{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}

-- | This module contains functions for parsing /Haskell/ modules also
-- dealing with @-XCPP@ extension in files.

module Importify.Preprocessor
       ( parseModuleWithPreprocessor
       ) where

import Universum

import Language.Haskell.Exts (Extension, Module, ModulePragma (OptionsPragma),
                              ParseMode (extensions), SrcSpanInfo, Tool (GHC), defaultParseMode,
import Language.Haskell.Exts.CPP (CpphsOptions (includes), defaultCpphsOptions,
import Path (Abs, File, Path, fromAbsFile, (-<.>))
import Path.IO (removeFile)

import Importify.ParseException (ModuleParseException (MPE), eitherParseResult)
import Importify.Syntax (modulePragmas)

import qualified Autoexporter (mainWithArgs)

-- | Parse module after preproccessing this module with possibly
-- custom preprocessor. It first calls parsing with CPP, then reads
-- @OPTIONS_GHC@ to handle custom preprocessors. Now only @autoexporter@
-- supported among all custom preprocessors.
    :: [Extension]    -- ^ List of extensions from .cabal file
    -> [FilePath]     -- ^ Filenames of .h files to include
    -> Path Abs File  -- ^ Path to module
    -> IO $ Either ModuleParseException $ Module SrcSpanInfo
parseModuleWithPreprocessor extensions includeFiles pathToModule =
    join (errorForcer <$> parseModuleAfterCPP extensions includeFiles pathToModule)
    (fmap Left . cppHandler) >>= \case
      err@(Left _exception)    -> return err
      mdl@(Right parsedModule) -> case autoexportedArgs parsedModule of
        Nothing       -> return mdl
        Just autoArgs -> do
          let modulePath       = fromAbsFile pathToModule
          outputFilePath      <- pathToModule -<.> ".auto"
          let preprocessorArgs = [modulePath, modulePath, fromAbsFile outputFilePath]
          Autoexporter.mainWithArgs (preprocessorArgs ++ autoArgs)
          parseModuleAfterCPP extensions includeFiles outputFilePath
            <* removeFile outputFilePath
    -- This forcer is used because without it @cppHandler@ below doesn't catch exception.
    errorForcer res = evaluateWHNF (show res :: String) >> return res
    {- [IMRF-91]: This exception handler was introduced because
                  of error in filelock- package:

       importify: #error No backend is available
       in /home/fenx/programming/haskell/serokell/importify/.importify
          /filelock-  at line 44 col 1
       CallStack (from HasCallStack):
         error, called at ./Language/Preprocessor/Cpphs/CppIfdef.hs:113:21 in
    cppHandler :: SomeException -> IO ModuleParseException
    cppHandler = return . MPE noLoc . show

-- | Parse 'Module' by given 'Path' with given 'Extension's converting
-- parser errors into human readable text. Some additional handling is
-- required because @haskell-src-exts@ can't handle @-XCPP@.
parseModuleAfterCPP :: [Extension]    -- ^ List of extensions from .cabal file
                    -> [FilePath]     -- ^ Filenames of .h files to include
                    -> Path Abs File  -- ^ Path to module
                    -> IO $ Either ModuleParseException $ Module SrcSpanInfo
parseModuleAfterCPP cabalExtensions includeFiles pathToModule =
     second fst . eitherParseResult
 <$> parseFileWithCommentsAndCPP (defaultCpphsOptions {includes = includeFiles})
                                 (defaultParseMode {extensions = cabalExtensions})
                                 (fromAbsFile pathToModule)

autoexportedArgs :: forall l. Module l -> Maybe [String]
autoexportedArgs = safeHead . mapMaybe autoexporterPragma . modulePragmas
    autoexporterPragma :: ModulePragma l -> Maybe [String]
    autoexporterPragma pragma = do
      OptionsPragma _ tool args <- Just pragma
      GHC <- tool
      "-F":"-pgmF":"autoexporter":autoArgs <- Just $ words $ toText args
      pure $ map toString autoArgs