{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Kafka.Producer.Callbacks
( deliveryCallback
, module X

import           Control.Monad          (void)
import           Control.Concurrent     (forkIO)
import           Foreign.C.Error        (getErrno)
import           Foreign.Ptr            (Ptr, nullPtr)
import           Foreign.Storable       (Storable(peek))
import           Foreign.StablePtr      (castPtrToStablePtr, deRefStablePtr)
import           Kafka.Callbacks        as X
import           Kafka.Consumer.Types   (Offset(..))
import           Kafka.Internal.RdKafka (RdKafkaMessageT(..), RdKafkaRespErrT(..), rdKafkaConfSetDrMsgCb)
import           Kafka.Internal.Setup   (KafkaConf(..), getRdKafkaConf)
import           Kafka.Internal.Shared  (kafkaRespErr, readTopic, readKey, readPayload)
import           Kafka.Producer.Types   (ProducerRecord(..), DeliveryReport(..), ProducePartition(..))
import           Kafka.Types            (KafkaError(..), TopicName(..))

-- | Sets the callback for delivery reports.
--   /Note: A callback should not be a long-running process as it blocks
--   librdkafka from continuing on the thread that handles the delivery
--   callbacks. For callbacks to individual messsages see
--   'Kafka.Producer.produceMessage\''./
deliveryCallback :: (DeliveryReport -> IO ()) -> KafkaConf -> IO ()
deliveryCallback callback kc = rdKafkaConfSetDrMsgCb (getRdKafkaConf kc) realCb
    realCb :: t -> Ptr RdKafkaMessageT -> IO ()
    realCb _ mptr =
      if mptr == nullPtr
        then getErrno >>= (callback . NoMessageError . kafkaRespErr)
        else do
          s <- peek mptr
          let cbPtr = opaque'RdKafkaMessageT s
          if err'RdKafkaMessageT s /= RdKafkaRespErrNoError
            then mkErrorReport s   >>= callbacks cbPtr
            else mkSuccessReport s >>= callbacks cbPtr

    callbacks cbPtr rep = do
      callback rep
      if cbPtr == nullPtr then
        pure ()
      else do
        msgCb <- deRefStablePtr @(DeliveryReport -> IO ()) $ castPtrToStablePtr $ cbPtr
        -- Here we fork the callback since it might be a longer action and
        -- blocking here would block librdkafka from continuing its execution
        void . forkIO $ msgCb rep

mkErrorReport :: RdKafkaMessageT -> IO DeliveryReport
mkErrorReport msg = do
  prodRec <- mkProdRec msg
  pure $ DeliveryFailure prodRec (KafkaResponseError (err'RdKafkaMessageT msg))

mkSuccessReport :: RdKafkaMessageT -> IO DeliveryReport
mkSuccessReport msg = do
  prodRec <- mkProdRec msg
  pure $ DeliverySuccess prodRec (Offset $ offset'RdKafkaMessageT msg)

mkProdRec :: RdKafkaMessageT -> IO ProducerRecord
mkProdRec msg = do
  topic     <- readTopic msg
  key       <- readKey msg
  payload   <- readPayload msg
  pure ProducerRecord
    { prTopic = TopicName topic
    , prPartition = SpecifiedPartition (partition'RdKafkaMessageT msg)
    , prKey = key
    , prValue = payload