hsdev- Haskell development library

Safe HaskellNone




initLog :: ServerOpts -> IO SessionLog Source #

Inits log chan and returns functions (print message, wait channel)

runServer :: ServerOpts -> ServerM IO () -> IO () Source #

Run server

setupServer :: ServerOpts -> ServerM IO () Source #

Start listening for incoming connections

shutdownServer :: ServerOpts -> ServerM IO () Source #

Shutdown server

processRequest :: SessionMonad m => CommandOptions -> Command -> m Result Source #

Process request, notifications can be sent during processing

processClient :: SessionMonad m => String -> Chan ByteString -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> m () Source #

Process client, listen for requests and process them

processClientSocket :: SessionMonad m => String -> Socket -> m () Source #

Process client by socket

unMmap :: Response -> IO Response Source #

If response points to mmap, get its contents and parse