Module      : Idris.Parser.Ops
Description : Parser for operators and fixity declarations.

License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : The Idris Community.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
             MultiParamTypeClasses, PatternGuards #-}
module Idris.Parser.Ops where

import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Parser.Helpers

import Prelude hiding (pi)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr as P
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList)
import Text.Megaparsec ((<?>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P

-- | Creates table for fixity declarations to build expression parser
-- using pre-build and user-defined operator/fixity declarations
table :: [FixDecl] -> [[P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm]]
table fixes
   = [[prefix "-" negateExpr]] ++
      toTable (reverse fixes) ++
      [binary "$" P.InfixR $ \fc _ x y -> flatten $ PApp fc x [pexp y]],
      [binary "=" P.InfixL $ \fc _ x y -> PApp fc (PRef fc [fc] eqTy) [pexp x, pexp y]],

    negateExpr                               :: FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
    negateExpr _  (PConstant fc (I int))     = PConstant fc $ I $ negate int
    negateExpr _  (PConstant fc (BI bigInt)) = PConstant fc $ BI $ negate bigInt
    negateExpr _  (PConstant fc (Fl dbl))    = PConstant fc $ Fl $ negate dbl
    negateExpr _  (PConstSugar fc term)      = negateExpr fc term
    negateExpr fc (PAlternative ns tp terms) = PAlternative ns tp $ map (negateExpr fc) terms
    negateExpr fc x                          = PApp fc (PRef fc [fc] (sUN "negate")) [pexp x]

    flatten                            :: PTerm -> PTerm -- flatten application
    flatten (PApp fc (PApp _ f as) bs) = flatten (PApp fc f (as ++ bs))
    flatten t                          = t

    noFixityBacktickOperator :: P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm
    noFixityBacktickOperator = P.InfixN $ do
                                 (n, fc) <- withExtent backtickOperator
                                 return $ \x y -> PApp fc (PRef fc [fc] n) [pexp x, pexp y]

    -- | Operator without fixity (throws an error)
    noFixityOperator :: P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm
    noFixityOperator = P.InfixN $ do
                         op <- P.try symbolicOperator
                         P.unexpected . P.Label . fromList $ "Operator without known fixity: " ++ op

    -- | Calculates table for fixity declarations
    toTable    :: [FixDecl] -> [[P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm]]
    toTable fs = map (map toBin) (groupBy (\ (Fix x _) (Fix y _) -> prec x == prec y) fs)

    toBin (Fix (PrefixN _) op) = prefix op $ \fc x ->
                                   PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN op)) [pexp x]
    toBin (Fix f op)           = binary op (assoc f) $ \fc n x y ->
                                   PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) [pexp x,pexp y]

    assoc (Infixl _) = P.InfixL
    assoc (Infixr _) = P.InfixR
    assoc (InfixN _) = P.InfixN

    isBacktick         :: String -> Bool
    isBacktick (c : _) = c == '_' || isAlpha c
    isBacktick _       = False

    binary :: String -> (IdrisParser (PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm) -> P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm) -> (FC -> Name -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm) -> P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm
    binary name ctor f
      | isBacktick name = ctor $ P.try $ do
                            (n, fc) <- withExtent backtickOperator
                            guard $ show (nsroot n) == name
                            return $ f fc n
      | otherwise       = ctor $ do
                            fc <- extent $ reservedOp name
                            return $ f fc (sUN name)

    prefix :: String -> (FC -> PTerm -> PTerm) -> P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm
    prefix name f = P.Prefix $ do
                      fc <- extent $ reservedOp name
                      return (f fc)

{- | Parses a function used as an operator -- enclosed in backticks

  BacktickOperator ::=
    '`' Name '`'
backtickOperator :: (Parsing m, MonadState IState m) => m Name
backtickOperator = P.between (indentGt *> lchar '`') (indentGt *> lchar '`') name

{- | Parses an operator name (either a symbolic name or a backtick-quoted name)

  OperatorName ::=
    | BacktickOperator
operatorName :: (Parsing m, MonadState IState m) => m Name
operatorName =     sUN <$> symbolicOperator
               <|> backtickOperator

{- | Parses an operator in function position i.e. enclosed by `()', with an
 optional namespace

  OperatorFront ::=
    '(' '=' ')'
    | (Identifier_t '.')? '(' Operator_t ')'

operatorFront :: Parsing m => m Name
operatorFront = do     P.try $ lchar '(' *> (eqTy <$ reservedOp "=") <* lchar ')'
                   <|> maybeWithNS (lchar '(' *> symbolicOperator <* lchar ')') []

{- | Parses a function (either normal name or operator)

  FnName ::= Name | OperatorFront;
fnName :: (Parsing m, MonadState IState m) => m Name
fnName = P.try operatorFront <|> name <?> "function name"

{- | Parses a fixity declaration
Fixity ::=
  FixityType Natural_t OperatorList Terminator
fixity :: IdrisParser PDecl
fixity = do ((f, i, ops), fc) <- withExtent $ do
                f <- fixityType; i <- natural
                ops <- P.sepBy1 (show . nsroot <$> operatorName) (lchar ',')
                return (f, i, ops)
            let prec = fromInteger i
            istate <- get
            let infixes = idris_infixes istate
            let fs      = map (Fix (f prec)) ops
            let redecls = map (alreadyDeclared infixes) fs
            let ill     = filter (not . checkValidity) redecls
            if null ill
               then do put (istate { idris_infixes = nub $ sort (fs ++ infixes)
                                     , ibc_write     = map IBCFix fs ++ ibc_write istate
                       return (PFix fc (f prec) ops)
               else fail $ concatMap (\(f, (x:xs)) -> "Illegal redeclaration of fixity:\n\t\""
                                                ++ show f ++ "\" overrides \"" ++ show x ++ "\"") ill
         <?> "fixity declaration"
    alreadyDeclared :: [FixDecl] -> FixDecl -> (FixDecl, [FixDecl])
    alreadyDeclared fs f = (f, filter ((extractName f ==) . extractName) fs)

    checkValidity :: (FixDecl, [FixDecl]) -> Bool
    checkValidity (f, fs) = all (== f) fs

    extractName :: FixDecl -> String
    extractName (Fix _ n) = n

-- | Check that a declaration of an operator also has fixity declared
checkDeclFixity :: IdrisParser PDecl -> IdrisParser PDecl
checkDeclFixity p = do decl <- p
                       case getDeclName decl of
                         Nothing -> return decl
                         Just n -> do checkNameFixity n
                                      return decl
  where getDeclName (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ )                = Just n
        getDeclName (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PDatadecl n _ _ _)) = Just n
        getDeclName _ = Nothing

-- | Checks that an operator name also has a fixity declaration
checkNameFixity :: Name -> IdrisParser ()
checkNameFixity n = do fOk <- fixityOk n
                       unless fOk . fail $
                         "Missing fixity declaration for " ++ show n
      where fixityOk (NS n' _) = fixityOk n'
            fixityOk (UN n') | all (flip elem opChars) (str n') =
                                 do fixities <- fmap idris_infixes get
                                    return . elem (str n') . map (\ (Fix _ op) -> op) $ fixities
                             | otherwise = return True
            fixityOk _ = return True

{- | Parses a fixity declaration type (i.e. infix or prefix, associtavity)
    FixityType ::=
      | 'infixr'
      | 'infix'
      | 'prefix'
fixityType :: IdrisParser (Int -> Fixity)
fixityType = do reserved "infixl"; return Infixl
         <|> do reserved "infixr"; return Infixr
         <|> do reserved "infix";  return InfixN
         <|> do reserved "prefix"; return PrefixN
         <?> "fixity type"

opChars :: String
opChars = ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"

operatorLetter :: Parsing m => m Char
operatorLetter = P.oneOf opChars

commentMarkers :: [String]
commentMarkers = [ "--", "|||" ]

invalidOperators :: [String]
invalidOperators = [":", "=>", "->", "<-", "=", "?=", "|", "**", "==>", "\\", "%", "~", "?", "!", "@"]

-- | Parses an operator
symbolicOperator :: Parsing m => m String
symbolicOperator = do op <- token . some $ operatorLetter
                      when (op `elem` (invalidOperators ++ commentMarkers)) $
                           fail $ op ++ " is not a valid operator"
                      return op

-- Taken from Parsec (c) Daan Leijen 1999-2001, (c) Paolo Martini 2007
-- | Parses a reserved operator
reservedOp :: Parsing m => String -> m ()
reservedOp name = token $ P.try $
  do string name
     P.notFollowedBy operatorLetter <?> ("end of " ++ show name)