{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Test.Hspec.Discover {-# WARNING
  "This module is used by @hspec-discover@.  It is not part of the public API and may change at any time."
  #-} (
, hspec
, IsFormatter (..)
, hspecWithFormatter
, postProcessSpec
, describe
) where

import           Prelude hiding (mapM)

import           Test.Hspec.Core.Spec
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Runner
import           Test.Hspec.Formatters

class IsFormatter a where
  toFormatter :: a -> IO Formatter

instance IsFormatter (IO Formatter) where
  toFormatter = id

instance IsFormatter Formatter where
  toFormatter = return

hspecWithFormatter :: IsFormatter a => a -> Spec -> IO ()
hspecWithFormatter formatter spec = do
  f <- toFormatter formatter
  hspecWith defaultConfig {configFormatter = Just f} spec

postProcessSpec :: FilePath -> Spec -> Spec
postProcessSpec _ = id