{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module HsDev.Symbols.Types (
        Import(..), importPosition, importName, importQualified, importAs,
        Module(..), moduleSymbols, exportedSymbols, scopeSymbols, fixitiesMap, moduleFixities, moduleId, moduleDocs, moduleImports, moduleExports, moduleScope, moduleSource,
        Symbol(..), symbolId, symbolDocs, symbolPosition, symbolInfo,
        SymbolInfo(..), functionType, parentClass, parentType, selectorConstructors, typeArgs, typeContext, familyAssociate, symbolInfoType, symbolType, patternType, patternConstructor,
        Scoped(..), scopeQualifier, scoped,
        SymbolUsage(..), symbolUsed, symbolUsedQualifier, symbolUsedIn, symbolUsedRegion,
        ImportedSymbol(..), importedSymbol, importedFrom,
        infoOf, nullifyInfo,
        Inspection(..), inspectionAt, inspectionOpts, fresh, Inspected(..), inspection, inspectedKey, inspectionTags, inspectionResult, inspected,
        InspectM(..), runInspect, continueInspect, inspect, inspect_, withInspection,
        inspectedTup, noTags, tag, ModuleTag(..), InspectedModule, notInspected,

        module HsDev.PackageDb.Types,
        module HsDev.Project,
        module HsDev.Symbols.Name,
        module HsDev.Symbols.Class,
        module HsDev.Symbols.Location,
        module HsDev.Symbols.Documented
        ) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, Parser)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe.JustIf
import Data.Monoid (Any(..))
import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))
import Data.Function
import Data.Ord
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime)
import Language.Haskell.Exts (QName(..), ModuleName(..), Boxed(..), SpecialCon(..), Fixity(..), Assoc(..))
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts (Name(..))
import Text.Format

import Control.Apply.Util (chain)
import HsDev.Display
import HsDev.Error
import HsDev.PackageDb.Types
import HsDev.Project
import HsDev.Symbols.Name
import HsDev.Symbols.Class
import HsDev.Symbols.Location
import HsDev.Symbols.Documented
import HsDev.Symbols.Parsed
import HsDev.Util ((.::), (.::?), (.::?!), noNulls, objectUnion)
import System.Directory.Paths

instance NFData l => NFData (ModuleName l) where
        rnf (ModuleName l n) = rnf l `seq` rnf n

instance NFData l => NFData (Exts.Name l) where
        rnf (Exts.Ident l s) = rnf l `seq` rnf s
        rnf (Exts.Symbol l s) = rnf l `seq` rnf s

instance NFData Boxed where
        rnf Boxed = ()
        rnf Unboxed = ()

instance NFData l => NFData (SpecialCon l) where
        rnf (UnitCon l) = rnf l
        rnf (ListCon l) = rnf l
        rnf (FunCon l) = rnf l
        rnf (TupleCon l b i) = rnf l `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf i
        rnf (Cons l) = rnf l
        rnf (UnboxedSingleCon l) = rnf l
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
        rnf (ExprHole l) = rnf l

instance NFData l => NFData (QName l) where
        rnf (Qual l m n) = rnf l `seq` rnf m `seq` rnf n
        rnf (UnQual l n) = rnf l `seq` rnf n
        rnf (Special l s) = rnf l `seq` rnf s

-- | Import
data Import = Import {
        _importPosition :: Position, -- source line of import
        _importName :: Text, -- imported module name
        _importQualified :: Bool, -- is import qualified
        _importAs :: Maybe Text } -- alias of import
                deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance NFData Import where
        rnf (Import p n q a) = rnf p `seq` rnf n `seq` rnf q `seq` rnf a

instance Show Import where
        show (Import _ n q a) = concat $ catMaybes [
                Just "import",
                "qualified" `justIf` q,
                Just $ show n,
                fmap (("as " ++) . show) a]

instance ToJSON Import where
        toJSON (Import p n q a) = object [
                "pos" .= p,
                "name" .= n,
                "qualified" .= q,
                "as" .= a]

instance FromJSON Import where
        parseJSON = withObject "import" $ \v -> Import <$>
                v .:: "pos" <*>
                v .:: "name" <*>
                v .:: "qualified" <*>
                v .:: "as"

-- | Module
data Module = Module {
        _moduleId :: ModuleId,
        _moduleDocs :: Maybe Text,
        _moduleImports :: [Import], -- list of module names imported
        _moduleExports :: [Symbol], -- exported module symbols
        _moduleFixities :: [Fixity], -- fixities of operators
        _moduleScope :: Map Name [Symbol], -- symbols in scope, only for source modules
        _moduleSource :: Maybe Parsed } -- source of module

-- | Make each symbol appear only once
moduleSymbols :: Traversal' Module Symbol
moduleSymbols f m = getBack <$> (each . _1) f revList where
        revList = M.toList $ M.unionsWith mappend $ concat [
                [M.singleton sym ([], Any True) | sym <- _moduleExports m],
                [M.singleton sym ([nm], Any False) | (nm, syms) <- M.toList (_moduleScope m), sym <- syms]]
        getBack syms = m {
                _moduleExports = [sym' | (sym', (_, Any True)) <- syms],
                _moduleScope = M.unionsWith (++) [M.singleton n [sym'] | (sym', (ns, _)) <- syms, n <- ns] }

exportedSymbols :: Traversal' Module Symbol
exportedSymbols f m = (\e -> m { _moduleExports = e }) <$> traverse f (_moduleExports m)

scopeSymbols :: Traversal' Module (Symbol, [Name])
scopeSymbols f m = (\s -> m { _moduleScope = invMap s }) <$> traverse f (M.toList . invMap . M.toList $ _moduleScope m) where
        invMap :: Ord b => [(a, [b])] -> Map b [a]
        invMap es = M.unionsWith (++) [M.singleton v [k] | (k, vs) <- es, v <- vs]

fixitiesMap :: Lens' Module (Map Name Fixity)
fixitiesMap = lens g' s' where
        g' m = mconcat [M.singleton n f | f@(Fixity _ _ n) <- _moduleFixities m]
        s' m m' = m { _moduleFixities = M.elems m' }

instance ToJSON (Assoc ()) where
        toJSON (AssocNone _) = toJSON ("none" :: String)
        toJSON (AssocLeft _) = toJSON ("left" :: String)
        toJSON (AssocRight _) = toJSON ("right" :: String)

instance FromJSON (Assoc ()) where
        parseJSON = withText "assoc" $ \txt -> msum [
                guard (txt == "none") >> return (AssocNone ()),
                guard (txt == "left") >> return (AssocLeft ()),
                guard (txt == "right") >> return (AssocRight ())]

instance ToJSON Fixity where
        toJSON (Fixity assoc pr n) = object $ noNulls [
                "assoc" .= assoc,
                "prior" .= pr,
                "name" .= fromName n]

instance FromJSON Fixity where
        parseJSON = withObject "fixity" $ \v -> Fixity <$>
                v .:: "assoc" <*>
                v .:: "prior" <*>
                (toName <$> v .:: "name")

instance ToJSON Module where
        toJSON m = object $ noNulls [
                "id" .= _moduleId m,
                "docs" .= _moduleDocs m,
                "imports" .= _moduleImports m,
                "exports" .= _moduleExports m,
                "fixities" .= _moduleFixities m]

instance FromJSON Module where
        parseJSON = withObject "module" $ \v -> Module <$>
                v .:: "id" <*>
                v .::? "docs" <*>
                v .::?! "imports" <*>
                v .::?! "exports" <*>
                v .::?! "fixities" <*>
                pure mempty <*>
                pure Nothing

instance NFData (Assoc ()) where
        rnf (AssocNone _) = ()
        rnf (AssocLeft _) = ()
        rnf (AssocRight _) = ()

instance NFData Fixity where
        rnf (Fixity assoc pr n) = rnf assoc `seq` rnf pr `seq` rnf n

instance NFData Module where
        rnf (Module i d is e fs s msrc) = msrc `seq` rnf i `seq` rnf d `seq` rnf is `seq` rnf e `seq` rnf fs `seq` rnf s

instance Eq Module where
        l == r = _moduleId l == _moduleId r

instance Ord Module where
        compare l r = compare (_moduleId l) (_moduleId r)

instance Show Module where
        show = show . _moduleId

data Symbol = Symbol {
        _symbolId :: SymbolId,
        _symbolDocs :: Maybe Text,
        _symbolPosition :: Maybe Position,
        _symbolInfo :: SymbolInfo }

instance Eq Symbol where
        l == r = (_symbolId l, symbolType l) == (_symbolId r, symbolType r)

instance Ord Symbol where
        compare l r = compare (_symbolId l, symbolType l) (_symbolId r, symbolType r)

instance NFData Symbol where
        rnf (Symbol i d l info) = rnf i `seq` rnf d `seq` rnf l `seq` rnf info

instance Show Symbol where
        show = show . _symbolId

instance ToJSON Symbol where
        toJSON s = object $ noNulls [
                "id" .= _symbolId s,
                "docs" .= _symbolDocs s,
                "pos" .= _symbolPosition s,
                "info" .= _symbolInfo s]

instance FromJSON Symbol where
        parseJSON = withObject "symbol" $ \v -> Symbol <$>
                v .:: "id" <*>
                v .::? "docs" <*>
                v .::? "pos" <*>
                v .:: "info"

data SymbolInfo =
        Function { _functionType :: Maybe Text } |
        Method { _functionType :: Maybe Text, _parentClass :: Text } |
        Selector { _functionType :: Maybe Text, _parentType :: Text, _selectorConstructors :: [Text] } |
        Constructor { _typeArgs :: [Text], _parentType :: Text } |
        Type { _typeArgs :: [Text], _typeContext :: [Text] } |
        NewType { _typeArgs :: [Text], _typeContext :: [Text] } |
        Data { _typeArgs :: [Text], _typeContext :: [Text] } |
        Class { _typeArgs :: [Text], _typeContext :: [Text] } |
        TypeFam { _typeArgs :: [Text], _typeContext :: [Text], _familyAssociate :: Maybe Text } |
        DataFam { _typeArgs :: [Text], _typeContext :: [Text], _familyAssociate :: Maybe Text } |
        PatConstructor { _typeArgs :: [Text], _patternType :: Maybe Text } |
        PatSelector { _functionType :: Maybe Text, _patternType :: Maybe Text, _patternConstructor :: Text }
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

instance NFData SymbolInfo where
        rnf (Function ft) = rnf ft
        rnf (Method ft cls) = rnf ft `seq` rnf cls
        rnf (Selector ft t cs) = rnf ft `seq` rnf t `seq` rnf cs
        rnf (Constructor as t) = rnf as `seq` rnf t
        rnf (Type as ctx) = rnf as `seq` rnf ctx
        rnf (NewType as ctx) = rnf as `seq` rnf ctx
        rnf (Data as ctx) = rnf as `seq` rnf ctx
        rnf (Class as ctx) = rnf as `seq` rnf ctx
        rnf (TypeFam as ctx a) = rnf as `seq` rnf ctx `seq` rnf a
        rnf (DataFam as ctx a) = rnf as `seq` rnf ctx `seq` rnf a
        rnf (PatConstructor as t) = rnf as `seq` rnf t
        rnf (PatSelector ft t c) = rnf ft `seq` rnf t `seq` rnf c

instance ToJSON SymbolInfo where
        toJSON (Function ft) = object [what "function", "type" .= ft]
        toJSON (Method ft cls) = object [what "method", "type" .= ft, "class" .= cls]
        toJSON (Selector ft t cs) = object [what "selector", "type" .= ft, "parent" .= t, "constructors" .= cs]
        toJSON (Constructor as t) = object [what "ctor", "args" .= as, "type" .= t]
        toJSON (Type as ctx) = object [what "type", "args" .= as, "ctx" .= ctx]
        toJSON (NewType as ctx) = object [what "newtype", "args" .= as, "ctx" .= ctx]
        toJSON (Data as ctx) = object [what "data", "args" .= as, "ctx" .= ctx]
        toJSON (Class as ctx) = object [what "class", "args" .= as, "ctx" .= ctx]
        toJSON (TypeFam as ctx a) = object [what "type-family", "args" .= as, "ctx" .= ctx, "associate" .= a]
        toJSON (DataFam as ctx a) = object [what "data-family", "args" .= as, "ctx" .= ctx, "associate" .= a]
        toJSON (PatConstructor as t) = object [what "pat-ctor", "args" .= as, "pat-type" .= t]
        toJSON (PatSelector ft t c) = object [what "pat-selector", "type" .= ft, "pat-type" .= t, "constructor" .= c]

class EmptySymbolInfo a where
        infoOf :: a -> SymbolInfo

instance EmptySymbolInfo SymbolInfo where
        infoOf = id

instance (Monoid a, EmptySymbolInfo r) => EmptySymbolInfo (a -> r) where
        infoOf f = infoOf $ f mempty

symbolInfoType :: SymbolInfo -> String
symbolInfoType (Function{}) = "function"
symbolInfoType (Method{}) = "method"
symbolInfoType (Selector{}) = "selector"
symbolInfoType (Constructor{}) = "ctor"
symbolInfoType (Type{}) = "type"
symbolInfoType (NewType{}) = "newtype"
symbolInfoType (Data{}) = "data"
symbolInfoType (Class{}) = "class"
symbolInfoType (TypeFam{}) = "type-family"
symbolInfoType (DataFam{}) = "data-family"
symbolInfoType (PatConstructor{}) = "pat-ctor"
symbolInfoType (PatSelector{}) = "pat-selector"

symbolType :: Symbol -> String
symbolType = symbolInfoType . _symbolInfo

what :: String -> Pair
what n = "what" .= n

instance FromJSON SymbolInfo where
        parseJSON = withObject "symbol info" $ \v -> msum [
                gwhat "function" v >> (Function <$> v .::? "type"),
                gwhat "method" v >> (Method <$> v .::? "type" <*> v .:: "class"),
                gwhat "selector" v >> (Selector <$> v .::? "type" <*> v .:: "parent" <*> v .::?! "constructors"),
                gwhat "ctor" v >> (Constructor <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .:: "type"),
                gwhat "type" v >> (Type <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .::?! "ctx"),
                gwhat "newtype" v >> (NewType <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .::?! "ctx"),
                gwhat "data" v >> (Data <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .::?! "ctx"),
                gwhat "class" v >> (Class <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .::?! "ctx"),
                gwhat "type-family" v >> (TypeFam <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .::?! "ctx" <*> v .::? "associate"),
                gwhat "data-family" v >> (DataFam <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .::?! "ctx" <*> v .::? "associate"),
                gwhat "pat-ctor" v >> (PatConstructor <$> v .::?! "args" <*> v .::? "pat-type"),
                gwhat "pat-selector" v >> (PatSelector <$> v .::? "type" <*> v .::? "pat-type" <*> v .:: "constructor")]

gwhat :: String -> Object -> Parser ()
gwhat n v = do
        s <- v .:: "what"
        guard (s == n)

-- | Scoped entity with qualifier
data Scoped a = Scoped {
        _scopeQualifier :: Maybe Text,
        _scoped :: a }
                deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show a => Show (Scoped a) where
        show (Scoped q s) = maybe "" (\q' -> T.unpack q' ++ ".") q ++ show s

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Scoped a) where
        toJSON (Scoped q s) = toJSON s `objectUnion` object (noNulls ["qualifier" .= q])

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Scoped a) where
        parseJSON = withObject "scope-symbol" $ \v -> Scoped <$>
                (v .::? "qualifier") <*>
                parseJSON (Object v)

-- | Symbol usage
data SymbolUsage = SymbolUsage {
        _symbolUsed :: Symbol,
        _symbolUsedQualifier :: Maybe Text,
        _symbolUsedIn :: ModuleId,
        _symbolUsedRegion :: Region }
                deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show SymbolUsage where
        show (SymbolUsage s _ m p) = show s ++ " at " ++ show m ++ ":" ++ show p

instance ToJSON SymbolUsage where
        toJSON (SymbolUsage s q m p) = object $ noNulls ["symbol" .= s, "qualifier" .= q, "in" .= m, "at" .= p]

instance FromJSON SymbolUsage where
        parseJSON = withObject "symbol-usage" $ \v -> SymbolUsage <$>
                v .:: "symbol" <*>
                v .::? "qualifier" <*>
                v .:: "in" <*>
                v .:: "at"

-- | Symbol with module it's exported from
data ImportedSymbol = ImportedSymbol {
        _importedSymbol :: Symbol,
        _importedFrom :: ModuleId }
                deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show ImportedSymbol where
        show (ImportedSymbol s m) = show s ++ " imported from " ++ show m

instance ToJSON ImportedSymbol where
        toJSON (ImportedSymbol s m) = objectUnion (toJSON s) $ object [
                "imported" .= m]

instance FromJSON ImportedSymbol where
        parseJSON = withObject "imported-symbol" $ \v -> ImportedSymbol <$>
                parseJSON (Object v) <*>
                v .:: "imported"

-- | Inspection data
data Inspection =
        -- | No inspection
        InspectionNone |
        -- | Time and flags of inspection
        InspectionAt {
                _inspectionAt :: POSIXTime,
                _inspectionOpts :: [Text] }
                        deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance NFData Inspection where
        rnf InspectionNone = ()
        rnf (InspectionAt t fs) = rnf t `seq` rnf fs

instance Show Inspection where
        show InspectionNone = "none"
        show (InspectionAt tm fs) = "mtime " ++ show tm ++ ", flags [" ++ intercalate ", " (map T.unpack fs) ++ "]"

instance Read POSIXTime where
        readsPrec i = map (first (fromIntegral :: Integer -> POSIXTime)) . readsPrec i

instance Semigroup Inspection where
        InspectionNone <> r = r
        l <> InspectionNone = l
        InspectionAt ltm lopts <> InspectionAt rtm ropts
                | ltm >= rtm = InspectionAt ltm lopts
                | otherwise = InspectionAt rtm ropts

instance Monoid Inspection where
        mempty = InspectionNone
        mappend l r = l <> r

instance ToJSON Inspection where
        toJSON InspectionNone = object ["inspected" .= False]
        toJSON (InspectionAt tm fs) = object [
                "mtime" .= (fromRational (toRational tm) :: Double),
                "flags" .= fs]

instance FromJSON Inspection where
        parseJSON = withObject "inspection" $ \v ->
                ((const InspectionNone :: Bool -> Inspection) <$> v .:: "inspected") <|>
                (InspectionAt <$> ((fromRational . (toRational :: Double -> Rational)) <$> v .:: "mtime") <*> (v .:: "flags"))

-- | Is left @Inspection@ fresh comparing to right one
fresh :: Inspection -> Inspection -> Bool
fresh InspectionNone InspectionNone = True
fresh InspectionNone _ = False
fresh _ InspectionNone = True
fresh (InspectionAt tm _) (InspectionAt tm' _) = tm' - tm < 0.01

-- | Inspected entity
data Inspected k t a = Inspected {
        _inspection :: Inspection,
        _inspectedKey :: k,
        _inspectionTags :: Set t,
        _inspectionResult :: Either HsDevError a }

inspectedTup :: Inspected k t a -> (Inspection, k, Set t, Maybe a)
inspectedTup (Inspected insp i tags res) = (insp, i, tags, either (const Nothing) Just res)

instance (Eq k, Eq t, Eq a) => Eq (Inspected k t a) where
        (==) = (==) `on` inspectedTup

instance (Ord k, Ord t, Ord a) => Ord (Inspected k t a) where
        compare = comparing inspectedTup

instance Functor (Inspected k t) where
        fmap f insp = insp {
                _inspectionResult = fmap f (_inspectionResult insp) }

instance Foldable (Inspected k t) where
        foldMap f = either mempty f . _inspectionResult

instance Traversable (Inspected k t) where
        traverse f (Inspected insp i ts r) = Inspected insp i ts <$> either (pure . Left) (liftA Right . f) r

instance (NFData k, NFData t, NFData a) => NFData (Inspected k t a) where
        rnf (Inspected t i ts r) = rnf t `seq` rnf i `seq` rnf ts `seq` rnf r

instance (ToJSON k, ToJSON t, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Inspected k t a) where
        toJSON im = object [
                "inspection" .= _inspection im,
                "location" .= _inspectedKey im,
                "tags" .= S.toList (_inspectionTags im),
                either ("error" .=) ("result" .=) (_inspectionResult im)]

instance (FromJSON k, Ord t, FromJSON t, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Inspected k t a) where
        parseJSON = withObject "inspected" $ \v -> Inspected <$>
                v .:: "inspection" <*>
                v .:: "location" <*>
                (S.fromList <$> (v .::?! "tags")) <*>
                ((Left <$> v .:: "error") <|> (Right <$> v .:: "result"))

newtype InspectM k t m a = InspectM { runInspectM :: ReaderT k (ExceptT HsDevError (StateT (Inspection, S.Set t) m)) a }
        deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus, MonadIO, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadReader k, MonadError HsDevError, MonadState (Inspection, S.Set t))

instance MonadTrans (InspectM k t) where
        lift = InspectM . lift . lift . lift

runInspect :: (Monad m, Ord t) => k -> InspectM k t m a -> m (Inspected k t a)
runInspect key act = do
        (res, (insp, ts)) <- flip runStateT (InspectionNone, mempty) . runExceptT . flip runReaderT key . runInspectM $ act
        return $ Inspected insp key ts res

-- | Continue inspection
continueInspect :: (Monad m, Ord t) => Inspected k t a -> (a -> InspectM k t m b) -> m (Inspected k t b)
continueInspect start act = runInspect (_inspectedKey start) $ do
        put (_inspection start, _inspectionTags start)
        val <- either throwError return $ _inspectionResult start
        act val

inspect :: MonadCatch m => m Inspection -> (k -> m a) -> InspectM k t m a
inspect insp act = withInspection insp $ do
        key <- ask
        lift (hsdevCatch (hsdevLiftIO $ act key)) >>= either throwError return

withInspection :: MonadCatch m => m Inspection -> InspectM k t m a -> InspectM k t m a
withInspection insp inner = do
        insp' <- lift insp
                setInsp = modify (set _1 insp')
        catchError (inner <* setInsp) (\e -> setInsp >> throwError e)

inspect_ :: MonadCatch m => m Inspection -> m a -> InspectM k t m a
inspect_ insp = inspect insp . const

-- | Empty tags
noTags :: Set t
noTags = S.empty

-- | One tag
tag :: t -> Set t
tag = S.singleton

data ModuleTag = InferredTypesTag | RefinedDocsTag | OnlyHeaderTag | DirtyTag | ResolvedNamesTag deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum, Bounded)

instance NFData ModuleTag where
        rnf InferredTypesTag = ()
        rnf RefinedDocsTag = ()
        rnf OnlyHeaderTag = ()
        rnf DirtyTag = ()
        rnf ResolvedNamesTag = ()

instance Display ModuleTag where
        display InferredTypesTag = "types"
        display RefinedDocsTag = "docs"
        display OnlyHeaderTag = "header"
        display DirtyTag = "dirty"
        display ResolvedNamesTag = "resolved"
        displayType _ = "module-tag"

instance ToJSON ModuleTag where
        toJSON InferredTypesTag = toJSON ("types" :: String)
        toJSON RefinedDocsTag = toJSON ("docs" :: String)
        toJSON OnlyHeaderTag = toJSON ("header" :: String)
        toJSON DirtyTag = toJSON ("dirty" :: String)
        toJSON ResolvedNamesTag = toJSON ("resolved" :: String)

instance FromJSON ModuleTag where
        parseJSON = withText "module-tag" $ \txt -> msum [
                guard (txt == "types") >> return InferredTypesTag,
                guard (txt == "docs") >> return RefinedDocsTag,
                guard (txt == "header") >> return OnlyHeaderTag,
                guard (txt == "dirty") >> return DirtyTag,
                guard (txt == "resolved") >> return ResolvedNamesTag]

-- | Inspected module
type InspectedModule = Inspected ModuleLocation ModuleTag Module

instance Show InspectedModule where
        show (Inspected i mi ts m) = unlines [either showError show m, "\tinspected: " ++ show i, "\ttags: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show $ S.toList ts)] where
                showError :: HsDevError -> String
                showError e = unlines $ ("\terror: " ++ show e) : case mi of
                        FileModule f p -> ["file: " ++ f ^. path, "project: " ++ maybe "" (view (projectPath . path)) p]
                        InstalledModule c p n _  -> ["cabal: " ++ show c, "package: " ++ show p, "name: " ++ T.unpack n]
                        OtherLocation src -> ["other location: " ++ T.unpack src]
                        NoLocation -> ["no location"]

notInspected :: ModuleLocation -> InspectedModule
notInspected mloc = Inspected mempty mloc noTags (Left $ NotInspected mloc)

instance Documented ModuleId where
        brief m = brief $ _moduleLocation m
        detailed = brief

instance Documented SymbolId where
        brief s = "{} from {}" ~~ _symbolName s ~~ brief (_symbolModule s)
        detailed = brief

instance Documented Module where
        brief = brief . _moduleId
        detailed m = T.unlines (brief m : info) where
                info = [
                        "\texports: {}" ~~ T.intercalate ", " (map brief (_moduleExports m))]

instance Documented Symbol where
        brief = brief . _symbolId
        detailed s = T.unlines [brief s, info] where
                info = case _symbolInfo s of
                        Function t -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " (catMaybes [Just "function", fmap ("type: {}" ~~) t])
                        Method t p -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " (catMaybes [Just "method", fmap ("type: {}" ~~) t, Just $ "parent: {}" ~~ p])
                        Selector t p _ -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " (catMaybes [Just "selector", fmap ("type: {}" ~~) t, Just $ "parent: {}" ~~ p])
                        Constructor args p -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " ["constructor", "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, "parent: {}" ~~ p]
                        Type args ctx -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " ["type", "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, "ctx: {}" ~~ T.unwords ctx]
                        NewType args ctx -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " ["newtype", "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, "ctx: {}" ~~ T.unwords ctx]
                        Data args ctx -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " ["data", "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, "ctx: {}" ~~ T.unwords ctx]
                        Class args ctx -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " ["class", "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, "ctx: {}" ~~ T.unwords ctx]
                        TypeFam args ctx _ -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " ["type family", "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, "ctx: {}" ~~ T.unwords ctx]
                        DataFam args ctx _ -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " ["data family", "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, "ctx: {}" ~~ T.unwords ctx]
                        PatConstructor args p -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " (catMaybes [Just "pattern constructor", Just $ "args: {}" ~~ T.unwords args, fmap ("pat-type: {}" ~~) p])
                        PatSelector t p _ -> "\t" `T.append` T.intercalate ", " (catMaybes [Just "pattern selector", fmap ("type: {}" ~~) t, fmap ("pat-type: {}" ~~) p])

makeLenses ''Import
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''Symbol
makeLenses ''SymbolInfo
makeLenses ''Scoped
makeLenses ''SymbolUsage
makeLenses ''ImportedSymbol
makeLenses ''Inspection
makeLenses ''Inspected

inspected :: Traversal (Inspected k t a) (Inspected k t b) a b
inspected = inspectionResult . _Right

nullifyInfo :: SymbolInfo -> SymbolInfo
nullifyInfo = chain [
        set functionType mempty,
        set parentClass mempty,
        set parentType mempty,
        set selectorConstructors mempty,
        set typeArgs mempty,
        set typeContext mempty,
        set familyAssociate mempty,
        set patternType mempty,
        set patternConstructor mempty]

instance Sourced Module where
        sourcedName = moduleId . moduleName
        sourcedDocs = moduleDocs . _Just
        sourcedModule = moduleId

instance Sourced Symbol where
        sourcedName = symbolId . symbolName
        sourcedDocs = symbolDocs . _Just
        sourcedModule = symbolId . symbolModule
        sourcedLocation = symbolPosition . _Just