{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall  #-}
module Text.Parsec.Indentation (module Text.Parsec.Indentation, I.IndentationRel(..), Indentation, infIndentation) where

-- Implements "Indentation Senstivie Parising: Landin Revisited"
-- Primary functions are:
--  - 'localIndent':
--  - 'absoluteIndent':
--  - 'localTokenMode':
-- Primary driver functions are:
--  - TODO

-- TODO:
--   Grace style indentation stream

import Control.Monad
--import Text.Parsec.Prim
import Text.Parsec.Prim (ParsecT, mkPT, runParsecT,
                         Stream(..), Consumed(..), Reply(..),
                         State(..), getInput, setInput)
import Text.Parsec.Error (Message (Message), addErrorMessage)
import Text.Parser.Indentation.Implementation as I

-- Indentable Stream

data IndentStream s = IndentStream { indentationState :: !IndentationState, tokenStream :: !s } deriving (Show)
--data IndentationToken t = IndentationToken !t | InvalidIndentation String
type IndentationToken t = t

{-# INLINE mkIndentStream #-}
mkIndentStream :: Indentation -> Indentation -> Bool -> IndentationRel -> s -> IndentStream s
mkIndentStream lo hi mode rel s = IndentStream (mkIndentationState lo hi mode rel) s

instance (Monad m, Stream s m (t, Indentation)) => Stream (IndentStream s) m (IndentationToken t) where
  uncons (IndentStream is s) = do
    x <- uncons s
    case x of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just ((t, i), s') -> return $ updateIndentation is i ok err where
        ok is' = Just ({-IndentationToken-} t, IndentStream is' s')
        err _ = Nothing --(InvalidIndentation msg, IndentStream is s)
        -- HACK: Sigh! We have no way to properly signal the
        -- sort of failure that occurs here.  We would do 'fail
        -- "Invalid indentation.  "++msg', but that triggers a
        -- non-backtracking error.  'return Nothing' will make
        -- Parsec think the stream is empty (which is wrong),
        -- but at least it is a backtracking error.  The
        -- fundamental problem is that 'm' *not* ParsecT (where
        -- we could signal a parsing error) but is whatever
        -- monad 'm' happens to be the argument to ParsecT.

{-# INLINE localState #-}
localState :: (Monad m) => LocalState (ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a)
localState pre post m = do
  IndentStream is s <- getInput
  setInput (IndentStream (pre is) s)
  x <- m
  IndentStream is' s' <- getInput
  setInput (IndentStream (post is is') s')
  return x

{-# INLINE localStateUnlessAbsMode #-}
localStateUnlessAbsMode :: (Monad m) => LocalState (ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a)
localStateUnlessAbsMode pre post m = do
  a <- liftM (indentationStateAbsMode . indentationState) getInput
  if a then m else localState pre post m

-- Operations

{-# INLINE localTokenMode #-}
localTokenMode :: (Monad m) => (IndentationRel -> IndentationRel) -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a
localTokenMode = I.localTokenMode localState

{-# INLINE localIndentation #-}
localIndentation :: (Monad m) => IndentationRel -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a
localIndentation = I.localIndentation localStateUnlessAbsMode

{-# INLINE absoluteIndentation #-}
absoluteIndentation :: (Monad m) => ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a
absoluteIndentation = I.absoluteIndentation localState
--  post _  i2 = when (absMode i2) (fail "absoluteIndent: no tokens consumed") >>

{-# INLINE ignoreAbsoluteIndentation #-}
ignoreAbsoluteIndentation :: (Monad m) => ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a
ignoreAbsoluteIndentation = I.ignoreAbsoluteIndentation localState

{-# INLINE localAbsoluteIndentation #-}
localAbsoluteIndentation :: (Monad m) => ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a
localAbsoluteIndentation = I.localAbsoluteIndentation localState

-- Indent Stream Impls

streamToList :: (Monad m, Stream s m t) => s -> m [t]
streamToList s = do
  x <- uncons s
  case x of
    Nothing -> return []
    Just (c, s') -> do s'' <- streamToList s'
                       return (c : s'')

-- SourcePos

mkSourcePosIndentStream s = SourcePosIndentStream s
newtype SourcePosIndentStream s = SourcePosIndentStream s
instance (Stream s m t) => Stream (SourcePosIndentStream s) m (Indent, t) where
  uncons (SourcePosIndentStream s) = do
    col <- liftM sourceColumn $ getPosition
    x <- uncons s
    case x of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just x -> return (Just ((col, x), SourcePosIndentStream s))

-- TODO: parser based on first non-whitespace char

-- First token of line indents

-- Based on Indents

-- Note that if 'p' consumes input but is at the wrong indentation, then
-- 'indentStreamParser p' signals an error but does *not* consume input.
-- This allows Parsec primitives like 'string' to be properly backtracked.
{-# INLINE indentStreamParser #-}
indentStreamParser :: (Monad m) => ParsecT s u m (t, Indentation) -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m (IndentationToken t)
indentStreamParser p = mkPT $ \state ->
  let IndentStream is s = stateInput state
      go f (Ok (a, i) state' e) = updateIndentation is i ok err where
        ok is' = return $ f $ return (Ok ({-IndentationToken-} a) (state' {stateInput = IndentStream is' (stateInput state') }) e)
        err msg = return $ Empty $ return $ Error (Message ("Invalid indentation.  "++msg++show ((stateInput state) { tokenStream = ""})) `addErrorMessage` e)
      go f (Error e) = return $ f $ return (Error e)
  in runParsecT p (state { stateInput = s }) >>= consumed (go Consumed) (go Empty)

{-# INLINE consumed #-}
consumed :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> (a -> m b) -> Consumed (m a) -> m b
consumed c _ (Consumed m) = m >>= c
consumed _ e (Empty m)    = m >>= e

-- lifting operator
-- token, tokens, tokenPrim, tokenPrimEx ???
-- whiteSpace
-- ByteString
-- ByteString.Lazy
-- Text

delimitedLayout :: Stream (IndentStream s) m t =>
  ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m open -> Bool ->
  ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m close -> Bool ->
  ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a
delimitedLayout open openAny close closeAny body = between open' close' (localIndent (Const 0) body) where
  open'  | openAny = localIndent (Const 0) open
         | otherwise = open
  close' | closeAny = localIndent (Const 0) close
         | otherwise = close

indentedLayout :: Stream (IndentStream s) m t =>
  (Maybe (ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m sep)) ->
  ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m a -> ParsecT (IndentStream s) u m [a]
indentedLayout (Nothing ) clause = localIndent Gt $ many $ absoluteIndent $ clause
indentedLayout (Just sep) clause = liftM concat $ localIndent Gt $ many $ absoluteIndent $ sepBy1 clause sep

layout p = delimitedLayout (symbol "{") False (symbol "}") True (semiSep p)
       <|> indentedLayout (Just semi) p

identifier pred = liftM fromString $ try $ identifier >>= \x -> guard (pred x) >> return x
operator pred = liftM fromString $ try $ operator >>= \x -> guard (pred x) >> return x

reserved name = (if name `elem` middleKeywords then localFirstTokenMode (const Ge) else id) $ reserved name

Numbers, Integers and Naturals are custom



test :: String
test = foo where
          foo = "abc \
\def" ++ ""

test2 :: Int
test2 = foo where
          foo = let { x = 1;
 } in x

--- All code indented?
  foo = 3
  bar = 4