hspec-webdriver-0.2.0: Write end2end web application tests using webdriver and hspec

Safe HaskellNone




Write hspec tests that are webdriver tests, automatically managing the webdriver sessions.

This module re-exports functions from Test.Hspec and Test.WebDriver.Commands and it is intended that you just import Test.Hspec.WebDriver. If you need to import Test.Hspec or Test.WebDriver, you should do so using a qualified import.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module XKCD where

import Test.Hspec.WebDriver

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $
    describe "XKCD Tests" $ do

        session "for 327" $ using Firefox $ do
            it "opens the page" $ runWD $
                openPage "http://www.xkcd.com/327/"
            it "checks hover text" $ runWD $ do
                e <- findElem $ ByCSS "div#comic > img"
                e `shouldBeTag` "img"
                e `shouldHaveAttr` ("title", "Her daughter is named Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory.")

        parallel $ session "for 303" $ using [Firefox, Chrome] $ do
            it "opens the page" $ runWD $
                openPage "http://www.xkcd.com/303/"
            it "checks the title" $ runWD $ do
                e <- findElem $ ById "ctitle"
                e `shouldBeTag` "div"
                e `shouldHaveText` "Compiling"

The above code assumes selenium-server-standalone is running on at path /wd/hub (this is the default).



data BrowserDefaults Source

Webdriver expectations consist of a set of browser Capabilities to use and the actual test as a WD monad. The browser capabilities are specified by an enumeration which is an instance of TestCapabilities. The BrowserDefaults enumeration provides items that represent the default set of capabilities for each browser (see defaultCaps).

To obtain more control over the capabilities (e.g. to test multiple versions of IE or to test Firefrox without javascript), you should import Test.Hspec.WebDriver hiding (BrowserDefaults) and then create your own enumeration which is an instance of TestCapabilities and Using.



session :: TestCapabilities cap => String -> ([cap], Spec) -> SpecSource

Combine the examples nested inside this call into a webdriver session. For each capability in the list, before the first example is executed, a new webdriver session is created using the capabilities. The examples are then executed in depth-first order using this webdriver session (so later examples can rely on the browser state created by earlier examples). Once the final example has executed, the session is closed. If some WDExample fails (throws an exception), all remaining examples in the session will become pending.

Note that when using parallel, the examples within a single session will still execute serially. Different sessions (including the multiple sessions created if more than one capability is passed to session) will be executed in parallel.

This function uses the default webdriver host (, port (4444), and basepath (/wd/hub).



:: TestCapabilities cap 
=> String


-> Word16


-> String

base path

-> String


-> ([cap], Spec) 
-> Spec 

A variation of session which allows you to specify the webdriver host, port, and basepath.

runWD :: WD () -> WDExampleSource

Create an example from a WD action. This must be nested inside a call to session or sessionOn.

data WDExample Source

An example that can be passed to it containing a webdriver action. It must be created with runWD.


Example WDExample 

class Using a whereSource

A typeclass of things which can be converted to a list of capabilities. It's primary purpose is to allow the word using to be used with session so that the session description reads like a sentance.

session "for the home page" $ using Firefox $ do
    it "loads the page" $ runWD $ do
    it "scrolls the carosel" $ runWD $ do
session "for the users page" $ using [Firefox, Chrome] $ do

Associated Types

type UsingList a Source


using :: a -> Spec -> (UsingList a, Spec)Source


shouldBe :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> WD ()Source

shouldBe lifted into the WD monad.

shouldBeTag :: Element -> Text -> WD ()Source

Asserts that the given element matches the given tag.

shouldHaveText :: Element -> Text -> WD ()Source

Asserts that the given element has the given text.

shouldHaveAttr :: Element -> (Text, Text) -> WD ()Source

Asserts that the given elemnt has the attribute given by (attr name, value).

shouldReturn :: (Show a, Eq a) => WD a -> a -> WD ()Source

Asserts that the action returns the expected result.

shouldThrow :: (Show e, Eq e, Exception e) => WD a -> e -> WD ()Source

Asserts that the action throws an exception.

Custom Capabilities

class Show c => TestCapabilities c whereSource

Provides information about the browser capabilities used for testing. If you want more control over capabilities, you should hide BrowserDefaults and then make an enumeration of all the webdriver capabilities you will be testing with. For example,

data TestCaps = Firefox
              | FirefoxWithoutJavascript
              | Chrome
              | IE8
              | IE9
   deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum)

TestCaps must then be made an instance of TestCapabilities. Also, instances of Using should be created.


newCaps :: c -> WD CapabilitiesSource

The capabilities to pass to createSession.

Re-exports from Test.Hspec

hspec :: Spec -> IO ()

type Spec = SpecM ()

it :: Example a => String -> a -> Spec

pending :: Expectation

pendingWith :: String -> Expectation

Re-exports from Test.WebDriver

data WD a


Monad WD 
Functor WD 
Applicative WD 
MonadIO WD 
WebDriver WD 
SessionState WD 
MonadCatchIO WD 
MonadBaseControl IO WD 
MonadBase IO WD 

liftIO :: MonadIO m => forall a. IO a -> m a

Lift a computation from the IO monad.