> b) -> P a -> P bSource

Pcollect. SC3 name for fmap, ie. patterns are functors.

 > Pcollect({|i| i * 3},Pseq(#[1,2,3],1)).asStream.all == [3,6,9]
 pcollect (* 3) (toP [1,2,3]) == toP [3,6,9]
 > Pseq(#[1,2,3],1).collect({|i| i * 3}).asStream.all == [3,6,9]
 fmap (* 3) (toP [1,2,3]) == toP [3,6,9]

pconst :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> P a -> a -> P aSource

Pconst. SC3 pattern to constrain the sum of a numerical pattern. Is equal to p until the accumulated sum is within t of n. At that point, the difference between the specified sum and the accumulated sum concludes the pattern.

 > p = Pconst(10,Pseed(Pn(1000,1),Prand([1,2,0.5,0.1],inf),0.001));
 > p.asStream.all == [0.5,0.1,0.5,1,2,2,0.5,1,0.5,1,0.9]
 let p = pconst 10 (prand 'α' [1,2,0.5,0.1] inf) 0.001
 in (p,Data.Foldable.sum p)
 > Pbind(\degree,Pseq([-7,Pwhite(0,11,inf)],1),
 >       \dur,Pconst(4,Pwhite(1,4,inf) * 0.25)).play
 let p = [(K_degree,pcons (-7) (pwhitei 'α' 0 11 inf))
         ,(K_dur,pconst 4 (pwhite 'β' 1 4 inf * 0.25) 0.001)]
 in audition (pbind p)

pdegreeToKey :: RealFrac a => P a -> P [a] -> P a -> P aSource

PdegreeToKey. SC3 pattern to derive notes from an index into a scale.

 let {p = pseq [0,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,0,2,4,7,4,2] 2
     ;q = pure [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
     ;r = [0,2,4,5,7,5,4,2,0,4,7,12,7,4,0,2,4,5,7,5,4,2,0,4,7,12,7,4]}
 in pdegreeToKey p q (pure 12) == toP r
 let {p = pseq [0,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,0,2,4,7,4,2] 2
     ;q = pseq (map return [[0,2,4,5,7,9,11],[0,2,3,5,7,8,11]]) 1
     ;r = [0,2,4,5,7,5,4,2,0,4,7,12,7,4,0,2,3,5,7,5,3,2,0,3,7,12,7,3]}
 in pdegreeToKey p (pstutter 14 q) (pure 12) == toP r

This is the pattern variant of degreeToKey.

 let s = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
 in map (M.degreeToKey s 12) [0,2,4,7,4,2,0] == [0,4,7,12,7,4,0]
 > Pbind(\note,PdegreeToKey(Pseq([1,2,3,2,5,4,3,4,2,1],2),
 >                          #[0,2,3,6,7,9],
 >                          12),\dur,0.25).play
 let {n = pdegreeToKey (pseq [1,2,3,2,5,4,3,4,2,1] 2)
                       (pure [0,2,3,6,7,9])
 in audition (pbind [(K_note,n),(K_dur,0.25)])
 > s = #[[0,2,3,6,7,9],[0,1,5,6,7,9,11],[0,2,3]];
 > d = [1,2,3,2,5,4,3,4,2,1];
 > Pbind(\note,PdegreeToKey(Pseq(d,4),
 >                          Pstutter(3,Prand(s,inf)),
 >                          12),\dur,0.25).play;
 let {s = map return [[0,2,3,6,7,9],[0,1,5,6,7,9,11],[0,2,3]]
     ;d = [1,2,3,2,5,4,3,4,2,1]
     ;k = pdegreeToKey (pseq d 4)
                       (pstutter 3 (prand 'α' s 14))
                       (pn 12 40)}
 in audition (pbind [(K_note,k),(K_dur,0.25)])

pdiff :: Num n => P n -> P nSource

Pdiff. SC3 pattern to calculate adjacent element difference.

 > Pdiff(Pseq([0,2,3,5,6,8,9],1)).asStream.all == [2,1,2,1,2,1]
 pdiff (pseq [0,2,3,5,6,8,9] 1) == toP [2,1,2,1,2,1]

pdrop :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

Pdrop. Lifted drop.

 > p = Pseries(1,1,20).drop(5);
 > p.asStream.all == [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
 pdrop 5 (pseries 1 1 10) == toP [6,7,8,9,10]
 pdrop 1 mempty == mempty

pdurStutter :: Fractional a => P Int -> P a -> P aSource

PdurStutter. Lifted durStutter.

 > s = Pseq(#[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,0,1,3,4,0],inf);
 > d = Pseq(#[0.5,1,2,0.25,0.25],1);
 > PdurStutter(s,d).asStream.all == [0.5,1,2,0.25,0.25]
 let {s = pseq [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,0,1,3,4,0] inf
     ;d = pseq [0.5,1,2,0.25,0.25] 1}
 in pdurStutter s d == toP [0.5,1.0,2.0,0.25,0.25]

Applied to duration.

 > d = PdurStutter(Pseq(#[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4],inf),
 >                 Pseq(#[0.5,1,2,0.25,0.25],inf));
 > Pbind(\freq,440,\dur,d).play
 let {s = pseq [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4] inf
     ;d = pseq [0.5,1,2,0.25,0.25] inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_freq,440),(K_dur,pdurStutter s d)])

Applied to frequency.

 let {s = pseq [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,0,4,4] inf
     ;d = pseq [0,2,3,5,7,9,10] inf + 80}
 in audition (pbind [(K_midinote,pdurStutter s d),(K_dur,0.15)])

pexprand :: (Enum e, Random a, Floating a) => e -> a -> a -> Int -> P aSource

Pexprand. Lifted exprand.

 > Pexprand(0.0001,1,10).asStream.all
 pexprand 'α' 0.0001 1 10
 > Pbind(\freq,Pexprand(0.0001,1,inf) * 600 + 300,\dur,0.02).play
 audition (pbind [(K_freq,pexprand 'α' 0.0001 1 inf * 600 + 300)

pfinval :: Int -> P a -> P aSource

Pfinval. Alias for ptake

 > Pfinval(5,Pseq(#[1,2,3],inf)).asStream.all == [1,2,3,1,2]
 pfinval 5 (pseq [1,2,3] inf) == toP [1,2,3,1,2]

pfuncn :: Enum e => e -> (StdGen -> (n, StdGen)) -> Int -> P nSource

A variant of the SC3 pattern that evaluates a closure at each step. The haskell variant function has a StdGen form.

 > p = Pfuncn({exprand(0.1,0.3) + #[1,2,3,6,7].choose},inf);
 > Pbind(\freq,p * 100 + 300,\dur,0.02).play
 let {exprand = Sound.SC3.Lang.Random.Gen.exprand
     ;choose = Sound.SC3.Lang.Random.Gen.choose
     ;p = pfuncn 'α' (exprand 0.1 0.3) inf
     ;q = pfuncn 'β' (choose [1,2,3,6,7]) inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_freq,(p + q) * 100 + 300),(K_dur,0.02)])

Of course in this case there is a pattern equivalent.

 let {p = pexprand 'α' 0.1 0.3 inf + prand 'β' [1,2,3,6,7] inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_freq,p * 100 + 300),(K_dur,0.02)])

pgeom :: Num a => a -> a -> Int -> P aSource

Pgeom. SC3 geometric series pattern.

 > Pgeom(3,6,5).asStream.all == [3,18,108,648,3888]
 pgeom 3 6 5 == toP [3,18,108,648,3888]
 > Pgeom(1,2,10).asStream.all == [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512]
 pgeom 1 2 10 == toP [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512]

Real numbers work as well.

 > p = Pgeom(1.0,1.1,6).collect({|i| (i * 100).floor});
 > p.asStream.all == [100,110,121,133,146,161];
 let p = fmap (floor . (* 100)) (pgeom 1.0 1.1 6)
 in p == toP [100,110,121,133,146,161]
 > Pbind(\degree,Pseries(-7,1,15),
 >       \dur,Pgeom(0.5,0.89140193218427,15)).play;
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pseries (-7) 1 15)
                 ,(K_dur,pgeom 0.5 0.89140193218427 15)])

There is a list variant.

 > 5.geom(3,6)
 C.geom 5 3 6 == [3,18,108,648,3888]

pif :: P Bool -> P a -> P a -> P aSource

Pif. SC3 implicitly repeating pattern-based conditional expression.

 > a = Pfunc({0.3.coin});
 > b = Pwhite(0,9,3);
 > c = Pwhite(10,19,3);
 > Pfin(9,Pif(a,b,c)).asStream.all
 let {a = fmap (< 0.75) (pwhite 'α' 0.0 1.0 inf)
     ;b = pwhite 'β' 0 9 6
     ;c = pwhite 'γ' 10 19 6}
 in pif a b c * (-1) == toP [-7,-3,-11,-17,-18,-6,-3,-4,-5]

place :: [[a]] -> Int -> P aSource

Place. SC3 interlaced embedding of subarrays.

 > Place([0,[1,2],[3,4,5]],3).asStream.all == [0,1,3,0,2,4,0,1,5]
 C.lace 9 [[0],[1,2],[3,4,5]] == [0,1,3,0,2,4,0,1,5]
 place [[0],[1,2],[3,4,5]] 3 == toP [0,1,3,0,2,4,0,1,5]
 > Place(#[1,[2,5],[3,6]],2).asStream.all == [1,2,3,1,5,6]
 C.lace 6 [[1],[2,5],[3,6]] == [1,2,3,1,5,6]
 place [[1],[2,5],[3,6]] 2 == toP [1,2,3,1,5,6]
 C.lace 12 [[1],[2,5],[3,6..]] == [1,2,3,1,5,6,1,2,9,1,5,12]
 place [[1],[2,5],[3,6..]] 4 == toP [1,2,3,1,5,6,1,2,9,1,5,12]

pn :: P a -> Int -> P aSource

Pn. SC3 pattern to repeat the enclosed pattern a number of times.

 pn 1 4 == toP [1,1,1,1]
 pn (toP [1,2,3]) 3 == toP [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]

This is related to concat.replicate in standard list processing.

 concat (replicate 4 [1]) == [1,1,1,1]
 concat (replicate 3 [1,2,3]) == [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]

There is a pconcatReplicate near-alias (reversed argument order).

 pconcatReplicate 4 1 == toP [1,1,1,1]
 pconcatReplicate 3 (toP [1,2]) == toP [1,2,1,2,1,2]

This is productive over infinite lists.

 concat (replicate inf [1])
 pconcat (replicate inf 1)
 pconcatReplicate inf 1

ppatlace :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Ppatlace. SC3 implicitly repeating pattern to lace input patterns.

 > p = Ppatlace([1,Pseq([2,3],2),4],5);
 > p.asStream.all == [1,2,4,1,3,4,1,2,4,1,3,4,1,4]
 ppatlace [1,pseq [2,3] 2,4] 5 == toP [1,2,4,1,3,4,1,2,4,1,3,4,1,4]
 > p = Ppatlace([1,Pseed(Pn(1000,1),Prand([2,3],inf))],5);
 > p.asStream.all == [1,3,1,3,1,3,1,2,1,2]
 ppatlace [1,prand 'α' [2,3] inf] 5 == toP [1,3,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,2]
 > Pbind(\degree,Ppatlace([Pseries(0,1,8),Pseries(2,1,7)],inf),
 >       \dur,0.25).play;
 let p = [(K_degree,ppatlace [pseries 0 1 8,pseries 2 1 7] inf)
 in audition (pbind p)

prand :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Prand. SC3 pattern to make n random selections from a list of patterns, the resulting pattern is flattened (joined).

 > p = Pseed(Pn(1000,1),Prand([1,Pseq([10,20,30]),2,3,4,5],6));
 > p.asStream.all == [3,5,3,10,20,30,2,2]
 prand 'α' [1,toP [10,20],2,3,4,5] 5 == toP [5,2,10,20,2,1]
 > Pbind(\note,Prand([0,1,5,7],inf),\dur,0.25).play
 audition (pbind [(K_note,prand 'α' [0,1,5,7] inf),(K_dur,0.25)])

Nested sequences of pitches:

 > Pbind(\midinote,Prand([Pseq(#[60,61,63,65,67,63]),
 >                        Prand(#[72,73,75,77,79],6),
 >                        Pshuf(#[48,53,55,58],2)],inf),
 >       \dur,0.25).play
 let {n = prand 'α' [pseq [60,61,63,65,67,63] 1
                    ,prand 'β' [72,73,75,77,79] 6
                    ,pshuf 'γ' [48,53,55,58] 2] inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_midinote,n),(K_dur,0.075)])

The below cannot be written as intended with the list based pattern library. This is precisely because the noise patterns are values, not processes with a state threaded non-locally.

 do {n0 <- Sound.SC3.Lang.Random.IO.rrand 2 5
    ;n1 <- Sound.SC3.Lang.Random.IO.rrand 3 9
    ;let p = pseq [prand 'α' [pempty,pseq [24,31,36,43,48,55] 1] 1
                  ,pseq [60,prand 'β' [63,65] 1
                        ,67,prand 'γ' [70,72,74] 1] n0
                  ,prand 'δ' [74,75,77,79,81] n1] inf
     in return (ptake 24 p)}

preject :: (a -> Bool) -> P a -> P aSource

Preject. SC3 pattern to rejects values for which the predicate is true. reject f is equal to filter (not . f).

 preject (== 1) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP [2,3,2,3]
 pfilter (not . (== 1)) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP [2,3,2,3]
 > p = Pseed(Pn(1000,1),Pwhite(0,255,20).reject({|x| x.odd}));
 > p.asStream.all == [224,60,88,94,42,32,110,24,122,172]
 preject odd (pwhite 'α' 0 255 10) == toP [32,158,62,216,240,20]
 > p = Pseed(Pn(1000,1),Pwhite(0,255,20).select({|x| x.odd}));
 > p.asStream.all == [151,157,187,129,45,245,101,79,77,243]
 pselect odd (pwhite 'α' 0 255 10) == toP [241,187,119,127]

prorate :: Num a => P (Either a [a]) -> P a -> P aSource

Prorate. SC3 implicitly repeating sub-dividing pattern.

 > p = Prorate(Pseq([0.35,0.5,0.8]),1);
 > p.asStream.all == [0.35,0.65,0.5,0.5,0.8,0.2];
 let p = prorate (fmap Left (pseq [0.35,0.5,0.8] 1)) 1
 in fmap roundE (p * 100) == toP [35,65,50,50,80,20]
 > p = Prorate(Pseq([0.35,0.5,0.8]),Pseed(Pn(100,1),Prand([20,1],inf)));
 > p.asStream.all == [7,13,0.5,0.5,16,4]
 let p = prorate (fmap Left (pseq [0.35,0.5,0.8] 1))
                 (prand 'α' [20,1] 3)
 in fmap roundE (p * 100) == toP [35,65,1000,1000,80,20]
 > l = [[1,2],[5,7],[4,8,9]].collect(_.normalizeSum);
 > Prorate(Pseq(l,1)).asStream.all
 let l = map (Right . C.normalizeSum) [[1,2],[5,7],[4,8,9]]
 in prorate (toP l) 1
 > Pfinval(5,Prorate(0.6,0.5)).asStream.all == [0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2,0.3]
 pfinval 5 (prorate (fmap Left 0.6) 0.5) == toP [0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2,0.3]
 > Pbind(\degree,Pseries(4,1,inf).fold(-7,11),
 >       \dur,Prorate(0.6,0.5)).play
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pfold (pseries 4 1 inf) (-7) 11)
                 ,(K_dur,prorate (fmap Left 0.6) 0.25)])

pselect :: (a -> Bool) -> P a -> P aSource

Pselect. See pfilter.

 pselect (< 3) (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP [1,2,1,2]

pseq :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Pseq. SC3 pattern to cycle over a list of patterns. The repeats pattern gives the number of times to repeat the entire list.

 pseq [return 1,return 2,return 3] 2 == toP [1,2,3,1,2,3]
 pseq [1,2,3] 2 == toP [1,2,3,1,2,3]
 pseq [1,pn 2 2,3] 2 == toP [1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3]

There is an inf value for the repeats variable.

 ptake 3 (pdrop (10^5) (pseq [1,2,3] inf)) == toP [2,3,1]

Unlike the SC3 Pseq, pseq does not have an offset argument to give a starting offset into the list.

 pseq (C.rotate 3 [1,2,3,4]) 3 == toP [2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1]

As scale degrees.

 > Pbind(\degree,Pseq(#[0,0,4,4,5,5,4],1),
 >       \dur,Pseq(#[0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1],1)).play
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pseq [0,0,4,4,5,5,4] 1)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1] 1)])
 > Pseq(#[60,62,63,65,67,63],inf) + Pseq(#[0,0,0,0,-12],inf)
 let n = pseq [60,62,63,65,67,63] inf + pser [0,0,0,0,-12] 25
 in audition (pbind [(K_midinote,n),(K_dur,0.2)])

Pattern b pattern sequences a once normally, once transposed up a fifth and once transposed up a fourth.

 > a = Pseq(#[60,62,63,65,67,63]);
 > b = Pseq([a,a + 7,a + 5],inf);
 > Pbind(\midinote,b,\dur,0.3).play
 let {a = pseq [60,62,63,65,67,63] 1
     ;b = pseq [a,a + 7,a + 5] inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_midinote,b),(K_dur,0.13)])

pser :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Pser. SC3 pattern that is like pseq, however the repeats variable gives the number of elements in the sequence, not the number of cycles of the pattern.

 pser [1,2,3] 5 == toP [1,2,3,1,2]
 pser [1,pser [10,20] 3,3] 9 == toP [1,10,20,10,3,1,10,20,10]
 pser [1,2,3] 5 * 3 == toP [3,6,9,3,6]

pseries :: Num a => a -> a -> Int -> P aSource

Pseries. SC3 arithmetric series pattern, see also pgeom.

 pseries 0 2 10 == toP [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18]
 pseries 9 (-1) 10 == toP [9,8 .. 0]
 pseries 1.0 0.2 3 == toP [1.0::Double,1.2,1.4]

pshuf :: Enum e => e -> [a] -> Int -> P aSource

Pshuf. SC3 pattern to return n repetitions of a shuffled sequence.

 > Pshuf([1,2,3,4],2).asStream.all
 pshuf 'α' [1,2,3,4] 2 == toP [2,4,3,1,2,4,3,1]
 > Pbind(\degree,Pshuf([0,1,2,4,5],inf),\dur,0.25).play
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pshuf 'α' [0,1,2,4,5] inf)

pslide :: [a] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> P aSource

Pslide. Lifted slide.

 > Pslide([1,2,3,4],inf,3,1,0).asStream.all
 pslide [1,2,3,4] 4 3 1 0 True == toP [1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,1,4,1,2]
 pslide [1,2,3,4,5] 3 3 (-1) 0 True == toP [1,2,3,5,1,2,4,5,1]
 > Pbind(\degree,Pslide((-6,-4 .. 12),8,3,1,0),
 >       \dur,Pseq(#[0.1,0.1,0.2],inf),
 >       \sustain,0.15).play
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pslide [-6,-4 .. 12] 8 3 1 0 True)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [0.05,0.05,0.1] inf)

pstutter :: P Int -> P a -> P aSource

Pstutter. SC3 implicitly repeating pattern to repeat each element of a pattern n times.

 > Pstutter(2,Pseq([1,2,3],1)).asStream.all == [1,1,2,2,3,3]
 pstutter 2 (pseq [1,2,3] 1) == toP [1,1,2,2,3,3]

The count input may be a pattern.

 let {p = pseq [1,2] inf
     ;q = pseq [1,2,3] 2}
 in pstutter p q == toP [1,2,2,3,1,1,2,3,3]
 pstutter (toP [1,2,3]) (toP [4,5,6]) == toP [4,5,5,6,6,6]
 pstutter 2 (toP [4,5,6]) == toP [4,4,5,5,6,6]

Stutter scale degree and duration with the same random sequence.

 > Pbind(\n,Pwhite(3,10,inf),
 >       \degree,Pstutter(Pkey(\n),Pwhite(-4,11,inf)),
 >       \dur,Pstutter(Pkey(\n),Pwhite(0.05,0.4,inf)),
 >       \legato,0.3).play
 let {n = pwhite 'α' 3 10 inf
     ;p = [(K_degree,pstutter n (pwhitei 'β' (-4) 11 inf))
          ,(K_dur,pstutter n (pwhite 'γ' 0.05 0.4 inf))
 in audition (pbind p)

pswitch :: [P a] -> P Int -> P aSource

Pswitch. Lifted switch.

 let p = pswitch [pseq [1,2,3] 2,pseq [65,76] 1,800] (toP [2,2,0,1])
 in p == toP [800,800,1,2,3,1,2,3,65,76]

pswitch1 :: [P a] -> P Int -> P aSource

Pswitch1. Lifted implicitly repeating switch1.

 > l = [Pseq([1,2,3],inf),Pseq([65,76],inf),8];
 > p = Pswitch1(l,Pseq([2,2,0,1],3));
 > p.asStream.all == [8,8,1,65,8,8,2,76,8,8,3,65];
 let p = pswitch1 [pseq [1,2,3] inf
                  ,pseq [65,76] inf
                  ,8] (pseq [2,2,0,1] 6)
 in p == toP [8,8,1,65,8,8,2,76,8,8,3,65,8,8,1,76,8,8,2,65,8,8,3,76]

ptuple :: [P a] -> Int -> P [a]Source

Ptuple. pseq of ptranspose_st_repeat.

 > l = [Pseries(7,-1,8),3,Pseq([9,7,4,2],1),Pseq([4,2,0,0,-3],1)];
 > p = Ptuple(l,1);
 > p.asStream.all == [[7,3,9,4],[6,3,7,2],[5,3,4,0],[4,3,2,0]]
 let p = ptuple [pseries 7 (-1) 8
                ,pseq [9,7,4,2] 1
                ,pseq [4,2,0,0,-3] 1] 1
 in p == toP [[7,3,9,4],[6,3,7,2],[5,3,4,0],[4,3,2,0]]

pwhite :: (Random n, Enum e) => e -> n -> n -> Int -> P nSource

Pwhite. Lifted white.

 pwhite 'α' 0 9 5 == toP [3,0,1,6,6]
 pwhite 'α' 0 9 5 - pwhite 'α' 0 9 5 == toP [0,0,0,0,0]

The pattern below is alternately lower and higher noise.

 let {l = pseq [0.0,9.0] inf
     ;h = pseq [1.0,12.0] inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_freq,pwhite' 'α' l h * 20 + 800)

pwrand :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> [Double] -> Int -> P aSource

Pwrand. Lifted wrand.

 let w = C.normalizeSum [12,6,3]
 in pwrand 'α' [1,2,3] w 6 == toP [2,1,2,3,3,2]
 > r = Pwrand.new([1,2,Pseq([3,4],1)],[1,3,5].normalizeSum,6);
 > p = Pseed(Pn(100,1),r);
 > p.asStream.all == [2,3,4,1,3,4,3,4,2]
 let w = C.normalizeSum [1,3,5]
 in pwrand 'ζ' [1,2,pseq [3,4] 1] w 6 == toP [3,4,2,2,3,4,1,3,4]
 > Pbind(\degree,Pwrand((0..7),[4,1,3,1,3,2,1].normalizeSum,inf),
 >       \dur,0.25).play;
 let {w = C.normalizeSum [4,1,3,1,3,2,1]
     ;d = pwrand 'α' (C.series 7 0 1) w inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_degree,d),(K_dur,0.25)])

pwrap :: (Ord a, Num a) => P a -> a -> a -> P aSource

Pwrap. Type specialised fwrap, see also pfold.

 > p = Pwrap(Pgeom(200,1.25,9),200,1000.0);
 > r = p.asStream.all.collect({|n| n.round});
 > r == [200,250,313,391,488,610,763,954,392];
 let p = fmap roundE (pwrap (pgeom 200 1.25 9) 200 1000)
 in p == toP [200,250,312,391,488,610,763,954,391]

pxrand :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Pxrand. Lifted xrand.

 let p = pxrand 'α' [1,toP [2,3],toP [4,5,6]] 9
 in p == toP [4,5,6,2,3,4,5,6,1]
 > Pbind(\note,Pxrand([0,1,5,7],inf),\dur,0.25).play
 audition (pbind [(K_note,pxrand 'α' [0,1,5,7] inf),(K_dur,0.25)])

Variant SC3 Patterns

pbrown' :: (Enum e, Random n, Num n, Ord n) => e -> P n -> P n -> P n -> Int -> P nSource

Lifted implicitly repeating pbrown'.

 pbrown' 'α' 1 700 (pseq [1,20] inf) 4 == toP [415,419,420,428]

prand' :: Enum e => e -> [P a] -> Int -> P (P a)Source

Un-joined variant of prand.

 let p = prand' 'α' [1,toP [2,3],toP [4,5,6]] 5
 in p == toP [toP [4,5,6],toP [4,5,6],toP [2,3],toP [4,5,6],1]

prorate' :: Num a => Either a [a] -> a -> P aSource

Underlying pattern for prorate.

 prorate' (Left 0.6) 0.5

pseq1 :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Variant of pseq that retrieves only one value from each pattern on each list traversal. Compare to pswitch1.

 pseq [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] 1] 2 == toP [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]
 pseq1 [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] 1] 2 == toP [1,3,2,4]
 pseq1 [pseq [1,2] inf,pseq [3,4] inf] 3 == toP [1,3,2,4,1,3]
 let {p = prand' 'α' [pempty,toP [24,31,36,43,48,55]] inf
     ;q = pflop [60,prand 'β' [63,65] inf
                ,67,prand 'γ' [70,72,74] inf]
     ;r = psplitPlaces (pwhite 'δ' 3 9 inf)
                       (toP [74,75,77,79,81])
     ;n = pjoin (pseq1 [p,q,r] inf)}
 in audition (pbind [(K_midinote,n),(K_dur,0.13)])

pseqn :: [Int] -> [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

A variant of pseq to aid translating a common SC3 idiom where a finite random pattern is included in a Pseq list. In the SC3 case, at each iteration a new computation is run. This idiom does not directly translate to the declarative haskell pattern library.

 > Pseq([1,Prand([2,3],1)],5).asStream.all
 pseq [1,prand 'α' [2,3] 1] 5 == toP [1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3]

Although the intended pattern can usually be expressed using an alternate construction:

 > Pseq([1,Prand([2,3],1)],5).asStream.all
 ppatlace [1,prand 'α' [2,3] inf] 5 == toP [1,3,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,2]

the pseqn variant handles many common cases.

 > Pseq([Pn(8,2),Pwhite(9,16,1)],5).asStream.all
 let p = pseqn [2,1] [8,pwhite 'α' 9 16 inf] 5
 in p == toP [8,8,10,8,8,9,8,8,12,8,8,15,8,8,15]

pseqr :: (Int -> [P a]) -> Int -> P aSource

A variant of pseq that passes a new seed at each invocation, see also pfuncn.

 > pseqr (\e -> [pshuf e [1,2,3,4] 1]) 2 == toP [2,3,4,1,4,1,2,3]
 let {d = pseqr (\e -> [pshuf e [-7,-3,0,2,4,7] 4
                       ,pseq [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] 1]) inf}
 in audition (pbind [(K_degree,d),(K_dur,0.15)])
 > Pbind(\dur,0.2,
 >       \midinote,Pseq([Pshuf(#[60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67],3)],inf)).play
 let m = pseqr (\e -> [pshuf e [60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67] 3]) inf
 in audition (pbind [(K_dur,0.2),(K_midinote,m)])

pser1 :: [P a] -> Int -> P aSource

Variant of pser that consumes sub-patterns one element per iteration.

 pser1 [1,pser [10,20] 3,3] 9 == toP [1,10,3,1,20,3,1,10,3]

pwhite' :: (Enum e, Random n) => e -> P n -> P n -> P nSource

Lifted implicitly repeating pwhite.

 pwhite' 'α' 0 (pseq [9,19] 3) == toP [3,0,1,6,6,15]

pwhitei :: (RealFracE n, Random n, Enum e) => e -> n -> n -> Int -> P nSource

Lifted whitei.

 pwhitei 'α' 1 9 5 == toP [5,1,7,7,8]
 audition (pbind [(K_degree,pwhitei 'α' 0 8 inf),(K_dur,0.15)])

Non-SC3 Patterns

pbool :: (Ord a, Num a) => P a -> P BoolSource

Type specialised fbool.

phold :: P a -> P aSource

Lifted hold.

pinterleave2 :: P a -> P a -> P aSource

Lifted interleave2.

 let p = pinterleave2 (pwhite 'α' 1 9 inf) (pseries 10 1 5)
 in [3,10,9,11,2,12,9,13,4,14] `L.isPrefixOf` unP p

pinterleave :: [P a] -> P aSource

Lifted interleave.

 pinterleave [pwhitei 'α' 0 4 3,pwhitei 'β' 5 9 3] == toP [2,7,0,5,3,6]

pisPrefixOf :: Eq a => P a -> P a -> BoolSource

Lifted isPrefixOf.

prsd :: Eq a => P a -> P aSource

Lifted rsd.

 prsd (pstutter 2 (toP [1,2,3])) == toP [1,2,3]
 prsd (pseq [1,2,3] 2) == toP [1,2,3,1,2,3]

ptrigger :: P Bool -> P a -> P (Maybe a)Source

Lifted trigger.

 let {tr = pbool (toP [0,1,0,0,1,1])
     ;p = ptrigger tr (toP [1,2,3])
     ;r = [Nothing,Just 1,Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Just 3]}
 in p == toP r

SC3 Event Patterns

type P_Bind = (Key, P Field)Source

Synonym for (Key,'P Field').

padd :: P_Bind -> P Event -> P EventSource

Padd. Add a value to an existing key, or set the key if it doesn't exist.

 > p = Padd(\freq,801,Pbind(\freq,Pseq([100],1)));
 > p.asStream.all(()) == [('freq':901)]
 let p = padd (K_freq,801) (pbind [(K_freq,return 100)])
 in p == pbind [(K_freq,return 901)]
 > Padd(\freq,Pseq([401,801],2),Pbind(\freq,100)).play
 audition (padd (K_freq,pseq [401,801] 2) (pbind [(K_freq,100)]))
 let {d = pseq [pshuf 'α' [-7,-3,0,2,4,7] 2
               ,pseq [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] 1] 1
     ;p = pbind [(K_dur,0.15),(K_degree,d)]
     ;t n = padd (K_mtranspose,n) p}
 in audition (pseq [p,t 1,t 2] inf)

pbind :: [P_Bind] -> P EventSource

Pbind. SC3 pattern to assign keys to a set of Field patterns making an Event pattern.

Each input pattern is assigned to key in the resulting event pattern.

There are a set of reserved keys that have particular roles in the pattern library.

 > p = Pbind(\x,Pseq([1,2,3],1),\y,Pseed(Pn(100,1),Prand([4,5,6],inf)));
 > p.asStream.all(()) == [('y':4,'x':1),('y':6,'x':2),('y':4,'x':3)]
 let p = pbind [(K_param "x",prand 'α' [100,300,200] inf)
               ,(K_param "y",pseq [1,2,3] 1)]
 in pkey (K_param "x") p == toP [200,200,300]

K_param can be elided if OverloadedStrings are in place.

 :set -XOverloadedStrings
 ptake 2 (pbind [("x",pwhitei 'α' 0 9 inf)
                ,("y",pseq [1,2,3] inf)])

Events implement variations on the SC3 Dur and Pitch models.

 > Pbind(\freq,Prand([300,500,231.2,399.2],inf),
 >       \dur,0.1).play;
 audition (pbind [(K_freq,prand 'α' [300,500,231.2,399.2] inf)
 > Pbind(\freq, Prand([300,500,231.2,399.2],inf),
 >       \dur,Prand([0.1,0.3],inf)).play;
 audition (pbind [(K_freq,prand 'α' [300,500,231.2,399.2] inf)
                 ,(K_dur,prand 'β' [0.1,0.3] inf)])
 > Pbind(\freq,Prand([1,1.2,2,2.5,3,4],inf) * 200,
 >       \dur,0.1).play;
 audition (pbind [(K_freq,prand 'α' [1,1.2,2,2.5,3,4] inf * 200)
 audition (pbind [(K_freq,pseq [440,550,660,770] 2)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [0.1,0.15,0.1] inf)
                 ,(K_amp,pseq [0.1,0.05] inf)
                 ,(K_param "pan",pseq [-1,0,1] inf)])

A finite binding stops the Event pattern.

 > Pbind(\freq,Prand([300,500,231.2,399.2],inf),
 >       \dur,Pseq([0.1,0.2],3)).play;
 audition (pbind [(K_freq,prand 'α' [300,500,231.2,399.2] inf)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [0.1,0.2] 3)])
 > Pbind(\freq,Prand([300,500,231.2,399.2],inf),
 >       \dur,Prand([0.1,0.3],inf)).play

All infinite inputs:

 audition (pbind [(K_freq,prand 'α' [300,500,231.2,399.2] inf)
                 ,(K_dur,prand 'β' [0.1,0.3] inf)])

Implicit field patterns is this context are infinite.

 audition (pbind [(K_freq,prand 'α' [1,1.2,2,2.5,3,4] inf * 200)
 let test = let {freq = control KR "freq" 440
                ;amp = control KR "amp" 0.1
                ;nharms = control KR "nharms" 10
                ;pan = control KR "pan" 0
                ;gate = control KR "gate" 1
                ;s = blip AR freq nharms * amp
                ;e = linen gate 0.01 0.6 0.4 RemoveSynth
                ;o = offsetOut 0 (pan2 s pan e)}
            in synthdef "test" o
 audition (pbind [(K_instr,psynth test)
                 ,(K_freq,prand 'α' [1,1.2,2,2.5,3,4] inf * 200)
 audition (pbind [(K_instr,psynth test)
                 ,(K_param "nharms",pseq [4,10,40] inf)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [1,1,2,1] inf / 10)
                 ,(K_freq,pn (pseries 1 1 16 * 50) 4)
                 ,(K_sustain,pseq [1/10,0.5,1,2] inf)])
 let acid = let {freq = control KR "freq" 1000
                ;gate = control KR "gate" 1
                ;pan = control KR "pan" 0
                ;cut = control KR "cut" 4000
                ;res = control KR "res" 0.8
                ;amp = control KR "amp" 1
                ;s = rlpf (pulse AR freq 0.05) cut res
                ;d = envLinen 0.01 1 0.3 1
                ;e = envGen KR gate amp 0 1 RemoveSynth d
                ;o = out 0 (pan2 s pan e)}
            in synthdef "acid" o
 > Pbind(\instrument,\acid,
 >       \dur,Pseq([0.25,0.5,0.25],4),
 >       \root,-24,
 >       \degree,Pseq([0,3,5,7,9,11,5,1],inf),
 >       \pan,Pfunc({1.0.rand2}),
 >       \cut,Pxrand([1000,500,2000,300],inf),
 >       \rez,Pfunc({0.7.rand +0.3}),
 >       \amp,0.2).play
 audition (pbind [(K_instr,psynth acid)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [0.25,0.5,0.25] 4)
                 ,(K_degree,pseq [0,3,5,7,9,11,5,1] inf)
                 ,(K_param "pan",pwhite 'α' (-1.0) 1.0 inf)
                 ,(K_param "cut",pxrand 'β' [1000,500,2000,300] inf)
                 ,(K_param "res",pwhite 'γ' 0.3 1.0 inf)
 > Pseq([Pbind(\instrument,\acid,
 >             \dur,Pseq([0.25,0.5,0.25],4),
 >             \root,-24,
 >             \degree,Pseq([0,3,5,7,9,11,5,1],inf),
 >             \pan,Pfunc({1.0.rand2}),
 >             \cut,Pxrand([1000,500,2000,300],inf),
 >             \rez,Pfunc({0.7.rand + 0.3}),
 >             \amp,0.2),
 >       Pbind(\instrument,\acid,
 >             \dur,Pseq([0.25],6),
 >             \root,-24,
 >             \degree,Pseq([18,17,11,9],inf),
 >             \pan,Pfunc({1.0.rand2}),
 >             \cut,1500,
 >             \rez,Pfunc({0.7.rand + 0.3}),
 >             \amp,0.16)],inf).play
 audition (pseq [pbind [(K_instr,psynth acid)
                       ,(K_dur,pseq [0.25,0.5,0.25] 4)
                       ,(K_degree,pseq [0,3,5,7,9,11,5,1] inf)
                       ,(K_param "pan",pwhite 'α' (-1.0) 1.0 inf)
                       ,(K_param "cut",pxrand 'β' [1000,500,2000,300] inf)
                       ,(K_param "res",pwhite 'γ' 0.3 1.0 inf)
                ,pbind [(K_instr,psynth acid)
                       ,(K_dur,pn 0.25 6)
                       ,(K_degree,pser [18,17,11,9] inf)
                       ,(K_param "pan",pwhite 'δ' (-1.0) 1.0 inf)
                       ,(K_param "cut",1500)
                       ,(K_param "res",pwhite 'ε' 0.3 1.0 inf)
                       ,(K_amp,0.16)]] inf)
 > Pbind(\instrument, \acid,
 >       \dur, Pseq([0.25,0.5,0.25], inf),
 >       \root, [-24,-17],
 >       \degree, Pseq([0,3,5,7,9,11,5,1], inf),
 >       \pan, Pfunc({1.0.rand2}),
 >       \cut, Pxrand([1000,500,2000,300], inf),
 >       \rez, Pfunc({0.7.rand +0.3}),
 >       \amp, 0.2).play;
 audition (pbind [(K_instr,psynth acid)
                 ,(K_dur,pseq [0.25,0.5,0.25] inf)
                 ,(K_root,pmce2 (-24) (-17))
                 ,(K_degree,pseq [0,3,5,7,9,11,5,1] inf)
                 ,(K_param "pan",pwhite 'α' (-1.0) 1.0 inf)
                 ,(K_param "cut",pxrand 'β' [1000,500,2000,300] inf)
                 ,(K_param "res",pwhite 'γ' 0.3 1.0 inf)

A persistent synthesis node with freq and amp controls.

 import Sound.SC3.ID
 let {freq = control KR "freq" 440
     ;amp = control KR "amp" 0.6
     ;n = pinkNoise 'α' AR * amp}
 in audition (out 0 (pan2 (moogFF n freq 2 0) 0 1))

A pattern to set freq and amp controls at the most recently instantiated synthesis node.

 :set -XOverloadedStrings
 audition (pbind [(K_type,prepeat "n_set")
                 ,(K_freq,pwhite 'α' 100 1000 inf)
                 ,(K_amp,toP [1,0.99 .. 0.1])])
 let berlinb =
   let {k = control KR
       ;o = k "out" 0
       ;f = k "freq" 80
       ;a = k "amp" 0.01
       ;p = k "pan" 0
       ;g = k "gate" 1
       ;env = decay2 g 0.05 8 * 0.0003
       ;syn = rlpf (lfPulse AR f 0 (sinOsc KR 0.12 (mce2 0 (pi/2)) * 0.48 + 0.5))
                   (f * (sinOsc KR 0.21 0 * 18 + 20))
       ;syn_env = syn * env
       ;kil = detectSilence (mceChannel 0 syn_env) 0.1 0.2 RemoveSynth}
   in mrg2 (out o (a * mix (panAz 4 syn_env (mce2 p (p + 1)) 1 2 0.5))) kil
 audition (ppar [pbind [(K_degree,pseq [0,1,2,4,6,3,4,8] inf)
                       ,(K_instr,psynth (synthdef "berlinb" berlinb))]
                ,pbind [(K_degree,pseq [0,1,2,4,6,3,4,8] inf)
                       ,(K_octave,pmce2 2 1)
                       ,(K_param "pan",pwhite 'a' (-1) 1 inf)
                       ,(K_instr,psynth (synthdef "berlinb" berlinb))]])

(<|) :: F_Value v => Key -> P v -> P_BindSource

Operator to lift F_Value pattern to P_Bind tuple.

 let {r = True `pcons` preplicate 3 False :: P Bool}
 in pbind [K_rest <| r] == pbind [(K_rest,pseq [1,0,0,0] 1)]

pkey :: Key -> P Event -> P FieldSource

Pkey. SC3 pattern to read Key at Event pattern. Note however that in haskell is usually more appropriate to name the pattern using let.

 pkey K_freq (pbind [(K_freq,return 440)]) == toP [440]
 pkey K_amp (pbind [(K_amp,toP [0,1])]) == toP [0,1]
 > Pbind(\degree,Pseq([Pseries(-7,1,14),Pseries(7,-1,14)],inf),
 >       \dur,0.25,
 >       \legato,Pkey(\degree).linexp(-7,7,2.0,0.05)).play
 let {d = pseq [pseries (-7) 1 14,pseries 7 (-1) 14] inf
     ;l = fmap (Sound.SC3.Lang.Math.linexp (-7) 7 2 0.05) d}
 in audition (pbind [(K_degree,d)

pmono :: [P_Bind] -> P EventSource

Pmono. SC3 pattern that is a variant of pbind for controlling monophonic (persistent) synthesiser nodes.

 let p = [(K_instr,pinstr' (Instr_Ref "default" False))
         ,(K_degree,pxrand 'α' [0,2,4,5,7,9,11] inf)
         ,(K_amp,pwrand 'β' [0.05,0.2] [0.7,0.3] inf)
 in audition (pmono p)

pmul :: P_Bind -> P Event -> P EventSource

Pmul. SC3 pattern to multiply an existing key by a value, or set the key if it doesn't exist.

 let p = pbind [(K_dur,0.15),(K_freq,prand 'α' [440,550,660] 6)]
 in audition (pseq [p,pmul (K_freq,2) p,pmul (K_freq,0.5) p] 2)

ppar :: [P Event] -> P EventSource

Ppar. Variant of ptpar with zero start times.

The result of pmerge can be merged again, ppar merges a list of patterns.

 let {a = pbind [(K_param "a",pseq [1,2,3] inf)]
     ;b = pbind [(K_param "b",pseq [4,5,6] inf)]
     ;r = toP [e_from_list [(K_param "a",1),(K_fwd',0)]
              ,e_from_list [(K_param "b",4),(K_fwd',1)]]}
 in ptake 2 (ppar [a,b]) == r
 let {p = pbind [(K_dur,0.2),(K_midinote,pseq [62,65,69,72] inf)]
     ;q = pbind [(K_dur,0.4),(K_midinote,pseq [50,45] inf)]
     ;r = pbind [(K_dur,0.6),(K_midinote,pseq [76,79,81] inf)]}
 in audition (ppar [p,q,r])

Multiple nested ppar patterns.

 let {a u = pbind [(K_dur,0.2),(K_param "pan",0.5),(K_midinote,pseq u 1)]
     ;b l = pbind [(K_dur,0.4),(K_param "pan",-0.5),(K_midinote,pseq l 1)]
     ;f u l = ppar [a u,b l]
     ;h = pbind [(K_dur,prand 'α' [0.2,0.4,0.6] inf)
                ,(K_midinote,prand 'β' [72,74,76,77,79,81] inf)
     ;m = pseq [pbind [(K_dur,3.2),(K_freq,return nan)]
               ,prand 'γ' [f [60,64,67,64] [48,43]
                          ,f [62,65,69,65] [50,45]
                          ,f [64,67,71,67] [52,47]] 12] inf}
 in audition (ppar [h,m])

pstretch :: P Field -> P Event -> P EventSource

Pstretch. SC3 pattern to do time stretching. It is equal to pmul at K_stretch.

 let {d = pseq [pshuf 'α' [-7,-3,0,2,4,7] 2
               ,pseq [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] 1] 1
     ;p = pbind [(K_dur,0.15),(K_degree,d)]}
 in audition (pseq [p,pstretch 0.5 p,pstretch 2 p] inf)

ptpar :: [(Time, P Event)] -> P EventSource

Ptpar. Merge a set of Event patterns each with indicated -- start Time.

ptpar is a variant of ppar which allows non-equal start times.

 let {f d p n = pbind [(K_dur,d),(K_param "pan",p),(K_midinote,n)]
     ;a = f 0.2 (-1) (pseries 60 1 15)
     ;b = f 0.15 0 (pseries 58 2 15)
     ;c = f 0.1 1 (pseries 46 3 15)}
 in audition (ptpar [(0,a),(1,b),(2,c)])
 let {d = pseq [pgeom 0.05 1.1 24,pgeom 0.5 0.909 24] 2
     ;f n a p = pbind [(K_dur,d)
                      ,(K_param "pan",p)
                      ,(K_midinote,pseq [n,n-4] inf)]}
 in audition (ptpar [(0,f 53 (-20) (-0.9))
                    ,(2,f 60 (-23) (-0.3))
                    ,(4,f 67 (-26) 0.3)
                    ,(6,f 74 (-29) 0.9)])

Instrument Event Patterns

pinstr' :: Instr -> P FieldSource

Pattern from Instr. An Instr is either a Synthdef or a name. In the Synthdef case the instrument is asynchronously sent to the server before processing the event, which has timing implications. The pattern constructed here uses the Synthdef for the first element, and the subsequently the name.

 audition (pbind [(K_instr,pinstr' defaultInstr)
                 ,(K_degree,toP [0,2,4,7])

pinstr :: String -> P FieldSource

Instr pattern from instrument name. See also psynth (where the sine instrument below is defined).

 let {si = return (F_Instr (Instr_Ref "sine" True))
     ;di = return (F_Instr (Instr_Ref "default" True))
     ;i = pseq [si,si,di] inf
     ;p = pbind [(K_instr,i),(K_degree,pseq [0,2,4,7] inf),(K_dur,0.25)]}
 in audition p

psynth :: Synthdef -> P FieldSource

Synthdefs can be used directly as an instrument using psynth. The default synthdef is at def.

 let sineSynth =
   let {f = control KR "freq" 440
       ;g = control KR "gate" 1
       ;a = control KR "amp" 0.1
       ;d = envASR 0.01 1 1 (EnvNum (-4))
       ;e = envGen KR g a 0 1 RemoveSynth d
       ;o = out 0 (sinOsc AR f 0 * e)}
   in synthdef "sine" o
 audition (pbind [(K_instr,psynth sineSynth)
                 ,(K_degree,toP [0,2,4,7])

MCE Patterns

pmce2 :: P Field -> P Field -> P FieldSource

Two-channel MCE for field patterns.

 pmce2 (toP [1,2]) (toP [3,4]) == toP [f_array [1,3],f_array [2,4]]
 let p = pmce2 (pseq [1,2] inf) (pseq [3,4] inf)
 in ptake 2 p == toP [f_array [1,3],f_array [2,4]]

pmce3 :: P Field -> P Field -> P Field -> P FieldSource

Three-channel MCE for field patterns.

p_un_mce :: P Event -> P EventSource

Remove one layer of MCE expansion at an event pattern. The pattern will be expanded only to the width of the initial input. Holes are filled with rests.

 let {a = pseq [65,69,74] inf
     ;b = pseq [60,64,67,72,76] inf
     ;c = pseq [pmce3 72 76 79,pmce2 a b] 1}
 in audition (p_un_mce (pbind [(K_midinote,c)
                              ,(K_param "pan",pmce2 (-1) 1)
                              ,(K_dur,1 `pcons` prepeat 0.15)]))

p_un_mce translates via ppar. This allows dur related fields to be MCE values. The underlying event processor also implements one layer of MCE expansion.

 audition (p_un_mce
           (pbind [(K_dur,pmce2 0.25 0.2525)
                  ,(K_legato,pmce2 0.25 2.5)
                  ,(K_freq,pmce2 (pseq [300,400,500] inf)
                                 (pseq [302,402,502,202] inf))
                  ,(K_param "pan",pmce2 (-0.5) 0.5)]))

Non-SC3 Event Patterns

pedit :: Key -> (Field -> Field) -> P Event -> P EventSource

Edit a at Key in each element of an Event pattern.

p_time :: P Event -> P TimeSource

Pattern of start times of events at event pattern.

 p_time (pbind [(K_dur,toP [1,2,3,2,1])]) == toP [0,1,3,6,8,9]
 p_time (pbind [(K_dur,pseries 0.5 0.5 5)]) == toP [0,0.5,1.5,3,5,7.5]

pkey_m :: Key -> P Event -> P (Maybe Field)Source

Pattern to extract as at Key from an Event pattern.

 pkey_m K_freq (pbind [(K_freq,return 440)]) == toP [Just 440]

pmerge :: P Event -> P Event -> P EventSource

Variant of ptmerge with zero start times.

pmerge merges two event streams, adding fwd' entries as required.

 let {p = pbind [(K_dur,0.2),(K_midinote,pseq [62,65,69,72] inf)]
     ;q = pbind [(K_dur,0.4),(K_midinote,pseq [50,45] inf)]}
 in audition (pmerge p q)

pmul' :: P_Bind -> P Event -> P EventSource

Variant that does not insert key.

ptmerge :: (Time, P Event) -> (Time, P Event) -> P EventSource

Merge two Event patterns with indicated start Times.

punion :: P Event -> P Event -> P EventSource

Left-biased union of event patterns.

p_with :: P_Bind -> P Event -> P EventSource

punion of pbind of return, ie. p_with (K_Instr,psynth s).


pappend :: P a -> P a -> P aSource

Type specialised mappend, sequences two patterns, ie. ++.

 1 <> mempty <> 2 == toP [1,2]
 let {p = prand 'α' [0,1] 3
     ;q = prand 'β' [5,7] 3}
 in audition (pbind [(K_degree,pappend p q),(K_dur,0.15)])

pconcat :: [P a] -> P aSource

Type specialised mconcat (or equivalently msum or concat).

 mconcat [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] 2] == toP [1,2,3,4,3,4]
 msum [pseq [1,2] 1,pseq [3,4] 2] == toP [1,2,3,4,3,4]

pempty :: P aSource

Type specialised mempty, ie. 'Data.List.[]'.

pfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> P a -> bSource

Type specialised foldr.

 > (Pser([1,2,3],5) + Pseq([0,10],3)).asStream.all == [1,12,3,11,2]
 let p = pser [1,2,3] 5 + pseq [0,10] 3
 in F.foldr (:) [] p == [1,12,3,11,2]

Indefinte patterns may be folded.

 take 3 (F.foldr (:) [] (prepeat 1)) == [1,1,1]

The Foldable module includes functions for product, sum, any, elem etc.

 F.product (toP [1,3,5]) == 15
 floor (F.sum (ptake 100 (pwhite 'α' 0.25 0.75 inf))) == 51
 F.any even (toP [1,3,5]) == False
 F.elem 5 (toP [1,3,5]) == True

pjoin :: P (P a) -> P aSource

Type specialised join.

 join (replicate 2 [1,2]) == [1,2,1,2]
 join (preplicate 2 (toP [1,2])) == toP [1,2,1,2]

pjoin_repeat :: P (P a) -> P aSource

join that pushes an outer undecided inward.

 join (undecided (undecided 1)) == undecided 1
 join (undecided (return 1)) == return 1
 pjoin_repeat (undecided (return 1)) == pure 1 == _|_

pmap :: (a -> b) -> P a -> P bSource

Type specialised fmap, ie. map.

pmbind :: P a -> (a -> P b) -> P bSource

Type specialised >>=.

 (return 1 >>= return . id) == [1]
 (undecided 1 >>= undecided . id) == undecided 1
 (pseq [1,2] 1 >>= \x ->
   pseq [3,4,5] 1 >>= \y ->
    return (x,y)) == toP [(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)]

ppure :: a -> P aSource

Type specialised pure.

preturn :: a -> P aSource

Type specialised return.

ptraverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> P a -> f (P b)Source

Type specialised traverse.

 let {f i e = (i + e,e * 2)
     ;(r,p) = T.mapAccumL f 0 (toP [1,3,5])}
 in (r,p) == (9,toP [2,6,10])


pNRT :: P Event -> NRTSource

Transform an event pattern into a non-real time SC3 score.

 let n = pNRT (pbind [(K_freq,prand 'α' [300,500,231.2,399.2] inf)
                     ,(K_dur,pseq [0.1,0.2] 3)])
 audition n
 mapM_ (putStrLn . bundlePP) (nrt_bundles n)

Infinite NRT scores are productive for auditioning.

 let n' = pNRT (pbind [(K_dur,0.25),(K_freq,pseq [300,600,900] inf)])
 audition n'
 mapM_ (putStrLn . bundlePP) (take 9 (nrt_bundles n'))

UId variants

pbrownM :: (UId m, Num n, Ord n, Random n) => n -> n -> n -> Int -> m (P n)Source

pexprandM :: (UId m, Random a, Floating a) => a -> a -> Int -> m (P a)Source

prandM :: UId m => [P a] -> Int -> m (P a)Source

pshufM :: UId m => [a] -> Int -> m (P a)Source

pwhiteM :: (UId m, Random n) => n -> n -> Int -> m (P n)Source

pwhiteiM :: (UId m, RealFracE n, Random n) => n -> n -> Int -> m (P n)Source

pwrandM :: UId m => [P a] -> [Double] -> Int -> m (P a)Source

pxrandM :: UId m => [P a] -> Int -> m (P a)Source