interpolatedstring-perl6-0.3: QuasiQuoter for Perl6-style multi-line interpolated strings with "q", "qq" and "qc" support.Source codeContentsIndex

QuasiQuoter for interpolated strings using Perl 6 syntax.

The q form does one thin and does it well: It contains a multi-line string with no interpolation at all:

 import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (q)
 foo :: String
 foo = [$q|

Well here is a
     multi-line string!


The qc form interpolates curly braces: Expressions inside {} will be directly interpolated if it's a String, or have show called if it is not.

Escapin of '{' is done with backslash.

For interpolatin numeric expressions without an explicit type signature, use the ExtendedDefaultRules lanuage pragma, as shown below:

 import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (qc)
 bar :: String
 bar = [$qc| Well {"hello" ++ " there"} {6 * 7} |]

bar will have the value " Well hello there 42 ".

If you want control over how show works on your types, define a custom ShowQ instance:

 import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (qc, ShowQ(..))
 instance ShowQ ByteString where
     showQ = unpack

That way you interpolate bytestrings will not result in double quotes or character escapes.

The qq form adds to the qc form with a simple shorthand: '$foo' means '{foo}', namely interpolating a single variable into the string.

 import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (qq)
 baz :: String
 baz = [$qc| Hello, $who |]
     who = World
qq :: QuasiQuoter
qc :: QuasiQuoter
q :: QuasiQuoter
class ShowQ a where
showQ :: a -> String
qq :: QuasiQuoterSource
QuasiQuoter for interpolating '$var' and '{expr}' into a string literal. The pattern portion is undefined.
qc :: QuasiQuoterSource
QuasiQuoter for interpolating '{expr}' into a string literal. The pattern portion is undefined.
q :: QuasiQuoterSource
QuasiQuoter for a non-interpolating string literal. The pattern portion is undefined.
class ShowQ a whereSource
showQ :: a -> StringSource
show/hide Instances
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