
-- Copyright 2019, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)



module Domain.Logic.Views
   ( (.<->.), (.->.), (.&&.), (.||.)
   , simplify, pushNot, pushNotWith
   , orView, andView
   ) where

import Domain.Algebra.SmartGroup
import Domain.Logic.Formula
import Ideas.Common.Id
import Ideas.Common.View hiding (simplify)


-- Smart constructors

infixr 2 .<->.
infixr 3 .->.

(.<->.) :: Logic a -> Logic a -> Logic a
T .<->. q = q
F .<->. q = nott q
p .<->. T = p
p .<->. F = nott p
p .<->. q = p :<->: q

(.->.) :: Logic a -> Logic a -> Logic a
T .->. q = q
F .->. _ = T
_ .->. T = T
p .->. F = nott p
p .->. q = p :->: q

{- (.||.) :: Logic a -> Logic a -> Logic a
T .||. _ = T
F .||. q = q
_ .||. T = T
p .||. F = p
p .||. q = p :||: q

(.&&.) :: Logic a -> Logic a -> Logic a
T .&&. q = q
F .&&. _ = F
p .&&. T = p
_ .&&. F = F
p .&&. q = p :&&: q -}

nott :: Logic a -> Logic a
nott (Not p) = p
nott p       = Not p


-- Views and transformations

simplify :: Logic a -> Logic a
simplify = foldLogic (Var, (.->.), (.<->.), (.&&.), (.||.), nott, T, F)

pushNotWith :: (a -> Logic a) -> Logic a -> Logic a
pushNotWith f = foldLogic (Var, (.->.), (.<->.), (.&&.), (.||.), rec, T, F)
   rec logic =
      case logic of
         Not p :<->: q -> p     .<->. q
         p :<->: Not q -> p     .<->. q
         p :<->: q     -> rec p .<->. q
         p :->:  q     -> p     .&&.  rec q
         p :||:  q     -> rec p .&&.  rec q
         p :&&:  q     -> rec p .||.  rec q
         Not p         -> p
         T             -> F
         F             -> T
         Var a         -> f a

pushNot :: Logic a -> Logic a
pushNot = pushNotWith (nott . Var)

orView :: View (Logic a) [a]
orView = "logic.orView" @> makeView (($ []) . f) (foldr ((.||.) . Var) F)
   f (p :||: q) = (>>= f p) .  f q
   f (Var a)    = return . (a:)
   f F          = return
   f _          = const Nothing

andView :: View (Logic a) [a]
andView = "logic.andView" @> makeView (($ []) . f) (foldr ((.&&.) . Var) T)
   f (p :&&: q) = (>>= f p) .  f q
   f (Var a)    = return . (a:)
   f T          = return
   f _          = const Nothing