iteratee-0.2.3: Iteratee-based I/OSource codeContentsIndex
Iteratee Combinators
Error handling
Basic Iteratees
Nested iteratee combinators
Monadic and General Iteratees: incremental input parsers, processors and transformers
data ErrMsg
= Err String
| Seek FileOffset
data StreamG c el
= EOF (Maybe ErrMsg)
| Chunk (c el)
data IterGV c el m a
= Done a (StreamG c el)
| Cont (IterateeG c el m a) (Maybe ErrMsg)
newtype IterateeG c el m a = IterateeG {
runIter :: StreamG c el -> m (IterGV c el m a)
type EnumeratorN s_outer el_outer s_inner el_inner m a = IterateeG s_inner el_inner m a -> IterateeG s_outer el_outer m (IterateeG s_inner el_inner m a)
type EnumeratorGM s el m a = IterateeG s el m a -> m (IterateeG s el m a)
type EnumeratorGMM sfrom elfrom sto elto m a = IterateeG sto elto m a -> m (IterateeG sfrom elfrom m a)
joinI :: (StreamChunk s el, StreamChunk s' el', Monad m) => IterateeG s el m (IterateeG s' el' m a) -> IterateeG s el m a
liftI :: (Monad m, StreamChunk s el) => IterGV s el m a -> IterateeG s el m a
isFinished :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m (Maybe ErrMsg)
run :: (Monad m, StreamChunk s el) => IterateeG s el m a -> m a
joinIM :: Monad m => m (IterateeG s el m a) -> IterateeG s el m a
stream2list :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m [el]
checkIfDone :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => (IterateeG s el m a -> m (IterateeG s el m a)) -> IterGV s el m a -> m (IterateeG s el m a)
setEOF :: StreamG c el -> ErrMsg
throwErr :: Monad m => ErrMsg -> IterateeG s el m a
checkErr :: (Monad m, StreamChunk s el) => IterateeG s el m a -> IterateeG s el m (Either ErrMsg a)
break :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => (el -> Bool) -> IterateeG s el m (s el)
drop :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => Int -> IterateeG s el m ()
identity :: Monad m => IterateeG s el m ()
head :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m el
heads :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m, Eq el) => s el -> IterateeG s el m Int
peek :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m (Maybe el)
skipToEof :: Monad m => IterateeG s el m ()
length :: (Num a, ListLike (s el) el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m a
take :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => Int -> EnumeratorN s el s el m a
takeR :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => Int -> IterateeG s el m a -> IterateeG s el m (IterateeG s el m a)
mapStream :: (StreamChunk s el, StreamChunk s el', Monad m) => (el -> el') -> EnumeratorN s el s el' m a
convStream :: Monad m => IterateeG s el m (Maybe (s' el')) -> EnumeratorN s el s' el' m a
filter :: (ListLike (s el) el, Monad m) => (el -> Bool) -> EnumeratorN s el s el m a
foldl :: (ListLike (s el) el, FoldableLL (s el) el, Monad m) => (a -> el -> a) -> a -> IterateeG s el m a
foldl' :: (ListLike (s el) el, FoldableLL (s el) el, Monad m) => (a -> el -> a) -> a -> IterateeG s el m a
foldl1 :: (ListLike (s el) el, FoldableLL (s el) el, Monad m) => (el -> el -> el) -> IterateeG s el m el
enumEof :: Monad m => EnumeratorGM s el m a
enumErr :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => String -> EnumeratorGM s el m a
(>.) :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => EnumeratorGM s el m a -> EnumeratorGM s el m a -> EnumeratorGM s el m a
enumPure1Chunk :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => s el -> EnumeratorGM s el m a
enumPureNChunk :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => s el -> Int -> EnumeratorGM s el m a
seek :: Monad m => FileOffset -> IterateeG s el m ()
type FileOffset = COff
data ErrMsg Source
Err String
Seek FileOffset
show/hide Instances
data StreamG c el Source
A stream is a (continuing) sequence of elements bundled in Chunks. The first two variants indicate termination of the stream. Chunk a gives the currently available part of the stream. The stream is not terminated yet. The case (null Chunk) signifies a stream with no currently available data but which is still continuing. A stream processor should, informally speaking, ``suspend itself'' and wait for more data to arrive.
EOF (Maybe ErrMsg)
Chunk (c el)
show/hide Instances
Functor c => Functor (StreamG c)
Eq (c el) => Eq (StreamG c el)
Show (c el) => Show (StreamG c el)
Monoid (c el) => Monoid (StreamG c el)
data IterGV c el m a Source
Iteratee -- a generic stream processor, what is being folded over a stream When Iteratee is in the done state, it contains the computed result and the remaining part of the stream. In the cont state, the iteratee has not finished the computation and needs more input. We assume that all iteratees are good -- given bounded input, they do the bounded amount of computation and take the bounded amount of resources. The monad m describes the sort of computations done by the iteratee as it processes the stream. The monad m could be the identity monad (for pure computations) or the IO monad (to let the iteratee store the stream processing results as they are computed). We also assume that given a terminated stream, an iteratee moves to the done state, so the results computed so far could be returned.
Done a (StreamG c el)
Cont (IterateeG c el m a) (Maybe ErrMsg)
show/hide Instances
(Show (c el), Show a) => Show (IterGV c el m a)
newtype IterateeG c el m a Source
runIter :: StreamG c el -> m (IterGV c el m a)
show/hide Instances
MonadTrans (IterateeG s el)
Monad m => Monad (IterateeG s el m)
(Monad m, Functor m) => Functor (IterateeG s el m)
(Monad m, Functor m) => Applicative (IterateeG s el m)
MonadIO m => MonadIO (IterateeG s el m)
type EnumeratorN s_outer el_outer s_inner el_inner m a = IterateeG s_inner el_inner m a -> IterateeG s_outer el_outer m (IterateeG s_inner el_inner m a)Source
The type of the converter from the stream with elements el_outer to the stream with element el_inner. The result is the iteratee for the outer stream that uses an `IterateeG el_inner m a' to process the embedded, inner stream as it reads the outer stream.
type EnumeratorGM s el m a = IterateeG s el m a -> m (IterateeG s el m a)Source
Each enumerator takes an iteratee and returns an iteratee an Enumerator is an iteratee transformer. The enumerator normally stops when the stream is terminated or when the iteratee moves to the done state, whichever comes first. When to stop is of course up to the enumerator...
type EnumeratorGMM sfrom elfrom sto elto m a = IterateeG sto elto m a -> m (IterateeG sfrom elfrom m a)Source
More general enumerator type: enumerator that maps streams (not necessarily in lock-step). This is a flattened (`joinI-ed') EnumeratorN sfrom elfrom sto elto m a
Iteratee Combinators
joinI :: (StreamChunk s el, StreamChunk s' el', Monad m) => IterateeG s el m (IterateeG s' el' m a) -> IterateeG s el m aSource
The following is a variant of join in the IterateeGM s el m monad When el' is the same as el, the type of joinI is indeed that of true monadic join. However, joinI is subtly different: since generally el' is different from el, it makes no sense to continue using the internal, IterateeG el' m a: we no longer have elements of the type el' to feed to that iteratee. We thus send EOF to the internal Iteratee and propagate its result. This join function is useful when dealing with `derived iteratees' for embedded/nested streams. In particular, joinI is useful to process the result of take, mapStream, or convStream below.
liftI :: (Monad m, StreamChunk s el) => IterGV s el m a -> IterateeG s el m aSource
Lift an IterGV result into an IterateeG
isFinished :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m (Maybe ErrMsg)Source
Check if a stream has finished (EOF).
run :: (Monad m, StreamChunk s el) => IterateeG s el m a -> m aSource
Run an IterateeG and get the result. An EOF is sent to the iteratee as it is run.
joinIM :: Monad m => m (IterateeG s el m a) -> IterateeG s el m aSource
A variant of join for Iteratees in a monad.
stream2list :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m [el]Source
Read a stream to the end and return all of its elements as a list
checkIfDone :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => (IterateeG s el m a -> m (IterateeG s el m a)) -> IterGV s el m a -> m (IterateeG s el m a)Source
If the iteratee (IterGV) has finished, return its value. If it has not finished then apply it to the given EnumeratorGM. If in error, throw the error.
Error handling
setEOF :: StreamG c el -> ErrMsgSource
Produce the EOF error message. If the stream was terminated because of an error, keep the original error message.
throwErr :: Monad m => ErrMsg -> IterateeG s el m aSource
Report and propagate an error. Disregard the input first and then propagate the error.
checkErr :: (Monad m, StreamChunk s el) => IterateeG s el m a -> IterateeG s el m (Either ErrMsg a)Source
Check if an iteratee produces an error. Returns 'Right a' if it completes without errors, otherwise 'Left ErrMsg' checkErr is useful for iteratees that may not terminate, such as head with an empty stream. In particular, it enables them to be used with convStream.
Basic Iteratees
break :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => (el -> Bool) -> IterateeG s el m (s el)Source
The analogue of List.break It takes an element predicate and returns the (possibly empty) prefix of the stream. None of the characters in the string satisfy the character predicate. If the stream is not terminated, the first character on the stream satisfies the predicate.
drop :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => Int -> IterateeG s el m ()Source
Skip n elements of the stream, if there are that many This is the analogue of List.drop
identity :: Monad m => IterateeG s el m ()Source
The identity iterator. Doesn't do anything.
head :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m elSource
Attempt to read the next element of the stream and return it Raise a (recoverable) error if the stream is terminated
heads :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m, Eq el) => s el -> IterateeG s el m IntSource
Given a sequence of characters, attempt to match them against the characters on the stream. Return the count of how many characters matched. The matched characters are removed from the stream. For example, if the stream contains abd, then (heads abc) will remove the characters ab and return 2.
peek :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m (Maybe el)Source
Look ahead at the next element of the stream, without removing it from the stream. Return (Just c) if successful, return Nothing if the stream is terminated (by EOF or an error)
skipToEof :: Monad m => IterateeG s el m ()Source
Skip the rest of the stream
length :: (Num a, ListLike (s el) el, Monad m) => IterateeG s el m aSource
Return the total length of the stream
Nested iteratee combinators
take :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => Int -> EnumeratorN s el s el m aSource
Read n elements from a stream and apply the given iteratee to the stream of the read elements. Unless the stream is terminated early, we read exactly n elements (even if the iteratee has accepted fewer).
takeR :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => Int -> IterateeG s el m a -> IterateeG s el m (IterateeG s el m a)Source
Read n elements from a stream and apply the given iteratee to the stream of the read elements. If the given iteratee accepted fewer elements, we stop. This is the variation of take with the early termination of processing of the outer stream once the processing of the inner stream finished early.
mapStream :: (StreamChunk s el, StreamChunk s el', Monad m) => (el -> el') -> EnumeratorN s el s el' m aSource
Map the stream: yet another iteratee transformer Given the stream of elements of the type el and the function el->el', build a nested stream of elements of the type el' and apply the given iteratee to it. Note the contravariance
convStream :: Monad m => IterateeG s el m (Maybe (s' el')) -> EnumeratorN s el s' el' m aSource
Convert one stream into another, not necessarily in lockstep The transformer mapStream maps one element of the outer stream to one element of the nested stream. The transformer below is more general: it may take several elements of the outer stream to produce one element of the inner stream, or the other way around. The transformation from one stream to the other is specified as IterateeGM s el m (Maybe (s' el')). The Maybe type is in case of errors (or end of stream).
filter :: (ListLike (s el) el, Monad m) => (el -> Bool) -> EnumeratorN s el s el m aSource
Creates an enumerator with only elements from the stream that satisfy the predicate function.
foldl :: (ListLike (s el) el, FoldableLL (s el) el, Monad m) => (a -> el -> a) -> a -> IterateeG s el m aSource
Left-associative fold.
foldl' :: (ListLike (s el) el, FoldableLL (s el) el, Monad m) => (a -> el -> a) -> a -> IterateeG s el m aSource
Left-associative fold that is strict in the accumulator.
foldl1 :: (ListLike (s el) el, FoldableLL (s el) el, Monad m) => (el -> el -> el) -> IterateeG s el m elSource
Variant of foldl with no base case. Requires at least one element in the stream.
enumEof :: Monad m => EnumeratorGM s el m aSource
The most primitive enumerator: applies the iteratee to the terminated stream. The result is the iteratee usually in the done state.
enumErr :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => String -> EnumeratorGM s el m aSource
Another primitive enumerator: report an error
(>.) :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => EnumeratorGM s el m a -> EnumeratorGM s el m a -> EnumeratorGM s el m aSource
The composition of two enumerators: essentially the functional composition It is convenient to flip the order of the arguments of the composition though: in e1 >. e2, e1 is executed first
enumPure1Chunk :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => s el -> EnumeratorGM s el m aSource
The pure 1-chunk enumerator It passes a given list of elements to the iteratee in one chunk This enumerator does no IO and is useful for testing of base parsing
enumPureNChunk :: (StreamChunk s el, Monad m) => s el -> Int -> EnumeratorGM s el m aSource
The pure n-chunk enumerator It passes a given chunk of elements to the iteratee in n chunks This enumerator does no IO and is useful for testing of base parsing and handling of chunk boundaries
seek :: Monad m => FileOffset -> IterateeG s el m ()Source
Seek to a position in the stream
type FileOffset = COffSource
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