{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

-- | Defines the quality value data type.
module Network.HTTP.Media.Quality
    ( Quality (..)
    , quality
    , QualityOrder
    , qualityOrder
    , maxQuality
    , minQuality
    , mostSpecific
    , showQ
    , readQ
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8           as BS

import           Data.ByteString                 (ByteString)
import           Data.ByteString.UTF8            (toString)
import           Data.Char                       (isDigit)
import           Data.List                       (dropWhileEnd)
import           Data.Maybe                      (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid                     ((<>))
import           Data.Word                       (Word16, Word32)

import           Network.HTTP.Media.Accept       (Accept, moreSpecificThan)
import           Network.HTTP.Media.RenderHeader (RenderHeader (..))

-- | Attaches a quality value to data.
data Quality a = Quality
    { qualityData  :: a
    , qualityValue :: Word16
    } deriving (Eq, Functor, Ord)

instance RenderHeader a => Show (Quality a) where
    show = BS.unpack . renderHeader

instance RenderHeader h => RenderHeader (Quality h) where
    renderHeader (Quality a q) = renderHeader a <> ";q=" <> showQ q

-- | Manually construct a quality value.
quality :: a -> ByteString -> Quality a
quality x q = Quality x $ flip fromMaybe (readQ q) $
    error ("Invalid quality value " ++ toString q)

-- | An opaque ordered representation of quality values without attached data.
newtype QualityOrder = QualityOrder Word16
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | Remove the attached data from a quality value, retaining only the
-- priority of the quality parameter.
qualityOrder :: Quality a -> QualityOrder
qualityOrder = QualityOrder . qualityValue

-- | Attaches the quality value '1'.
maxQuality :: a -> Quality a
maxQuality = flip Quality 1000

-- | Attaches the quality value '0'.
minQuality :: a -> Quality a
minQuality = flip Quality 0

-- | Combines quality values by specificity. Selects the more specific of the
-- two arguments, but if they are the same returns the data of the left
-- argument with the two quality values of both arguments combined.
mostSpecific :: Accept a => Quality a -> Quality a -> Quality a
mostSpecific (Quality a q) (Quality b r)
    | a `moreSpecificThan` b = Quality a q
    | b `moreSpecificThan` a = Quality b r
    | otherwise              = Quality a q'
    q' = fromIntegral (fromIntegral q * fromIntegral r `div` 1000 :: Word32)

-- | Converts the integral value into its standard quality representation.
showQ :: Word16 -> ByteString
showQ 1000 = "1"
showQ 0    = "0"
showQ q    = "0." <> BS.replicate (3 - length s) '0' <> b
    s = show q
    b = BS.pack (dropWhileEnd (== '0') s)

-- | Reads the standard quality representation into an integral value.
readQ :: ByteString -> Maybe Word16
readQ bs
    | BS.null bs = Nothing
    | h == '1'   = read1 t
    | h == '0'   = read0 t
    | otherwise  = Nothing
    h = BS.head bs
    t = BS.tail bs

read1 :: ByteString -> Maybe Word16
read1 bs
    | BS.null bs || h == '.' && BS.length t < 4 && BS.all (== '0') t
                = Just 1000
    | otherwise = Nothing
    h = BS.head bs
    t = BS.tail bs

read0 :: ByteString -> Maybe Word16
read0 bs
    | BS.null bs = Just 0
    | h == '.' && BS.length t < 4 && BS.all isDigit t
                = Just (toWord (t <> BS.replicate (3 - BS.length t) '0'))
    | otherwise = Nothing
    h = BS.head bs
    t = BS.tail bs
    toWord = read . BS.unpack