{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}


-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- This module defines extra combinators.



module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Derived

   ( -- * General combinators

     permute, many, many1, replicate, option, try

   , repeat, repeat1, exhaustive

     -- * Process-specific combinators

   , atomic, (<%>), interleave

   , (<@>), (!*>), inits, filterP, hide

   ) where

import Ideas.Common.Classes

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Choice

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Process

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequence

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Symbol

import Prelude hiding (sequence, replicate, repeat)

import qualified Prelude

split :: AtomicSymbol a => (a -> Bool) -> (Process a -> Process a) -> Process a -> Process a

split skipCond cont = rec (0 :: Int)


   rec n = withMenu op empty


      op a = a ~> rest


         next | a == atomicOpen  = n+1

              | a == atomicClose = n-1

              | otherwise        = n

         rest | skipCond a       = rec next

              | next > 0         = rec next

              | otherwise        = cont

-- atomic prefix

(!*>) :: AtomicSymbol a => Process a -> Process a -> Process a

a !*> p = atomicOpen ~> a .*. withMenu op (single atomicClose) p


   op b q

      | b == atomicOpen = q

      | otherwise       = b ~> atomicClose ~> q

filterP :: (a -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process a

filterP cond = fold (\a q -> if cond a then a ~> q else empty) done

hide :: (a -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process a

hide cond = fold (\a q -> if cond a then a ~> q else q) done

atomic :: AtomicSymbol a => Process a -> Process a

atomic p = atomicOpen ~> (p .*. single atomicClose)

interleave :: (AtomicSymbol a, LabelSymbol a) => [Process a] -> Process a

interleave xs = if null xs then done else foldr1 (<%>) xs

-- interleaving

(<%>) :: (AtomicSymbol a, LabelSymbol a) => Process a -> Process a -> Process a

p <%> q =

   bothAreDone p q .|. ((p %>> q) .|. (q %>> p))


   bothAreDone = withMenu stop2 . withMenu stop2 done

   stop2 _ _   = empty

   r %>> s     = split isEnterSymbol (<%> s) r

-- | Allows all permutations of the list

permute :: (Choice a, Sequence a) => [a] -> a

permute as

   | null as   = done

   | otherwise = choice [ s .*. permute ys | (s, ys) <- pickOne as ]


   pickOne :: [a] -> [(a, [a])]

   pickOne []     = []

   pickOne (x:xs) = (x, xs) : [ (y, x:ys) | (y, ys) <- pickOne xs ]

-- Alternate combinator

(<@>) :: AtomicSymbol a => Process a -> Process a -> Process a

p <@> q = bothOk p q .|. (p @>> q)


   bothOk  = withMenu (\_ _ -> empty) done

   r @>> s = split (const False) (s <@>) r

inits :: AtomicSymbol a => Process a -> Process a

inits p = done .|. split (const False) inits p

many :: (Sequence a, Fix a, Choice a) => a -> a

many s = fix $ \x -> done .|. (s .*. x)

many1 :: (Sequence a, Fix a, Choice a) => a -> a

many1 s = s .*. many s

replicate :: Sequence a => Int -> a -> a

replicate n = sequence . Prelude.replicate n

-- | Apply a certain strategy or do nothing (non-greedy)

option :: (Choice a, Sequence a) => a -> a

option s = s .|. done

-- | Apply a certain strategy if this is possible (greedy version of 'option')

try :: (Choice a, Sequence a) => a -> a

try s = s |> done

-- | Repeat a strategy zero or more times (greedy version of 'many')

repeat :: (Sequence a, Fix a, Choice a) => a -> a

repeat s = fix $ \x -> try (s .*. x)

-- | Apply a certain strategy at least once (greedy version of 'many1')

repeat1 :: (Sequence a, Fix a, Choice a) => a -> a

repeat1 s = s .*. repeat s

-- | Apply the strategies from the list exhaustively (until this is no longer possible)

exhaustive :: (Sequence a, Fix a, Choice a) => [a] -> a

exhaustive = repeat . choice
