{- |
Interpolation basis functions using all given nodes.
The represented functions are equivalent to the ones from
but less efficient for evaluation.
module Numeric.Interpolation.Basis.Full (linear, hermite1) where

import qualified Numeric.Interpolation.NodeList as Nodes

import qualified Data.List.Match as Match

generic :: ny -> ny -> [x] -> [Nodes.T x ny]
generic nz ny xs =
   map (Nodes.fromList . zip xs) $
   Match.take xs $ iterate (nz:) $ ny : repeat nz

linear :: (Num b) => [a] -> [Nodes.T a b]
linear = generic 0 1

hermite1 :: (Num b) => [a] -> [Nodes.T a (b, b)]
hermite1 xs =
   generic (0,0) (1,0) xs
   generic (0,0) (0,1) xs