{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module HaskellWorks.Data.Json.Type
  ( JsonType(..)
  , JsonTypeAt(..)
  ) where

import Data.Char
import Data.Word8
import HaskellWorks.Data.Bits.BitWise
import HaskellWorks.Data.Drop
import HaskellWorks.Data.Json.Succinct.Cursor.Internal
import HaskellWorks.Data.Positioning
import HaskellWorks.Data.RankSelect.Base.Rank0
import HaskellWorks.Data.RankSelect.Base.Rank1
import HaskellWorks.Data.RankSelect.Base.Select1
import Prelude                                         hiding (drop)

import qualified Data.ByteString                  as BS
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.BalancedParens as BP

{-# ANN module ("HLint: Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}

wIsJsonNumberDigit :: Word8 -> Bool
wIsJsonNumberDigit w = (w >= _0 && w <= _9) || w == _hyphen

data JsonType
  = JsonTypeArray
  | JsonTypeBool
  | JsonTypeNull
  | JsonTypeNumber
  | JsonTypeObject
  | JsonTypeString
  deriving (Eq, Show)

class JsonTypeAt a where
  jsonTypeAtPosition :: Position -> a -> Maybe JsonType
  jsonTypeAt :: a -> Maybe JsonType

instance (BP.BalancedParens w, Rank0 w, Rank1 w, Select1 v, TestBit w) => JsonTypeAt (JsonCursor String v w) where
  jsonTypeAtPosition p k = case drop (toCount p) (cursorText k) of
    c:_ | fromIntegral (ord c) == _bracketleft      -> Just JsonTypeArray
    c:_ | fromIntegral (ord c) == _f                -> Just JsonTypeBool
    c:_ | fromIntegral (ord c) == _t                -> Just JsonTypeBool
    c:_ | fromIntegral (ord c) == _n                -> Just JsonTypeNull
    c:_ | wIsJsonNumberDigit (fromIntegral (ord c)) -> Just JsonTypeNumber
    c:_ | fromIntegral (ord c) == _braceleft        -> Just JsonTypeObject
    c:_ | fromIntegral (ord c) == _quotedbl         -> Just JsonTypeString
    _   -> Nothing

  jsonTypeAt k = jsonTypeAtPosition p k
    where p   = lastPositionOf (select1 ik (rank1 bpk (cursorRank k)))
          ik  = interests k
          bpk = balancedParens k

instance (BP.BalancedParens w, Rank0 w, Rank1 w, Select1 v, TestBit w) => JsonTypeAt (JsonCursor BS.ByteString v w) where
  jsonTypeAtPosition p k = case BS.uncons (drop (toCount p) (cursorText k)) of
    Just (c, _) | c == _bracketleft     -> Just JsonTypeArray
    Just (c, _) | c == _f               -> Just JsonTypeBool
    Just (c, _) | c == _t               -> Just JsonTypeBool
    Just (c, _) | c == _n               -> Just JsonTypeNull
    Just (c, _) | wIsJsonNumberDigit c  -> Just JsonTypeNumber
    Just (c, _) | c == _braceleft       -> Just JsonTypeObject
    Just (c, _) | c == _quotedbl        -> Just JsonTypeString
    _           -> Nothing

  jsonTypeAt k = jsonTypeAtPosition p k
    where p   = lastPositionOf (select1 ik (rank1 bpk (cursorRank k)))
          ik  = interests k
          bpk = balancedParens k