
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Abstract syntax for feedback scripts, and pretty-printer (Show instance)



module Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Syntax

   ( Script, makeScript, scriptDecls, makeText, textItems

   , Decl(..), DeclType(..), Text(..), Condition(..), includes

   , feedbackDecl, textForIdDecl

   ) where

import Data.Char

import Data.List

import Data.Maybe

import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))

import Data.Semigroup as Sem

import Ideas.Common.Library

import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate

newtype Script = S { scriptDecls :: [Decl] }

makeScript :: [Decl] -> Script

makeScript = S

data Decl

   = NameSpace [Id]

   | Supports  [Id]

   | Include [FilePath]

   | Simple  DeclType [Id] Text

   | Guarded DeclType [Id] [(Condition, Text)]

data DeclType = TextForId | StringDecl | Feedback

data Text

   = TextString String

   | TextTerm   Term

   | TextRef Id

   | TextEmpty

   | Text :<>: Text

data Condition

   = RecognizedIs Id

   | MotivationIs Id

   | CondNot   Condition

   | CondConst Bool

   | CondRef Id

makeText :: String -> Text

makeText s = case words s of

                [] -> TextEmpty

                xs -> TextString (unwords xs)

feedbackDecl, textForIdDecl :: HasId a => a -> Text -> Decl

feedbackDecl  a = Simple Feedback  [getId a]

textForIdDecl a = Simple TextForId [getId a]

includes :: Script -> [FilePath]

includes script = [ file | Include xs <- scriptDecls script, file <- xs ]

instance Show Script where

   show = unlines . map show . scriptDecls

instance Show Decl where

   show decl =

      let idList   = intercalate ", " . map show

          f dt as  = unwords [show dt, idList as]

          g (c, t) = "   | " ++ show c ++ " = " ++ nonEmpty (show t)

          nonEmpty xs = if null xs then "{}" else xs

      in case decl of

            NameSpace as     -> "namespace " ++ idList as

            Supports as      -> "supports "  ++ idList as

            Include xs       -> "include "   ++ intercalate ", " xs

            Simple dt as t   -> f dt as ++ " = " ++ nonEmpty (show t)

            Guarded dt as xs -> unlines (f dt as : map g xs)

instance Show DeclType where

   show TextForId  = "text"

   show StringDecl = "string"

   show Feedback   = "feedback"

instance Show Condition where

   show (RecognizedIs a) = "recognize " ++ show a

   show (MotivationIs a) = "motivation " ++ show a

   show (CondNot c)      = "not " ++ show c

   show (CondConst b)    = map toLower (show b)

   show (CondRef a)      = '@' : show a

instance Show Text where

   show (TextString s) = s

   show (TextTerm a)   = show a

   show TextEmpty      = ""

   show t@(_ :<>: _)   = show [t]

   show (TextRef a)    = '@' : show a

   showList xs ys =

      foldr (combine . show) ys (concatMap textItems xs)

instance Sem.Semigroup Script where

   s <> t = makeScript (scriptDecls s ++ scriptDecls t)

instance Monoid Script where

   mempty  = makeScript []

   mappend = (<>)

instance Sem.Semigroup Text where

   (<>) = (:<>:)

instance Monoid Text where

   mempty  = TextEmpty

   mappend = (<>)

instance Uniplate Condition where

   uniplate (CondNot a) = plate CondNot |* a

   uniplate c           = plate c

instance Uniplate Text where

   uniplate (a :<>: b) = plate (:<>:) |* a |* b

   uniplate t          = plate t

textItems :: Text -> [Text]

textItems t = rec t []


   rec (a :<>: b) = rec a . rec b

   rec TextEmpty  = id

   rec a          = (a:)

-- Combine two strings by inserting a space in between (unless one of the

-- strings is empty, or when the second string starts with an interpunction

-- symbol).

combine :: String -> String -> String

combine a b

   | null a    = b

   | null b    = a

   | maybe False special (listToMaybe b) = a ++ b

   | otherwise = a ++ " " ++ b


    special = (`elem` ".,:;?!")