ismtp-3.0.1: Advanced ESMTP library

MaintainerErtugrul Soeylemez <>




This package provides a monad transformer for fast, incremental ESMTP sessions, with which you can, among other things, send emails. Here is an example session:

 import Network.Smtp

 mailSession ::
     MonadIO m =>
     ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> MailT r m ()
 mailSession srcDomain fromAddr toAddr content = do
     hello srcDomain
     mailFrom fromAddr
     rcptTo toAddr
     mailDataStr content

The r type parameter is related to contstuff's StateT monad transformer, which is used internally. If you don't know what to do, just leave it fully polymorphic like in the example above. You only need to care about r, if you want to make use of the CPS features of StateT.

The simplest interfaces to running SMTP sessions are withSmtpConn and withMxConn. The latter does a DNS lookup for the given domain to discover the MX server and connect to it. The former simply connects to the given hostname and port.

If you need more control over the connection handles and other parameters like timeout and flood protection, you may want to use sendMail or sendMail_ instead. Those functions are also useful, if you want to run an SMTP session using stdin and stdout for testing and other purposes.

Finally you can use the low level interface for running sessions. See the runMailT function along with enumHandleTimeout. This way you get the full power of iteratees. For example you can run the session through a custom enumeratee, which enables you to wrap the session in another protocol (e.g. proxy servers or SSL). This is not possible with the higher level functions.

