{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans       #-}
Module      : Foreign.Lua.Core.Error
Copyright   : © 2017-2018 Albert Krewinkel
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+hslua@zeitkraut.de>
Stability   : beta
Portability : DeriveDataTypeable

Lua exceptions and exception handling.
module Foreign.Lua.Core.Error
  ( Exception (..)
  , catchException
  , throwException
  , withExceptionMessage
  , throwTopMessage
  , try
    -- * Helpers for hslua C wrapper functions.
  , Failable (..)
  , fromFailable
  , throwOnError
  , boolFromFailable
    -- * Signaling errors to Lua
  , hsluaErrorRegistryField
  ) where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Foreign.C (CChar, CInt (CInt), CSize)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Lua.Core.Types (Lua, StackIndex, fromLuaBool)

import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Foreign.Storable as Storable
import qualified Foreign.Lua.Core.Types as Lua
import qualified Foreign.Lua.Utf8 as Utf8

-- | Exceptions raised by Lua-related operations.
newtype Exception = Exception { exceptionMessage :: String}
  deriving (Eq, Typeable)

instance Show Exception where
  show (Exception msg) = "Lua exception: " ++ msg

instance E.Exception Exception

-- | Raise a Lua @'Exception'@ containing the given error message.
throwException :: String -> Lua a
throwException = Catch.throwM . Exception
{-# INLINABLE throwException #-}

-- | Catch a Lua @'Exception'@.
catchException :: Lua a -> (Exception -> Lua a) -> Lua a
catchException = Catch.catch
{-# INLINABLE catchException #-}

-- | Catch Lua @'Exception'@, alter the message and rethrow.
withExceptionMessage :: (String -> String) -> Lua a -> Lua a
withExceptionMessage modifier luaOp =
  luaOp `catchException` \(Exception msg) -> throwException (modifier msg)
{-# INLINABLE withExceptionMessage #-}

-- | Return either the result of a Lua computation or, if an exception was
-- thrown, the error.
try :: Lua a -> Lua (Either Exception a)
try = Catch.try
{-# INLINABLE try #-}

instance Alternative Lua where
  empty = throwException "empty"
  x <|> y = either (const y) return =<< try x

-- | Convert the object at the top of the stack into a string and throw it as
-- an @'Exception'@.
throwTopMessage :: Lua a
throwTopMessage = do
  l <- Lua.state
  msg <- Lua.liftIO (errorMessage l)
  throwException (Utf8.toString msg)

-- | Retrieve and pop the top object as an error message. This is very similar
-- to tostring', but ensures that we don't recurse if getting the message
-- failed.
errorMessage :: Lua.State -> IO B.ByteString
errorMessage l = alloca $ \lenPtr -> do
  cstr <- hsluaL_tolstring l Lua.stackTop lenPtr
  if cstr == nullPtr
    then return $ Char8.pack ("An error occurred, but the error object " ++
                              "cannot be converted into a string.")
    else do
      cstrLen <- Storable.peek lenPtr
      msg <- B.packCStringLen (cstr, fromIntegral cstrLen)
      lua_pop l 2
      return msg

foreign import ccall safe "error-conversion.h hsluaL_tolstring"
  hsluaL_tolstring :: Lua.State -> StackIndex -> Ptr CSize -> IO (Ptr CChar)

foreign import capi unsafe "lua.h lua_pop"
  lua_pop :: Lua.State -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | Registry field under which the special HsLua error indicator is stored.
hsluaErrorRegistryField :: String
hsluaErrorRegistryField = "HSLUA_ERR"

-- * Custom protocol to communicate with hslua C wrapper functions.

-- | CInt value or an error, using the convention that value below zero indicate
-- an error. Values greater than zero are used verbatim. The phantom type is
-- used for additional type safety and gives the type into which the wrapped
-- CInt should be converted.
newtype Failable a = Failable CInt

-- | Convert from Failable to target type, throwing an error if the value
-- indicates a failure.
fromFailable :: (CInt -> a) -> Failable a -> Lua a
fromFailable fromCInt (Failable x) =
  if x < 0
  then throwTopMessage
  else return (fromCInt x)

-- | Throw a Haskell exception if the computation signaled a failure.
throwOnError :: Failable () -> Lua ()
throwOnError = fromFailable (const ())

-- | Convert lua boolean to Haskell Bool, throwing an exception if the return
-- value indicates that an error had happened.
boolFromFailable :: Failable Lua.LuaBool -> Lua Bool
boolFromFailable = fmap fromLuaBool . fromFailable Lua.LuaBool